Newsletter No. 395
Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 8 No. 395, 4.4.2012 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 人 事 動 態 PERSONA IAL 尤 德爵士紀念基金於3月11日舉行第二十五屆獎學金頒獎典禮暨音樂會,今年有 十二名中大生獲獎。 為慶祝基金銀禧周年,中大音樂系校友葉劍豪博士義務創作了一首樂曲,邀請香港青年管 樂演奏家樂團作序幕演奏。葉博士以一級榮譽畢業後,於1997年獲頒尤德爵士紀念基金 海外研究生獎學金,赴笈英國繼續進修音樂。基金成立迄今,獲頒不同獎項的中大生已 逾七百名。 T he Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund held its 25th concert-cum-prize presentation ceremony on 11 March. This year a total of 12 CUHK students were awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships and Scholarships. To celebrate the silver jubilee of the fund, Dr. Ip Kim-ho, alumnus of the CUHK Music Department, volunteered to compose a piece of music which was performed by the Hong Kong Young Musicians’ Wind Orchestra to kick off the event. Dr. Ip graduated 十二學生獲尤德爵士紀念基金獎學金 • Twelve Students Received Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships from CUHK with a first-class Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree and received the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship for Overseas Studies in 1997 to further his studies in music in the UK. During the past years, over 700 CUHK students have been granted different awards under the fund.
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