Newsletter No. 385

No. 385, 19.10.2011 5 我們當年是這樣登山的 How We Climbed in Those Days 崇基學院的爬山比賽源於1957年,在 白約翰 老師的領導 下成立了崇基爬山會。翌年,崇基學生會六周年紀念,舉 行「爬山比賽」,「山」指崇基山,即今新亞書院校園所 在。1959年1月17日,經副教育司 毛勤 先生倡議首次舉辦 攀登馬鞍山比賽,毛勤先生並捐贈獎品。自此以後,攀登 馬鞍山比賽成為崇基一年一度之盛事,以1964年為例,即 有約二百五十人參加。 崇基資深導師 盧廣鋒 先生不但唸書時每年都參加登山 比賽,畢業後仍然如是。盧先生更借出他自六十至七十 年代拍下的登山照片予本刊,與大家重溫昔日盛況。 Under the leadership of Mr. John Barr , the Chung Chi Climbing Club was established in 1957. To celebrate the sixth anniversary of the Chung Chi Students Union, the hill climbing competition was held in 1958. The hill then was called ‘Chung Chi Hill’, and was located on the present New Asia College campus. Supported by Mr. L.G. Morgan , the then Deputy Director of Education, the first Ma On Shan Climbing was held on 17 January 1959. Mr. Morgan also donated the prizes for the winners. Since then, the climbing became one of the College’s regular activities. In 1964, about 250 climbers took part. Mr. Lo Kwong-fung , alumnus and senior college tutor of CC, took part in the climbing every year when he was a student. He generously provided CUHK Newsletter with the photos of the Ma On Shan Climbing events taken from 1960s to 1970s. 《崇基頌歌》 Anniversary Theme Song 在馬鞍山下烏溪沙集合 Gathering at Wu Kai Sha, Ma On Shan 出發了 Setting off 行行重行行 The road is long 到了「馬鞍」 Reaching the ‘saddle’ 終於登頂 Finally the top 下山了,對岸是崇基校園 Descent with Chung Chi College in the background The celebrations also reflect the special features of CC. ‘With its choir and being home to the Department of Music which is unique in the University, we naturally organize a series of Chinese and Western musical events. A Cantonese Opera, The Purple Hairpin , was staged, followed by celebrations and concerts featuring, vocal music, Western instrumental music, Chinese ensemble music, and concerts by Chung Chi composers. The Joint Conference on History and Future of Christianity in Asia and Christian Festival will also be held. To promote science education and serving the community, the College will host the Popular Science Essay and Poster Design Competition and Symposium on Service-Learning.’ Professor Leung remarked that the Ma On Shan Amazing Race will be re-organized on 30 October. ‘When I was a student at CC, the climbing, with individual and departmental groups, was a regular yearly event. It’s sad that it had been suspended since 1983 owing to urban development.’ As for the climbing this year, CC invited alumnus Prof. Chan Lung-sang , professor in the Department of Earth Sciences, the University of Hong Kong, to organize the race and to set the routes. There is a challenger group for those intent on reaching the top, and an adventure trail guided by Professor Chan to appreciate geological features which is a wonderful activity for families. Autumn is the best season for hiking, and Professor Leung encourages university members to join the activity. ‘It’s not only good for promoting harmonious fellowship and health, but also for appreciating the marvellous natural scenery.’ The Chung Chi College 60th Anniversary Theme Song is the concerted effort of Prof. Yu Shiu-wah and Prof. Victor Chan , both music graduates of Chung Chi. The song, to be sung in Cantonese, was composed in a singer-friendly hymnal mode for easy learning. This is no hard work for Professor Chan who is a prolific composer in opera, symphonic works, chamber music, instrumental and vocal solo and ensemble pieces, not to mention the weekly rearrangement and orchestration for congregational hymns. As the music transposes unnoticeably between five different keys, the theme of the song recurs, each time introducing a new mood. A seasoned scholar in Chinese music and Cantonese opera, Professor Yu did a great job as a novice lyricist. The seven stanzas, neatly rhymed with seamless articulation between Cantonese tones and musical pitches, proclaim the mission of Chung Chi, portray the College landmarks, present the community life and reaffirm the unity of staff and students’ and their confidence in embracing new challenges. Audio and video clips of the lyrics and scores, and different renditions of the anniversary theme song can be downloaded from cc60/eng/index_e.html . 「 舊校新顏樂見成,培育新血精英。 莫問收成莫計名,崇基志勵勉。…… 物換星移運轉成,人事興替不驚。 莫論尊榮莫訴不平,齊共歡慶今宵。…… 」 崇基學院六十周年校慶主題曲《崇基頌歌》是由學於崇基、 教於崇基的 余少華 教授和 陳偉光 教授合作的成果。話說當年 為慶祝金禧,余少華先寫了一首新詩體作品,經陳偉光撰樂, 發現音樂雖美,但作為期望書院中人都可齊聲參與的慶典歌 曲,卻稍嫌難學,於是毅然另闢蹊徑,譜出聖詩風格的旋律, 再行填詞。 以廣東話入樂,向來是詞人的考驗。余教授多年來浸淫於 中國戲曲,雖初次執筆,已能從深厚的文學修養中提煉出平 易素雅、與樂曲諧協得水乳交融的文詞,如淡墨輕描,點染出 崇基辦學之志、校園地標、社群生活、以及師生關愛下無懼歲 月磨蝕的壯闊胸懷。 拿着《崇基頌歌》的樂譜在手,會發現這首只需唱上一兩遍 便琅琅上口的歌曲,其實是遊走於五個音調之間,只是過渡 得天衣無縫,令歌者不覺艱澀,聽者亦但覺理應如是。陳偉光 教授作曲無數,包括歌劇、管弦樂、室樂、樂器獨奏曲、合唱 及獨唱歌曲,而且擅長為聖詩編樂配器。在他巧妙的安排下, 頌歌的主題多次出現,又每次都帶來新鮮情懷。一曲唱罷,主 旋律已深印腦海,竟日難忘。 《崇基頌歌》歌詞、樂譜及演唱錄像可於以下網頁下載: