Newsletter No. 394

No. 394, 19.3.2012 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 香港社會工作政策與實踐 • Social Work Policy and Practice in Hong Kong 中 大社會科學學院客席教授、賓夕法尼亞大學 社會政策及實踐學院的理查德 • 埃斯蒂斯教授 (Richard Estes),應社會工作學系邀請於2月23日在崇基 學院主持題為「社會工作實務模型全球化:香港社會工作 政策與實踐」公開講座,百多名社會工作教師、學生和社 會工作界人士出席。 埃斯蒂斯教授首先介紹了四個在美國和全球採用的社會 工作與社會政策的模型,以及各模型的歷史淵源和優點, 繼而論述與香港社會現狀相關的案例。 P rof. Richard Estes, visiting professor of the CUHK Faculty of Social Science, and Professor of Social Work in the School of Social Policy and Practice of the University of Pennsylvania, was invited to host a public lecture on ‘Models of Social Work Practice in a Global City: Social Work Policy and Practice in Hong Kong’ on 23 February at Chung Chi College. The lecture attracted more than a hundred social work teachers, students and social work personnel. During the lecture, Professor Estes identified four alternative models which inform the international dimensions of social work and social policy as practised locally and globally. He then described the historical origins and strengths of each model, and presented case illustrations relevant to Hong Kong’s current social situation. 櫻花樹誌慶日本研究學系周年紀念 • Cherry Trees Planted on Anniversary of Japanese Studies Department 日 本研究學系於2月28日在新亞書院合一亭草坪 舉行植樹儀式,栽種了二十棵櫻花樹,以誌慶該系 成立二十周年。主禮嘉賓包括沈祖堯校長( 右六 )、日本 駐香港副總領事松永大介先生( 左七 )、MRT(HK)Co. Ltd.社長溝口鐵一郎伉儷( 左二及三 )、永新企業有限公司 副董事長曹其鏞伉儷( 左五及六 )、副校長黃乃正教授( 右 四 )、新亞書院校董會主席梁英偉先生( 右五 )、新亞書院 署理院長朱嘉濠教授( 右三 )、協理副校長馮通教授( 右 一 )、文學院院長梁元生教授( 右二 )、日本研究學系系主 任中野幸江教授( 左一 )和北村隆則教授( 左四 )。近百位 學系和書院的友好、日本商界賢達及中大同仁聚首一堂, 見證櫻花樹落根於中大校園。 櫻花標誌春天的來臨,而春天萬象更新,代表着希望與機 會。沈校長在致辭時表示:「櫻花樹與合一亭及美麗的中 大校園融為一體,充分展現人文和自然之間的和諧。當櫻 花盛放時,所有中大的學生,無論曾否到日本留學,均可在 中大校園內欣賞櫻花,即日本人所謂的『花見』。」 T he Department of Japanese Studies (JAS) celebrated its 20th anniversary by joining New Asia College (NA) to plant 20 cherry trees on the College’s campus on 28 February. The event assembled about 100 friends of the College and JAS, representatives from the Japanese business community, as well as staff and students, at the Pavilion of Harmony to welcome the arrival of the cherry trees to the campus. The ceremony was officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice- Chancellor ( 6th right ); Mr. Daisuke Matsunaga ( 7th left ), Deputy Consul-General of Japan in Hong Kong; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mizoguchi ( 3rd and 2nd left ), president of MRT (HK) Co. Ltd.; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chao ( 6th and 5th left ), vice-chairman of Novel Enterprises Ltd.; Prof. Henry N.C. Wong ( 4th right ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Mr. Leung Ying-wai ( 5th right ), chairman, Board of Trustees of NA; Prof. Chu Ka-hou ( 3rd right ), acting head of NA; Prof. Fung Tung ( 1st right ), Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Leung Yuen-sang ( 2nd right ), dean, Faculty of Arts; Prof. Lynne Nakano ( 1st left ), chairman, JAS; and Prof. Takanori Kitamura ( 4th left ) of JAS. Cherry blossoms mark the arrival of spring—a season of hope and opportunity. ‘The trees will fully integrate with the Pavilion and the beautiful campus of CUHK to reflect the harmony between man and nature. When the trees blossom, all students at CUHK—including those who haven’t had a chance to study in Japan—can enjoy hanami (or “flower viewing”) on campus,’ said Professor Sung in his welcoming remark. 中大生程式設計比賽掄元 • Engineering Students Shine in Contest 兩 隊共六名計算機科學與工程學系學生於2月11日舉辦的「IBM全港大學程式設計比 賽」中分別奪得冠軍及季軍。他們由該系孫漢秋教授( 前排右三 )指導,於比賽中 展示了廣博的電腦知識和群策群力解決問題的技巧。 第五年舉辦的程式設計比賽,要求參賽隊伍在兩小時內就實際電腦難題提出解決方案,旨 在考驗大學生的程式設計的技術,以及培養他們的團隊精神。 T wo teams comprising six students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering have snatched both the championship and the second runner-up position in the IBM Inter-University Programming Contest 2012 on 11 February. Coached by Prof. Sun Hanqiu ( 3rd right, front row ) of the department, the teams demonstrated extensive software knowledge, great team spirit and efficient problem-solving skills in the contest. Organized for the fifth consecutive year, the contest aims at sharpening students’ programming skills and team work through real-life computing practices. Participants have to solve a set of programming questions and real-life problems within two hours.