Newsletter No. 381

No. 381, 19.8.2011 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 優秀學生獲頒獎學金 • CUHK Students Awarded Scholarships 七 名物理系及工程學院本科生,獲頒本年度「高錕教 授科研交流生獎學金」,前赴英美頂尖學府進行 科研交流。 電子工程學三年級生魏瀟瑤到英國倫敦帝國學院展開十周 暑期研習。信息工程學三年級生張穎曉到加州理工學院從 事網絡信息研究。物理系二年級生傅凱駿則於本年1月起 在加州大學柏克萊分校學習。 另外,四名中大生獲頒首屆美亞香港獎學金。該獎學金成 立於2010至11學年,旨在嘉許學業成績卓越的工商管理學 院本科生,以及優秀的本地少數族裔或殘疾學生。得獎的 有主修保險、財務與精算學的陳庭章( 右三 )和鄧嘉淇( 右 二 ),心理學的馬悅君( 前排 ),以及生命科學的譚樂皿( 左 五 ),他們在7月22日偕同家人出席獎學金頒獎禮。 鄧嘉淇於2006年香港中學會考考獲十優佳績,2007年循 「優先錄取計劃」入讀中大。他與陳庭章現為美亞保險香 港有限公司暑期實習生,並計劃於畢業後繼續進修,研究 保險與地理的關係。 馬悅君於2010年香港高級程度會考考獲3A佳績,獲心理 學系錄取。她患有肌肉萎縮症,但積極參與社會服務,並 期望日後能推動有關香港殘疾人士及復康的研究工作。 S even students of the Department of Physics and the Faculty of Engineering were awarded the Professor Charles K. Kao Research Exchange Scholarships this year to go on research exchange at prestigious universities in the UK and the US. Wei Xiaoyao, Year 3 student in electronic engineering, studied at Imperial College London for 10 weeks during this summer. Zhang Yingxiao, Year 3 student in information engineering, went to the Caltech to study network information. Mr. Po Hoi-chun, Year 2 student in physics, has been studying at the University of California, Berkeley, since January this year. On another front, four students won the Chartis Hong Kong Scholarships, which was established in 2010–11 to recognize undergraduates of the Faculty of Business Administration with excellent academic performance, as well as outstanding ethnic minority local students or 香港中文大學─華大基因跨組學創新研究院成立 • CUHK–BGI Innovation Institute of Trans-omics Launched 中 大與深圳華大基因研究院(華 大)在7月18日於中大舉行「香 港中文大學─華大基因跨組學創新 研究院」(創新研究院)成立典禮,由 前深圳市常務副市長劉應力教授( 左 三 )、華大理事長楊煥明院士( 右三 )、 中大校長沈祖堯教授( 中 )、中央人民 政府駐港聯絡辦公室教育科技部副部 長莫錦强先生( 右二 )、深圳市教育局 局長郭雨蓉女士( 左二 )、華大院長汪 建教授( 右一 ),以及創新研究院院長 陳偉儀教授( 左一 )主禮。  基因組科學技術在過去二十年發展迅 速,惟如電腦生物學和生物信息等相 關專才的培訓未能配合。為促進基因 組科學的持續發展,並把研究成果轉化成惠及人群的產 品及服務,中大及華大成立創新研究院,結合雙方的科研 實力,致力培訓基因組學、蛋白質組學、代謝學、臨床遺傳 學、臨床基因組學、電腦生物學及生物信息科學的人才,開 辦該等學科的基礎和碩士、博士等高級課程,並開展研究 項目及共建跨組學聯合實驗室,以滿足人才培訓、學術研 究和生物技術研發的需求。  沈祖堯校長於成立典禮上表示:「創新研究院將為中大和 華大的學者提供合作平台,充分發揮雙方的科研實力,促 進基因組學和蛋白質組學研究在臨床醫學中的應用。」  楊煥明院士表示:「創新研究院的成立,將為全方位培養 跨組學複合型人才創造良好平台。隨着基因測序技術的迅 猛發展,當前正迫切需要具備多種專業知識的跨領域人才 來處理其產生的巨大數據量,並且全方面解讀基因密碼的 奧妙。」  C UHK and BGI jointly established the CUHK– BGI Innovation Institute of Trans-omics (The Innovation Institute). The inauguration ceremony, officiated by Prof. Liu Yingli ( 3rd left ), former Executive Vice-Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal Government; Prof. Yang Huanming ( 3rd right ), chairman and professor, BGI; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( centre ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Mr. Mo Jinqiang ( 2nd right ), deputy director general of the Education, Science and Technology Department of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR; Ms. Guo Yurong ( 2nd left ), director of the Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau; Prof. Wang Jian ( 1st right ), president of BGI; and Prof. Chan Wai-yee ( 1st left ), director of The Innovation Institute, took place on 18 July on CUHK campus.  The unparalleled pace of advancement in genomic science during the last two decades was not complemented by the development of talent in the related fields, e.g., computational biology and bioinformatics. The training of professionals is crucial for the sustainability of the growth and the translation of genomic research outputs into products and services that benefit humankind. Capitalizing on each other’s research strengths in genomic science, CUHK and BGI established the Innovation Institute to focus on the training of individuals in the areas of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, clinical genetics, clinical genomics, computational biology and bioinformatics by developing basic and advanced education programmes, including master’s and doctoral programmes, in relevant fields. The institute will also enhance research collaboration and facilitate establishment of joint laboratories to meet the needs of expert training, academic research and biotechnology development.  Professor Sung said during the inauguration ceremony, ‘The Innovation Institute will provide a platform for collaboration between scholars of CUHK and BGI to fully exploit the strengths in science and technology in the two institutions, advancing the application of genomic and proteomic research in clinical medicine.’ Professor Yang said, ‘The Innovation Institute will provide an excellent platform for the comprehensive training of trans-omics experts. With the rapid development of sequencing technology, multi-disciplinary talent is required to fully decode the miracle behind the genetic code from the enormous data output generated by sequencing.’ physically challenged students. Chan Ting-cheung Alex ( 3rd right ) and Tang Ka-ki Harris ( 2nd right ) majoring in insurance, financial and actuarial analysis, Ma Yuet- kwan Gloria ( front row ) from the Department of Psychology, and Tam Lok-ming Tom ( 5th left ) from the School of Life Sciences have been awarded this year’s scholarships. The four recipients attended the scholarship presentation ceremony on 22 July with their family members. Obtaining 10 As in the HKCEE in 2006, Harris was admitted to CUHK via the Early Admission Scheme in 2007. He and Alex are currently summer interns at Chartis Hong Kong Limited. Upon completion of his undergraduate degree, Harris plans to further his studies to research on the relationship between insurance and geography. Gloria got 3 As in the HKALE in 2010 and was admitted to the Department of Psychology at CUHK. Living with congenital muscular dystrophy, she has actively participated in community services, and aspires to become a researcher who could boost disability and rehabilitation research in Hong Kong.