Newsletter No. 383

P5 「看到學生在點頭,好像很 明白的樣子,我就很開心。 我最喜歡看到學生點頭。」 ‘Whenever I see my students nod in the class, indicating understanding, I am very happy. I like to see them nod.’ 第三八三期 二零一一年九月十九日  No. 383 19 September 2011 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . P4 「中藥和西藥究竟是友是 敵,就像一幅有十萬碎塊的大 拼圖……」 ‘Are Chinese herbs and Western medicine friends or foes? This question is a jigsaw puzzle with a hundred thousand pieces.’ 校園的新臉孔 中大今年共錄取了約三千五百名本科新生。校園舉辦了多種迎新活 動,包括內地新生和海外交流生聚會、崇基學生會新生輔導營,以 及和聲書院的「貧富宴」等。(見頁6) Mosaic of New Faces About 3,500 new students were admitted to CUHK this year. Many different orientation activities for them have taken place on campus, including those for freshmen from mainland China and overseas students, the orientation camp organized by the Chung Chi Student Union, and the Rich and Poor Men’s Banquet held by Lee Woo Sing College. (Please read p. 6) P10 「從事教育工作等於參加 長跑。」 ‘Education is a marathon.’