Newsletter No. 388

No. 388, 4.12.2011 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 高錕教授嘉許獎學金得主 • Scholarship Recipients Meet Professor Charles Kao 高 錕教授( 左五 )於11月2日與七名物理系及工程學院 的2010至11年度「高錕教授科研交流生獎學金」得 主會面,嘉許他們的優秀科研表現。 在剛過去的暑期,這幾位學生在獎學金的支持下,得以到 頂尖院校進行研究。物理系三年級生傅凱駿( 右三 )說: 「這項獎學金除了鼓勵我去追求理想從事科研外,更提醒 我要胸懷大志,對追求目標堅定不移。」現就讀電子工程學 四年級的內地生魏瀟瑤( 左四 )說:「我家沒有經濟能力負 擔前往倫敦帝國學院的旅費,更莫說是兩個月在倫敦的生 活費了。所以很感激中大及高教授給我這個在著名海外學 府研究的機會。」 S even recipients of the Professor Charles K. Kao Research Exchange Scholarships 2010–11 from physics and engineering had the opportunity to meet Professor Kao ( 5th left ) on 2 November, as part of the activities associated with the awards. The Scholarships enabled them to travel to and stay at various renowned institutions during last summer, and to participate in research work there. A Year 3 Physics student, Mr. Po Hoi-chun Adrian ( 3rd right ), said, ‘The scholarship has encouraged me to pursue my aspiration as a researcher, and also reminded me of the importance of having a dream and the perseverance to pursue the dream.’ A Year 4 mainland student in electronic engineering, Miss Wei Xiaoyao ( 4th left ) said, ‘Without it I could not have been able to finance the 敬文書院奠基典禮 • Foundation Stone Laid for CW Chu College construction work. Officiating at the ceremony were Mr. David Chu ( 2nd left ) , director, CW Chu Foundation; Dr. Peter Yip ( 2nd right ), member, Planning Committee, CW Chu College, Dr. Ina Chan ( 3rd left ), Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng ( 3rd right ), Chairman of the Council, CUHK; 諾貝爾學人分享成功之道 • Nobel Laureate on the Road to Nobel Prize 新 鴻基地產及中大邀得2010年諾貝爾化學獎得主 根岸英一教授於11月21日來港舉行講座,題為 「追尋夢想半世紀」,吸引約七百名學者、學生及公眾人士 出席。 在講座上,根岸英一教授回顧他在科研路上如何面對一場 又一場的挑戰,最終獲得諾貝爾化學獎殊榮的經歷。他形 容獲頒諾獎的機會率大概是一千萬分之一,這個極微小的 數字可以解讀為一場需要連續七次取得十場全勝的比賽。 若能不斷提升競爭力,當成功連續勝出五或六場比賽後,便 能夠躋身競逐諾獎或其他同等級別獎項的行列。 S un Hung Kai Properties and CUHK presented a public lecture on 21 November on ‘Pursuit of My Dreams for Half-a-Century’ by Prof. Eiichi Negishi, 2010 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. The lecture attracted about 700 academics, students and members of the public. In his lecture, Professor Negishi reminisced about how he had overcome many increasingly challenging competitions over the years to be finally recognized with the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The statistical odds of winning a Nobel Prize is estimated to be 1/10,000,000. One way of looking at this infinitesimally small figure is to think of it as winning ‘one-in-ten’ competitions seven times in a row. His competition level must continuously move up. After winning the fifth- or sixth-level competition, he may already be vying for a Nobel Prize or something equivalent to it in some other areas. travelling expense to Imperial College London, nor the living expenses in London for two months. I am grateful to CUHK and Professor Kao for providing me with the precious opportunity to do research at a top university.’ 五 所新書院之一的敬文書院於11月25日舉行奠基 典禮,標誌着書院建築工程隨即開展。典禮儀式 邀得朱敬文教育基金董事朱恩餘先生( 左二 )、中大敬文 書院籌劃委員會成員葉克勇博士( 右二 )、何陳婉珍博士 ( 左三 )、中大校董會主席鄭海泉博士( 右三 )、中大校長 沈祖堯教授( 左一 )及敬文書院院長楊綱凱教授( 右一 ) 擔任主禮嘉賓,約一百五十名書院好友、導師、朱氏學人、 書院院務委員及老師蒞臨出席活動。 沈校長在奠基典禮上致辭:「敬文書院將於2012年秋季迎 接首屆院生,這批創院學生將聯同書院活力充沛的團隊, 塑造與別不同的書院特色。」 書院以朱敬文博士命名,以記念他慷慨捐助教育。「我十八 歲時成績平平,但朱先生仍然願意資助我到美國升學,沒有 朱先生,便沒有何教授。」身為朱氏學人的何名熙教授感激 朱先生當年的支持,他現於中大麻醉及深切治療學系執教。 C W Chu College, one of the five new Colleges of CUHK, held its Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony on 25 November. The ceremony, attended by about 150 friends, mentors, Chu Scholars, College Fellows and teachers, marked the commencement of the College Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 1st left ), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; and Prof. Kenneth Young ( 1st right ), master, CW Chu College. Professor Sung spoke about his expectations for the College, ‘In the fall of 2012, the College will be welcoming its first batch of students. These founding students will join the College’s enthusiastic team to shape the College’s character.’ The College is named after Dr. Chu Ching-wen, a remarkable philanthropist. ‘When I was 18, my school results were just fair. But the late Mr. Chu still sponsored me to study in the US. Without his help, there’ll be no Professor Ho,’ exclaimed Prof. Anthony M.H. Ho, member of Chu Scholars, now teaches in the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, CUHK.