Newsletter No. 394
Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 No. 394, 19.3.2012 9 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 為文化遺產添新象 • Enlightening Heritage 知 識轉移處在2月16日舉辦經驗分享午餐會,邀請 澳洲國立大學勞拉簡 • 史密斯博士(Laurajane Smith, 左 )及中大人類學系系主任張展鴻教授( 右 )擔任 主講嘉賓,探討如何將看似無形的非物質文化研究成果, 經由不同渠道傳揚,以在社會培養文化遺產欣賞力。當日 座無虛設,出席者來自人文及社會科學等領域。 史密斯博士是知名的考古和人類學學者。她分享在英國期 間擔任一項關於奴隸交易的研究項目主任的經驗,為博物 館人員和學者之間提供了寶貴的交流機會和平台。該協作 衍生了豐富成果,其中包括互動網站,系列工作坊,以及為 展覽業務、社區諮詢、觀眾反饋和業界經驗而開發的四套 創新工作方法,盡顯學術知識結合了博物館實戰經驗後, 在人文知識轉移中所發揮的潛力和效益。 張展鴻教授闡述他所參與的知識轉移基金項目,從人類 學的角度,展示上環舊社區如何有助提高遊客對香港本土 文化的認知,生動地勾畫出學術研究和社區之間的互動。 O n 16 February, Dr. Laurajane Smith ( left ) of Australian National University and Prof. Sidney C.H. Cheung ( right ), chairman, Department of Anthropology, CUHK, were invited to talk about the transfer of seemingly intangible knowledge to the community through various means at a lunch sharing session organized by the Knowledge Transfer Office. The aim was to foster appreciation for the richness of our cultural heritage. The full-house event received active support from colleagues from the arts, humanities and social sciences. A scholar in archaeology and anthropology, Dr. Smith shared her experience in the UK as the principal investigator of the 1807 Commemorated project on slave trade. Her collaboration with seven national museums has generated a spectrum of deliverables, such as the construction of an interactive website, the sequence of workshops throughout the project lifecycle, and the creation of four toolkits for exhibition development, community consultation, audience responses, and practitioner experience. It has been an exemplary knowledge transfer project that showcases what impact can be made when academic knowledge and practical curation come together. Professor Cheung gave a brief account of his CUHK Knowledge Transfer Project Fund Project, ‘Learning from Neighbourhood Tourism in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong’. It is a vivid example of how a local neighbourhood can help to boost visitors’ understanding of Hong Kong from an anthropological perspective, bringing inspiration to cherished cultural aspects in Hong Kong’s tourism development, and exhibiting the essence of collaboration between the community and research. 人 事 動 態 PERSONALIA
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