Newsletter No. 381

6 No. 381, 19.8.2011 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 各國青年精英匯聚中大 探討金融風暴後的世界秩序 • Shaw College Hosts Inaugural ‘World Youth Leaders Forum’ 逸 夫書院與馬來西亞國立大學在7月20至22日合辦 首屆「世界青年領袖論壇」,近七十位來自十多個 國家及地區的青年精英雲集逸夫書院,就「重組金融風暴 後的世界秩序」這議題交換意見。 論壇開幕典禮由中大校長沈祖堯教授、論壇籌委會召集人 楊汝萬教授、論壇籌委會顧問兼贊助人林健忠博士、馬來 西亞國立大學校友事務處處長Prof. Dato' Dr. Laily bin Din 教授,以及逸夫書院院長陳志輝教授主持;香港特區 政府財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強教授擔任主講嘉賓,分 享他對中西方經濟體發展的關鍵觀察,以及探討本港經濟 在新經濟秩序下的角色及路向。 論壇的第二、三天則由恆隆集團有限公司董事長陳啟宗先 生和香港大學社會學系呂大樂教授分別就政治及社會層 面作演講。陳先生以其對國際時事的深入了解,分析當今 世界各國之政治新形勢;呂教授則提出現況乃歷史塑造而 成的觀點,引導與會者反思各種社會現象是否合理。 來自全球各地高等學府的青年領袖在論壇上發表論文, 論題包括「信貸評級機構與金融風暴的關係」、「公平貿 易」、「國際貨幣基金組織與世界銀行之改革」等。 本屆「世界青年領袖論壇」是逸夫書院銀禧慶祝活動的壓 軸項目,書院明年將繼續舉辦此論壇,為各地青年領袖提 供平台,就有關全球及各地域性的議題交流。 C o-organized by Shaw College at CUHK and The National University of Malaysia, the inaugural ‘World Youth Leaders Forum’ (WYLF) was held from 20 to 22 July. With the theme ‘Re-shaping the Post-crisis World Order’, WYLF invited almost 70 young leaders from over 10 countries and regions to exchange views. The opening ceremony of the event was officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Yeung Yue-man, convenor of Organizing Committee of WYLF; Dr. Lam Kin-chung, adviser to the Organizing Committee and Patron of WYLF; Prof. Dato’ Dr. Laily bin Din, director, Alumni Relations Office, The National University of Malaysia; and Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, Head of Shaw College. Prof. K.C. Chan, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Hong Kong SAR Government, was invited as the keynote speaker to share his insights into ‘Reshaping the Post-crisis World Order’ from an economic perspective. He offered some key observations on Chinese and Western economic development and his analysis on Hong Kong’s role and direction under the world’s new economic order. The keynote speaker on the second day of forum, Mr. Ronnie Chan, chairman of Hang Lung Group, addressed the theme from a political perspective. With his in-depth understanding of current affairs, Mr. Chan analysed the new global political order, arousing heated discussions among the participating young leaders. Prof. Lui Tai-lok from the Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong, keynote speaker on the last day, led the participants to think about the rationality of certain social phenomena from historical and social perspectives. Young leaders from prestigious tertiary institutions around the world presented their papers on various economic, political and social sub-themes during the three-day forum. Topics included ‘The Relationship Between Financial Crisis and Credit Rating Agencies’, ‘Fair Trade’, and ‘The Reform of International Monetary Fund and World Bank’. The event marked the grand finale of Shaw College’s silver jubilee celebration. Shaw College will hold the second WYLF next year to offer a platform for young leaders worldwide to exchange views on various global and regional topics. 林琿教授獲國內外科研中心委任為委員 • Prof. Lin Hui Appointed Member of National and International Scientific Committees 太 空與地球信息科學研究所(太空所)所 長林琿教授( 右二 )早前獲聯合國教育、 科學及文化組織國際自然與文化遺產空間技術 中心(世界遺產空間中心)委任為首屆科學委員 會委員。該中心利用空間技術開展自然與文化 遺產、自然災害、生物圈保護區及氣候變化等領 域的研究,其科學委員會將參與科學規劃的諮 詢及研究成果的評估工作。  另外,林教授亦獲新成立的中國科學院國家空 間科學中心委任為專家委員會委員。該委員會的 主要職能包括:審議中國空間科學計劃的發展 戰略、方向、目標、技術路線和研究成果等;並 審議空間科學衞星項目的目標和實施方案。 P rof. Lin Hui ( 2nd right ), director of Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, has been appointed a member of the first Scientific Committee of the International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage, an organization of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The committee will take part in the consultation of scientific projects and assessment of research findings of the centre.  Professor Lin has also been appointed a member of the Expert Committee of the National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The committee is responsible for reviewing the development, directions, goals, technicalities, and findings of China’s space programmes; and reviewing the objectives and implementation of satellite programmes.