Newsletter No. 385

8 No. 385, 19.10.2011 六畢業生獲頒裘槎獎學金及研究生獎學金 • Six Graduates Awarded Croucher Scholarships and Fellowships research. I hope that we all do good research to benefit the society in the future.’ While studying at CUHK, Mr. Lam received a number of different awards. He was one of the recipients of the first Professor Charles K. Kao Research Student Exchange Scholarships 2009–10, which supported him to attend a research exchange programme at MIT in 2010. Prior to that, he had obtained the Caltech-Hong Kong Undergraduate Research Fellowship in 2009 to carry out a summer research project at Caltech. He also won the HKSAR Government Scholarship and the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship. The Croucher Foundation is a private endowment set up in 1979 to promote excellence in the natural sciences, technology and medicine. 六 名中大畢業生獲頒裘槎獎學金及研究生獎學金, 於2011至12年度負笈歐美頂尖學府進行研究。 2011年以一級榮譽畢業的數學及信息工程學(雙學位)畢 業生林嘉傑獲加州大學柏克萊分校錄取,入讀工程學博士 課程。他說:「我很高興成為其中一名獎學金得主,並感謝 裘槎基金會不斷地支持學生繼續深造及研究。我希望各得 獎人能做出優秀的研究,貢獻社會。」 林嘉傑在修讀本科期間已屢獲獎項,包括2009至10年度 首屆「高錕教授科研交流生獎學金」,獲資助前往麻省理 工學院參與研究。2009年,他獲頒「加州理工學院香港 本科生研究獎學金」前赴加州理工學院進行暑期研究計 劃,另又奪得香港特別行政區政府獎學金及尤德爵士紀 念基金獎學金。 獲頒2011至12年度裘槎獎學金及研究生獎學金之中大畢業生名單 List of CUHK Graduates Awarded Croucher Fellowship/ Scholarship 2011 – 12 獎項 Name of Award 得獎人 Name of Recipient 研究範疇 Subject 攻讀院校 University 裘槎研究生獎學金 Croucher Foundation Fellowship 劉玉麟 Dr. Lau Yuk-lun Alexander 中風、神經病學、內科 Stroke, Neurology, Medicine 加州大學三藩市分校 University of California, San Francisco 裘槎獎學金 Croucher Foundation Scholarship 張傑 Mr. Cheung Kit 計算機工程 Computer Engineering 倫敦帝國學院 Imperial College London 林嘉傑 Mr. Lam Ka-kit 電機工程 Electrical Engineering 加州大學柏克萊分校 University of California, Berkeley 林偉揚 Mr. Lam Wai-yeung 數學 Mathematics 柏林數學學院 Berlin Mathematical School 裘槎劍橋國際獎學金 Croucher Cambridge International Scholarship 陳綺靜 Miss Chan Yee-ching Tina 內科(代謝疾病) Medicine (Metabolic disorders) 劍橋大學 University of Cambridge 鄧渙璁 Mr. Walfred Tang 發育生物學 Developmental Biology 劍橋大學 University of Cambridge 第十六屆環太平洋應用語言學會大會 • 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 中 大教育學院優化英語教學研究中心應環太平洋應 用語言學會之邀,於2011年8月8日至10日與香港教 育研究學會合辦了第十六屆環太平洋應用語言學會大會。 大會假中大校園舉行,開幕禮由優化英語教學研究中心主 任兼香港籌委會主席麥陳淑賢教授主持,教育學院院長 梁湘明教授擔任主禮嘉賓。與會者超過一百四十人,來自 多個國家及地區。 大會設有三場精彩的主題演講,主講者為 Prof. Anthony Green(英國貝德福特大學)、金艷教授(上海交通大學暨 中國教育部全國大學英語四、六級考試委員會主任),以及 Prof. Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen(香港理工大學)。 此次會議不但讓專家交換意見和經驗,從中獲得有關語言 教育和應用語言學的最新教研資訊,同時亦推廣了跨地域 的研究及教育合作。 A t the invitation of the Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, the Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching (CEELT) of the Faculty of Education organized the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL 2011) in collaboration with the Hong Kong Educational Research Association from 8 to 10 August at CUHK. The opening ceremony of PAAL 2011 was officiated by Prof. Leung Seung-ming Alvin, Dean of Education, and chaired by Prof. Barley Mak, director of CEELT and local co- chairperson of PAAL 2011. The conference was attended by over 140 participants from different countries and regions. 前排:孔憲煇教授(香港籌委會主席,左五)、中野美知子教授(日本早稻田大學、督導委員會主席,左六)、梁湘明教授(左七)、Kyung- Ja Park教授(韓國高麗大學、環太平洋應用語言學會創辦人,右六)、秦家慧教授(中大教育學院副院長,右五)、麥陳淑賢教授(右四),及 余濟美教授(中大聯合書院副院長,右三) Front row: Prof. Joseph Hung (5th left), CUHK, local co-chairperson; Prof. Michico Nakano (6th left), Waseda University, Japan, chairperson of PAAL 2011 Steering Committee; Prof. Leung Seung-ming Alvin (7th left); Prof. Kyung-Ja Park (6th right), Korea University, founder of PAAL; Prof. Cecilia Chun (5th right), Associate Dean of Education, CUHK; Prof. Barley Mak (4th right); and Prof. Jimmy Yu (3rd right), Associate Head of United College, CUHK Three keynote speeches were delivered by Prof. Anthony Green (University of Bedfordshire), Prof. Jin Yan (director of the National College English Testing Committee, Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University), and Prof. Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University). The conference provided a platform for professionals to exchange ideas and experiences, and information on latest research and educational development in the fields of language education and applied linguistics, and to promote research and educational collaboration across countries and regions. 裘槎基金由私人捐贈,成立於 1979 年,旨在本地推廣卓 越的自然科學、技術和醫學科研。 A total of six CUHK graduates have received the Croucher Scholarships and Fellowships for further studies in the academic year 2011–12 at prestigious overseas institutions. Mr. Lam Ka-kit, who graduated from CUHK with first class honours in mathematics and information engineering in 2011, has been admitted to UC, Berkeley to pursue a PhD in engineering. Mr. Lam said, ‘I am glad that to receive the scholarship and would like to thank the Croucher Foundation for its continual support on funding students to further their studies and 林嘉傑 Mr. Lam Ka-kit