Newsletter No. 398

No. 398, 19.5.2012 3 羅淑儀 Law Suk-yi Doris 1990年中文系畢業 現職有線電視首席記者 1990 graduate, Department of Chinese Language and Literature Principal Reporter, i-Cable News 得獎作品 Award-winning work 《大江東去:司徒華回憶錄》 The River of No Return—the Memoirs of Szeto Wah 讓關心社會的一團火繼續燃燒 Keep the Passion for Society 羅 淑儀在中學時代是老師眼中的好學生,上課、 溫習、考試都循規蹈矩,也按老師意願參加學生 會。升讀中大後,她發現了學習生活的另一種可能,投放大 部分時間參加社工隊,籌組活動,她形容是「不務正業, 上學多,讀書少」。 畢業後,她先後於香港電台和無線電視新聞及公共事務 部當節目助理及導演,三年多後,淑儀轉投有線新聞任職 專題記者,希望可以自己一手一腳做訪問、決定報道的角 度,表達自己的聲音。「幕後工作就如助產士,協助記者 『產子』,但我也想嘗試『產子』的滋味─自己負責做 訪問、決定角度。」 《大江東去:司徒華回憶錄》花了淑儀整年時間蒐集資料 和攝製,她很感激華叔對她的信任,不少私人活動場合都 讓她跟隨拍攝。華叔感情細膩,閱歷豐富,很多片段打動 了她,她相信這些內容也必能感動觀眾。 掌握社會脈搏是記者最重要的能力。淑儀承認日子一長, 很容易變得麻木,要常保持一顆對社會火熱的心,敏於回 應,是很大的考驗。她更指出,雖然保護新聞自由的法例 沒有改變,但現時的政治氛圍卻像無形之手,隱隱然影響 了傳媒高中層選擇報道的角度。作為前線工作者,唯有更 自強,鼓起更大勇氣、秉持專業精神去挑戰上司。 離開校園近二十二年,淑儀仍然不時返母校,有時是採訪, 有時出席活動。她仍回味當年大學歲月︰「中大人傑地靈, 新亞精神也提醒我們先賢創校雖艱苦,卻仍懷抱理想,矢 志在困難中對歷史、對時代作出回應。」她慶幸自己是中 大人,也盼望學弟學妹珍視能入讀中大的福氣,除了吸收 知識,更應多走一步,關心社會,好好傳承中大那份彌足 珍貴的人文精神。 由上世紀美國的「水門事件」,到今日香 港特首選舉候選人的行為操守,傳媒工 作者以求真的心、敏銳的觀察力和鍥而 不捨的精神,從細微線索拼出真相,為大 眾揭露不平,昭彰公義。羅淑儀、黃嘉瑜 和其他中大新聞獎得獎人,以至不少默 默工作的本地傳媒工作者,他們作為社 會守望者的堅持和努力,都值得我們珍 惜和支持,更值得香港人引以自豪。 R ecalling her days at the University, Doris thought it was then that the seed of caring for society was sown. In secondary school, Doris was an obedient student. She attended classes, did revision, had exams and took part in the student union as advised by teachers. After entering CUHK, she found that university opened up many possibilities. The year after, Doris devoted much of her time to social services. She joked, ‘I didn’t do the proper thing as a decent student. I always stayed on campus, but seldom to study.’ After graduation, she worked in RTHK and the News and Public Affairs Division of TVB as programme assistant and director, respectively. Three years later, she joined i-Cable as reporter, a position with greater autonomy, hoping to make her voice through producing programmes. She drew an analogy, ‘Behind-the-scenes work is something like that of a midwife who helps reporters to “give birth” to their babies. But I really want to have one of my own, i.e., to make decision on every detail in the whole production process.’ It took nearly one year to do research and shooting for the programme The River of No Return—the Memoirs of Szeto Wah . Thanks to the trust of Wah Suk (Uncle Wah), the crew was allowed to document many of his personal activities. As Wah Suk was gentle and lived his life to the full, there were many touching moments which Doris believed moved the audience. Reporters need to have their fingers on the pulse of society. But with the passage of time, Doris admitted, it is easy to become numb. It is really a challenge to keep the passion of caring for society and to respond quickly. She said that although the ordinance to protect the freedom of the press remains the same, an invisible hand seems to exist in the current political environment, exerting an imperceptible influence on the middle and senior management of media organizations. Journalists can do nothing but to strengthen themselves and challenge their bosses with courage and professionalism. After having left the University for 22 years, Doris still revisited her alma mater from time to time to interview or take part in different events. She cherishes her days at CUHK. ‘CUHK’s intellectual atmosphere and physical environment have been of great benefit to me. The spirit of New Asia From the Watergate scandal in the US in the last century to the suspicion of the integrity of the candidates during the recent Chief Executive election in Hong Kong, journalists have played a crucial role in unveiling the truth. With an inquisitive mind, a sharp sense of observation and perseverance, they painted the whole picture step by step from small clues. Let’s applaud Doris, Ka-yu, all the recipients of the Chinese University Journalism Award, as well as other journalists who have devoted themselves for the benefit of the community. 「當年加入中大社工隊,常做社會政策調查, 服務有需要人士。現在回想,就是這些活動 埋下了關心社會的種子。」 ‘I joined the CUHK Social Service Team and was encouraged to serve the community through conducting surveys on social issues and helping the needy.’ A distinguished journalist is professional, independent, proactive, eager to uncover the truth and full of the humanistic spirit. These are also the qualities CUHK aims to nurture in their students. Two journalists who graduated from CUHK, Law Suk-yi Doris and Wong Ka-yu , were awarded the grand award of the Feature & Commentary Group (TV) and the merit award of the News Group (TV) respectively in the 5th Chinese University Journalism Award 2011 organized by the CUHK School of Journalism and Communication Alumni Association. They provide good models in the field and demonstrate excellent character fostered by their alma mater. College always reminds me of the hardships faced by the College founders, how they overcame adversity and were determined to rise to the call of the age.’ She felt blessed to have studied there and hoped the young generation who are studying at CUHK will treasure this opportunity and impart this invaluable spirit to future torchbearers.