Newsletter No. 408

4 No. 408, 4.12.2012 利榮傑眼科中心開幕 Lee Wing Kit Eye Centre Opens 利榮傑高等眼科培訓及教育中心 於11月8日開幕,由眼科及視覺科 學學系系主任彭智培教授及中大 眼科中心總監譚智勇教授主禮。 主禮嘉賓包括利定昌夫人、校長 沈祖堯教授、醫學院院長霍泰輝 教授和醫院管理局行政總裁梁 栢賢醫生,逾一百三十名嘉賓及 大學成員出席典禮。 大學特以利定昌先生之先嚴利榮 傑先生尊諱命名中心,以答謝利 氏家族的慷慨資助。沈校長感謝 大學教育資助委員會、食物及衞 生局和醫院管理局的鼎力支持。 中心位於香港眼科醫院四樓,佔 地一千一百平方米,配備先進的 診斷及培訓器材,有助香港發展成為亞太區首屈一指的眼科培訓及教育中心,推動臨床訓練及學術研究。  The Lee Wing Kit Advanced Ophthalmic Training and Education Centre opened on 8 November. The ceremony was hosted by Prof. Pang Chi-pui Calvin, chairman, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences; and Prof. Tham Chee-yung Clement, director, CUHK Eye Centre. Officiating at the ceremony included Mrs. Nancy Lee; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Fok Tai-Fai, dean of the Faculty of Medicine; and Dr. Leung Pak-yin, Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority. Over 130 guests and members of the University attended the ceremony.  The centre was named after the late Mr. Lee Wing-kit in recognition of the generous support from the Lee family to the University. Professor Sung expressed his gratitude to the University Grants Committee, the Food and Health Bureau and the Hospital Authority in making the centre possible. Located on the 4th floor of the Hong Kong Eye Hospital and spanning an area of around 1,100 sq.m., the centre is equipped with state-of-the-art ophthalmic diagnostic and training facilities. It will serve as a hub in advanced ophthalmic training, education and research in the Asia-Pacific region. 林毅夫解讀中國經濟 Justin Yifu Lin on China’s Economy 前世界銀行高級副行長兼首席 經濟學家、北京大學國家發展研 究院名譽院長林毅夫教授,以 「解讀中國經濟」為題在11月15 日主持公開講座,吸引約五百名 師生、校友及公眾人士參加。林 教授反思中國過去三十二年的增 長奇跡,考察背後的原因,並探 討中國經濟期在未來幾十年保 持年均增長百分之八的挑戰。  林教授於1986年獲芝加哥大學 經濟學博士學位,著書十六本, 包括七種語言版本的《中國的奇 跡:發展戰略與經濟改革》,以及 有中、英、日文版的《中國國有企 業改革》,並撰有逾百篇關於經 濟史、經濟發展和轉型的論文,於 國際期刊發表或收錄於論文集。 Prof. Justin Yifu Lin, former senior vice-president and chief economist of the World Bank, and honorary dean of National School of Development at Peking University, presented a public lecture on ‘Demystifying the Chinese Economy’ on 15 November. The lecture drew a full house of about 500 CUHK staff, students and members of the public. In the lecture, Professor Lin reflected on China’s unprecedented growth in the past 32 years, examined the reasons behind it, and discussed the challenges faced by China against maintaining an eight per cent annual growth rate in the coming decades. Professor Lin received his PhD in economics from the University of Chicago in 1986. He has authored 16 books, including The China Miracle: Development Strategy and Economic Reform , which has been published in seven languages, and State-owned Enterprise Reform in China , which is available in Chinese, Japanese, and English. He has published more than 100 articles in international journals and collected volumes on history, development, and transition. 陳垣崇談基因診斷 Chen Yuan-tsong on DNA- based Diagnosis 聯合書院2012至13年「到訪傑出學人」、台灣中央研究 院院士陳垣崇教授於10月30日至11月2日訪港,主持兩場 公開講座,題目為「導致藥物過敏的遺傳基因」和「研發 新藥的挑戰:從實驗室到醫務所,以至好萊塢」。陳教授 擅長人類基因病變研究,2006年研發出治療龐貝氏症藥 物,每年救活逾千名新生兒。陳教授近年從事藥物不良 反應的基因藥理學研究,開創個人化藥物的新路向。 Prof. Chen Yuan-tsong, Academician of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, visited United College from 30 October to 2 November as the College’s Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2012–13. He delivered two public lectures entitled ‘Preventing Drug Toxicity with a Gene Test’ and ‘Challenges of New Drug Development: From Laboratory to Clinic to Hollywood’. Professor Chen is recognized for his work on human genetic disorders. In 2006, he invented a drug to cure Pompe disease, which saves thousands of newborns every year. His latest pharmacogenomic studies of adverse drug reactions paves the way for personalized medicine by using gene tests to prevent drug toxicity.  陳垣崇教授(右一)與參加講座的龐貝氏症病人(右二)。 Prof. Chen Yuan-tsong (1st right) met with a Pompe patient (2nd right) at the lecture. 寫作及出版研討會 Symposium on Writing and Publishing 由資訊處、中大出 版社和人事處合辦 的「語文體例暨大 學出版研討會」於 11月26日舉行,多 位講員與出席者 分享了兩文三語和 電子出版的經驗, 並探討如何為大 學刊物發展較為 一貫的編輯範例。 研討會吸引了來自 八十二個部門及單位的二百多名職員參加。 Organized by the Information Services Office, the CU Press and the Personnel Office, the ‘Symposium: Language, Style and Publication in a University Context’ was held on 26 November. The symposium aimed to share the experience of publishing in two languages and three dialects with a rapid proliferation of e-publications, and explore the possibility in developing an appropriate house style in the CUHK context. Over 200 staff from 82 departments/units were attracted to participate. 左起︰利潔瑩女士、利定昌夫人及利榮傑夫人為眼科中心揭幕 From left: Ms. Florence Lee, Mrs. Nancy Lee and Mrs. Helen Lee unveil the plaque of the eye centre 林毅夫教授(左)與經濟學系系主任張俊森教授在答問環節 Prof. Justin Yifu Lin (left) and Prof. Zhang Junsen, chairman of Department of Economics, in the Q&A session 副校長許敬文教授歡迎研討會參加者 Prof. Michael Hui, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, welcomes symposium participants