Newsletter No. 384
6 No. 384, 4.10.2011 梁保全香港歷史及人文研究中心成立 • Research Centre for Hong Kong History and Humanities Established 中 大於9月19日舉行梁保全香港歷史及人文研究中心 成立典禮,香港特區政府康樂及文化事務署署長 馮程淑儀女士( 左 )及捐款人梁雄姬女士( 中 ),聯同沈祖 堯校長( 右 )為中心揭幕。 該中心由梁雄姬女士慨捐一千萬港元成立,並以梁女士 祖父梁保全先生名諱命名,歷史系何佩然教授出任中心主 任。何教授說,該中心有三大目標:推動跨學科的本土研 究,培養學生對本土研究和回饋社會的熱誠,以及和其他 地區的本土研究交流接軌。 梁雄姬女士是中大校友,取得比較及公眾史學文學碩士學 位後,又修讀歷史學哲學碩士課程。身為歐亞混血兒的她, 專門研究香港多元種族文化的發展。她深恐香港歐亞混 血兒的歷史,如無人記載研究,就會湮沒。她說:「許多歐 亞混血兒,例如何東、羅文錦,對於建設香港貢獻很大。有 關他們的事情,未必能在報章、檔案史料查到,而要依靠口 述歷史。如果不再開始,就會太遲了。」 她感嘆香港人對歷史欠缺概念,也不注重,因此捐款成立 該中心,希望加強香港人對本土歷史的認識,並培養大學 生對香港的歸屬感。 T he inauguration ceremony of the Leung Po Chuen Research Centre for Hong Kong History and Humanities took place on 19 September. Mrs. Fung Ching Suk-yee Betty ( left ), Director of Leisure and Cultural Services of the Hong Kong SAR Government; Ms. Leung Hung-kee ( centre ), benefactor of the centre; and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (right), CUHK Vice-Chancellor, unveiled the plaque for the centre. With Prof. Ho Pui-yin from the Department of History as its director, the centre is established with a generous donation of HK$10 million from Ms. Leung and was named after her grandfather. Professor Ho said that the centre has three objectives. First, it is aimed at promoting an interdisciplinary approach to local studies. Second, it strives to cultivate our students’ interest in local society. Third, it promotes academic exchange between local history researchers from Hong Kong and their counterparts in other regions. Ms. Leung has earned a Master of Arts in Comparative and Public History from CUHK and is now working for her Master of Philosophy in History. As a Eurasian, she focuses on the development of multiculturalism in Hong Kong. She is afraid that the history of Eurasians in the city will slip into oblivion if it is not recorded and studied. She said, ‘Many Eurasians, like Ho Tung and Lo Man- kam, have made great contributions to the prosperity of the city. Many stories about them cannot be found in newspapers or archives, and can only be obtained by means of oral history. If we don’t start preserving it now, it will be too late.’ She laments Hong Kong people’s apathy towards and ignorance of history. She supports the establishment of the centre with a view to raising Hong Kong people’s awareness of local history and fostering university students’ sense of belonging to the city. 傑出內地生獲獎學金赴牛津攻讀博士 • Outstanding Mainland Student Wins Scholarship to Oxford 英 文(文學研究)哲學碩士畢業生毛遠波獲頒利黃瑤 璧千禧獎學金,將於10月前往英國牛津大學修讀 英文系哲學博士課程。他將研究早期現代文學,主攻伊利 莎白一世時代的戲劇。 毛遠波生於廣東,在廣東外語外貿大學附設外語學校唸中 學。2004年高中畢業後考進北京大學修讀英文,其後來港 進修。 毛同學在學術領域以外表現同樣突出。在中學時他獲「三 好學生」美譽,並於全國鋼琴作品比賽中奪魁。 利黃瑤璧千禧獎學金乃以利黃瑤璧博士遺贈予中大的捐 款設立,於2001開始頒發,每年供一位中大畢業生或應屆 畢業生負笈牛津大學繼續學業。 M r. Mao Yuanbo Edgar, a graduate with a Master of Philosophy in English (Literary Studies), has been selected for the Esther Yewpick Lee Millennium Scholarship to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy in English at the University of Oxford commencing this October. His area of study in Oxford will be the Early Modern Period, with a focus on Elizabethan drama. Born in Guangdong, Edgar attended the English School affiliated to the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies for his high school education. After obtaining a High School Diploma, he was admitted to Peking University to pursue BA studies in English. Apar t from out st anding academic performance, Edgar also excels in non-academic activities. He won the ‘Model Student’ award and the first prize in ‘The First Chinese Works Piano Contest’ while at school. Established with funds from the estate of the late Dr. Esther Yewpick Lee, the scholarship was first awarded in 2001. It sponsors an outstanding graduate or final-year student of CUHK each year to study at the University of Oxford. 中大划艇隊連番報捷 • CUHK Scoops Championships of Two Rowing Competitions 中 大划艇隊健兒於8月6及 7日假沙田划艇中心舉行 的「成龍挑戰盃2011年全港大學 賽艇錦標賽」中,擊退六所大專 院校的對手,衞冕團體全場總冠 軍,連續第十年奪得此項殊榮。 沈祖堯校長親臨頒獎典禮,分享 中大隊員的喜悅。 9月4日,第二十五屆兩大划艇錦 標賽在同一地點舉行,本校男、女 子隊均力挫香港大學,從頒獎嘉 賓霍震霆先生手上取得這項銀禧 賽事冠軍獎座。 T he CUHK rowing team competed against six local tertiary institutions on 6 and 7 August in the ‘Jackie Chan Challenge Cup Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championships 2011’ held at the Sha Tin Rowing Centre, Shing Mun River. The team bagged the overall championship again, making it the winner of the title for 10 consecutive years. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice- Chancellor, attended the prize presentation ceremony to share the joy of the CUHK rowers. One month after that, the ‘25th AIG Rowing Championships’ took place at the same place on 4 September. Both the men’s and women’s teams from CUHK captured the championships and received the trophy from Mr. Timothy Fok at the prize presentation ceremony.
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