Newsletter No. 395

No. 395, 4.4.2012 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 崑 曲為中國百戲之母,中大蒙宜高科技創業集團主 席余志明先生( 左 )及夫人余陳麗娥女士( 中 )慷 慨捐助二百三十萬港元,啟動「崑曲研究推廣計劃」,以及 支持「崑曲之美」課程的教學演出。為表謝忱,大學特於 3月20日舉行崑曲研究推廣計劃啟動儀式暨捐款鳴謝 典禮。 余先生是中大校友,夫婦二人受白先勇教授啟蒙而愛上 崑曲,曾多次支持香港學界的崑曲推廣工作。他希望藉這 推廣計劃讓學生欣賞到崑曲的精美雅致,從而尋找民族 文化的認同,讓中華文化的輝煌傳統綻放新光芒。沈祖堯 校長( 右 )特別鳴謝余氏伉儷的支持,讓這珍貴的藝術種 子得以撒落在中大這片土壤上。計劃的榮譽主任、偉倫人 由 禁毒基金贊助,外科學系成立的青少年泌尿治療 中心於3月19日在威爾斯親王醫院舉行開幕典禮, 是全港首間專為因吸食精神科毒品而導致泌尿系統失調 的青少年提供評估及治療的專科診所。 中心於去年12月開始投入服務,由外科學系兒童及成人 泌尿外科醫生主理,並獲得新界東醫院聯網管理層全力支 持,以醫管局日間治療服務形式為三十歲以下的吸毒者提 供一站式泌尿系統專科治療。 吸食精神科毒品會導致膀胱慢性發炎,繼而尿頻、夜尿、 小便赤痛及下腹疼痛,嚴重者更會令膀胱永久受損,失去 儲尿及排尿自控功能,甚或腎衰竭。中心提供便捷的跨區 域電話預約服務,讓患者或其社工毋需醫生轉介信,並不 限居住地區,都能預約求診。中心負責人外科學系泌尿科 吳志輝教授( 右一 )指出,自啟用以來,有四十一名患者到 中心求診。療程期間,中心亦會鼓勵患者及早戒毒。 F unded by Beat Drugs Fund and established by the CUHK Department of Surgery, the Youth Urological Treatment Centre (YUTC) held its opening ceremony on 19 March at the Prince of Wales Hospital. The first of its kind in Hong Kong, YUTC provides one-stop urological assessment and treatment specifically to youth suffering from urinary tract dysfunction as a result of psychotropic substance abuse. YUTC is jointly run by paediatric and adult urologists of the Department of Surgery with the full support of the hospital management of the New Territories East Cluster. 文學科講座教授白先勇教授表達了 對計劃與崑曲前景的期盼,並笑稱, 以往都是他自己到處求大學校長開 崑曲課,而在中大,卻是由沈校長在 年前先主動邀請他開課。青春版《牡 丹亭》主演者俞玖林和沈丰英則於 現場示範《牡丹亭 ‧ 驚夢》。 推廣計劃由明清研究中心主任華瑋 教授主持,一方面整理、研究、出版 崑曲文化遺產,另方面是要建立世界 性的崑曲研究基地,促進香港與國際 間的戲曲學術交流、對話及合作。 「崑曲之美」則為中大首度開辦的崑 曲教育課程,於本年1月推出,白教授 不但親授三課,更特別安排江蘇省蘇州崑劇院蒞校示範 演出。 T he University held the Kunqu Research and Promotion Project inauguration-cum-donation ceremony on 20 March to thank Mr. Yu Chi-ming Gabriel ( left ), chairman, iTVentures Group and Mrs. Teresa Yu ( centre ), for their generous donation of HK$2.3 million to support the project and the performances for the course ‘The Beauty of Kunqu Opera’. A CUHK alumnus, Mr. Yu and his wife fell in love with kunqu under the guidance of Prof. Pai Hsien-yung, Commencing services in December 2011, it renders day- care service to young substance abusers under the age of 30. Psychotropic substance abuse leads to chronic inflammation in the urinary bladder, with symptoms including increased urinary frequency, urgency, painful urination, lower abdominal pain, and permanent damage to the urinary bladder resulting in permanent loss of its storage and continence function, with kidney damage Wei Lun Professor of Humanities, CUHK. They have been supporting the promotion of kunqu in schools since then. Mr. Yu hopes that the project can foster appreciation for the art among students who will help to rejuvenate Chinese culture. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( right ), Vice-Chancellor, thanked Mr. and Mrs. Yu for sowing the seeds of kunqu on CUHK campus. Professor Pai, concurrently honorary director of the project, pointed out that he had to make requests to university presidents elsewhere to teach kunqu courses in the past. But, here at CUHK, it was Professor Sung who requested him to talk about the art. During the ceremony, Mr. Yu Jiulin and Miss Shen Fengying, male and female protagonists, respectively, of The Peony Pavilion: Young Lovers’ Edition , performed an excerpt from ‘Interrupted Dream’. Led by Prof. Hua Wei, director of the Research Centre for Ming-Qing Studies, the projects aims at compiling and conducting research on kunqu , and publishing. It targets at becoming the premier international research centre for kunqu and facilitating communication, cooperation, and exchange between Hong Kong and overseas. Launched in January 2012, ‘The Beauty of Kunqu Opera’ is the first CUHK’s course on this exquisite art. Professor Pai has taught three lectures. He also invited the Suzhou Kunqu Opera Theatre of Jiangsu Province to stage demo performances. and renal failure as the most serious consequences. YUTC offers a telephone hotline for fast-track appointment booking without the need for referrals by clinicians. Young patients or their social workers can simply call the hotline to make appointments across the territory. Prof. Ng Chi-fai ( 1st right ), co-director of YUTC and professor, Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, pointed out that 41 patients have consulted YUTC over the last three months. The centre will also encourage patients to quit drugs early during the treatment. 啟動崑曲研究推廣計劃 • Kunqu Research and Promotion Project Launches 青少年泌尿治療中心開幕 • Youth Urological Treatment Centre Opens