Newsletter No. 405

6 No. 405, 19.10.2012 盧煜明榮獲的里雅斯特獎 Dennis Lo Wins Ernesto Illy Trieste Science Prize 醫學院李嘉誠醫學講座教授兼化學病理學系系主任盧煜 明教授( 左 )獲2012年「的里雅斯特獎」,表彰他在無創 產前診斷研究的重要貢獻。盧教授是本港首位獲此殊榮 的學者,他在天津舉行的世界科學院第十二次學術大會 暨第二十三屆院士大會中,從國家主席胡錦濤手上領取 殊榮。 Prof. Dennis Y.M. Lo ( left ), Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine and chairman of the Department of Chemical Pathology, has won the 2012 Ernesto Illy Trieste Science Prize for his work on non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. Professor Lo is the first Hong Kong scholar ever to receive the honour. He received the prize from Mr. Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China, at the 12th General Conference of the World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries and 23rd General Meeting hosted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences held in Tianjin. 趙慧君獲亞太經合組織科研獎 Rossa Chiu Wins APEC Science Prize 化學病理學系趙慧君教授憑藉無創產前診斷研究及應 用的成就,以及推動亞太地區在健康創新方面合作的 貢獻,奪得2012年亞太區經濟合作組織(APEC)的科 學創新、研究及教育獎。趙教授在俄羅斯海參崴舉行的 APEC經濟領導人會議上領獎。  Prof. Rossa W.K. Chiu of the Department of Chemical Pathology was awarded the 2012 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education for her research and development of non-invasive prenatal diagnostic approaches, as well as her effort to promote cross- border scientific and technological cooperation in health innovations. Professor Chiu received the award at the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week held in Vladivostok, Russia. 胡舒立談新聞理想路 Hu Shuli on Revealing the Truth in China 中國著名傳媒人胡舒立女士應I.CARE博群大講堂之邀,於9月25日以「盛世求真—胡舒立 的新聞理想路」為題,分享三十年來探索和追求新聞真相的理想。胡舒立女士現任財新傳媒與 《新世紀周刊》總編輯、中山大學傳播與設計學院院長。講座反應踴躍,現場座無虛席。 Ms. Hu Shuli, editor-in-chief of Caixin Media, and dean of the School of Communication and Design at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, was invited to host the University Lecture on Civility titled ‘Covering Truth in Thriving China: A Journalistic Journey to Utopia’ on 25 September. The lecture hall was packed. 鄭嘉俊奪大學生運動會游泳銅牌 Student Wins Bronze in University Games 中大泳隊成員鄭嘉俊(計量金融學,二年級)代表香港 在天津參加第九屆全國大學生運動會游泳比賽,以2分 9秒20勇奪男子甲組200米蝶式銅牌。 Cheng Ka-chun (Quantitative Finance, Year 2), a member of the CUHK swimming team, seized the bronze medal in the male grade A 200m butterfly, clocking 2’9”20, on the first day of the swimming competition of the 9th University Games of the People’s Republic of China held in Tianjin. 大學同仁哀悼海難逝者 The University Mourns Maritime Victims 大學由10月4至6日一連三天下半旗,以表達對10月1日晚 南丫島撞船意外死難者的深切哀悼。崇基禮拜堂於10月 4日舉行午間哀悼祈禱會,以表追思。 The University mourns the victims who died in the maritime collision off Lamma Island on 1 October. Flags of the University were lowered at half-mast for three days from 4 to 6 October. A noontime vigil was conducted at the Chung Chi College Chapel on 4 October for CUHK members to pay respects to the deceased.