Newsletter No. 394

8 No. 394, 19.3.2012 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 女子壁球隊蟬聯大專盃冠軍 • Women’s Squash Team Wins Two Consecutive Championships 中 大女子壁球校隊於2月25日擊敗香港理工大學,衞 冕「大專盃」壁球冠軍。 賽事以三盤兩勝決勝負,中大梁善雅( 中 ,體育運動科學 系三年級)先拔頭籌勝出首場。接着由麥珮軒( 右二 ,中醫 學院二年級)出戰,但首兩局不敵對方強悍壓迫及體力化 的打法而落敗,經教練體育部導師陳志明先生( 右一 )提 點,以及在場的體育部主任盧遠昌先生( 左一 )、隊友、親 友和校友打氣後,沉着應戰,調整節奏及策略,連贏三局 反勝,終助中大隊摘下冠軍獎盃。 T he CUHK Women’s Squash Team defeated players from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to clinch the championship of the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong Cup on 25 February. It took the best of three games to win the match. Miss Leung Shin-nga ( centre , Sports Science and Physical Education, Year 3) of CUHK team won in the first game. Miss Mak Pui-hin ( 2nd right , Chinese Medicine, Year 2), playing in the second game, lost to her opponent’s aggressive and physical play in the first two sets. Having taken advice from her coach, Mr. Chan Chi-ming ( 1st right ), instructor of Physical Education Unit (PEU), and cheered on by Mr. Lo Yuen- cheong ( 1st left ), director of PEU, her teammates, players’ parents and alumni, Pui-hin played with calm and confidence, and started to control the pace and adjust her tactics. She then won over her counterpart in the following three sets to capture the trophy for CUHK. 法語副修生勇奪演講比賽冠軍 • CUHK Student Wins French Speech Competition 語 言學及現代語言系法語副修課程學生Yasmine Zahir( 中 ,法律學院四年級),在2月25日舉行的粵 港大學生法語演講比賽中,擊敗十二名來自珠江三角洲, 包括香港、廣東和廣西等地優秀大學的參賽者奪得冠軍。 是次比賽由法國駐港澳總領事館及港澳法語教師協會合 辦,比賽的主題為「珠江三角洲─中國之門」。Yasmine 獲得全數獎學金赴法國南錫參加為期三周的法語課程。 Y asmine Zahir ( centre , Law, Year 4), a French minor in the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, triumphed in the French Speech Competition over 12 students from universities in Hong Kong, Guangdong and Guangxi held on 25 February. The contest was co-organized by the French Consulate of Hong Kong and Macau, and the Association of French Teachers in Hong Kong and Macau. The theme of this year was ‘ Le Delta de la Rivière des Perles, porte de la Chine (The Pearl River Delta as the Door of China)’. Yasmine was awarded a fully-sponsored three-week language immersion course in Nancy, France. 綠色健康行 • Walking for Green and Health 3 月2日早上,約一千名學生及教職員齊集港鐵大學 站,在沈祖堯校長帶領下,參與「樂步行暨無車日 2012」,實踐綠色生活,並透過行動將步行文化植根校園。 沈校長在開步典禮致辭時說︰「步行有益身心,今天我是 從辦公室步行下山,原來每行一公里,等於消耗四顆方糖 的熱量。今天的路線剛好一公里,步程二十分鐘。安步當 車對減低碳排放量很重要,路面較少汽車行走,溫室氣體 二氧化碳的排放也相應減少,有助減緩地球暖化。」 步行路線以港鐵大學站為起點,途經崇基學院未圓湖、眾 志堂、明華堂、利樹培堂等,至終點善衡書院。人龍浩浩蕩 蕩,主禮嘉賓一馬當先,包括常務副校長華雲生、副校長兼 健康促進及防護委員會主席鄭振耀、副校長兼校園可持續 發展委員會主席程伯中、校園環境委員會主席朱利民、社區 醫學榮休講座教授李紹鴻和大學保健處處長陸偉昌醫生。 O n the morning of 2 March, close to 1,000 students and staff gather at the MTR University Station to join the ‘2012 Walking Campaign and Car-free Day’. Led by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, the procession made its way uphill in support of environmental sustainability and to help promote walking on campus. At the kick-off ceremony, Professor Sung said, ‘Walking is beneficial to the mind and the body. This morning, I walked from my office downhill to this place. Walking 1 km can burn calories equivalent to four sugar cubes. Today, our route is exactly 1 km long and it takes about 20 minutes to complete. With fewer cars on the road, emissions of carbon dioxide, which is one of the main greenhouse gases causing global warming, can be reduced.’ Participants followed a route starting from the piazza of the MTR University Station, crossing Lake Ad Excellentiam , passing Chung Chi Tang, Ming Hua Tang, Lee Shu Pui Hall, and ending at S.H. Ho College. Guests at the head of the procession included Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost; Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng, Pro-Vice- Chancellor and chairman of the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection; Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro- Vice-Chancellor and chairman of the Committee on Campus Sustainability; Prof. Chu Lee-man, chairman of the Committee on Campus Environment; Prof. Lee Shiu-hung, Emeritus Professor of Community Medicine; and Dr. Scotty Luk, director of the University Health Service.