Newsletter No. 404

6 No. 404, 4.10.2012 1983 2012 大 學圖書館於1972年開幕。《仲門》雕塑及仿古羅 馬風格建築的惠園,是1987年由司徒惠博士捐 贈,現成為大學地標。隨着2012年圖書館新翼落成,大 學廣場已改換新妝。 T he University Library was opened in 1972. The sculpture ‘Gate of Wisdom’ and the Roman garden ‘Forum’, both are landmarks of the University now, were donated by Dr. Szeto Wai in 1987. Following the completion of the Library’s new extension in 2012, the University Square has put on a new face.