Newsletter No. 408

No. 408, 4.12.2012 5 兩岸三校運動友誼賽 Universities Friendship Games 中大運動代表隊在團長沈祖堯校長、副團長協理副校長暨大學輔導 長吳基培教授帶領下,於10月30日至11月4日前往台北,出席第六屆 兩岸三校學生運動友誼賽,奪得一金兩銀佳績—羽毛球冠軍、網球 和男子籃球亞軍。賽事於1995年由中大創辦,每三年輪流由北京大 學、國立台灣大學和中文大學主辦。比賽期間並舉辦體育研討會、學 生交流會和文化參訪活動。 Led by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; and Prof. Dennis Ng, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and University Dean of Students, a delegation of CUHK athletes participated in the 6th Universities Friendship Games from 30 October to 4 November in Taipei. The CUHK athletes clinched the championship in badminton, and first runners-up in men’s basketball and tennis. The games were founded by CUHK in 1995. Three universities, namely, Peking University, National Taiwan University and CUHK, will take turns to organize the games every three years. Sports seminars, sharing sessions and cultural visits were organized during the competitions. 伍宜孫書院五周年 Wu Yee Sun College Fifth Anniversary 別號The Sunny College的伍宜孫書院成立五周年了,學生別出心裁,齊齊舉傘砌出太陽標誌,為書院茁 壯成長許下摯誠祝願。11月16日在大學廣場舉行的院慶聯歡,共有一百八十多位書院成員及學生參加。 Wu Yee Sun College, also known as ‘the Sunny College,’ celebrated its fifth anniversary on 16 November at the University Square. College students lined up holding umbrellas to form the sun logo, with rays radiating from a core formed by staff standing in front of the Ju Ming sculpture. Over 180 College members and students took part in the event. 宮廷脆豆腐 Imperial Tofu 豆腐在所有中菜館餐牌都佔一席位,有時甚至自成一類;在國際也大有名堂,無論大城小鎮,不知 「tofu」為何物的「老外」恐怕沒幾個。豆腐的成分不出大豆、石膏、鹽和水,如此簡單廉價的材料, 卻能做出千變萬化的菜式。許多時獨自擔綱,也帶來好戲連場。 崇基學院教職員聯誼會會所餐廳,又見豆腐粉墨登場。一塊蒸煮豆腐均分為八,每件厚約一公分, 上粉炸之。上碟金黃,外剛內柔,下箸夾送碗中,仍保完整無損。輕輕咬開,脆滋滋嫩顫顫,雪白內 心仍在冒煙。舌頭滾燙,然味蕾發饞,呼嚕吞下,微鹹微辣混和淡淡豆香,猶在齒頰兀自調和。 雖名「宮廷」,但無甚排場。平常食材,皆因廚師靜心伺候,火候控制得宜,遂令我等平民雖南面王 亦不易矣。 In most Chinese eateries, tofu is a common ingredient and sometimes a dish unto itself. It’s also one of the few authentic Asian foods that are commonly known outside of Asia. Tofu is made of soybeans, water and a curdling agent—simple components that belie the amazing number of dishes it can be used to create. In the latest rendition by the Clubhouse Restaurant of Chung Chi College Staff Club, a brick of tofu is sliced into eight 1 cm slabs, coated in a mixture of flavoured flour and deep fried until just golden. They arrive piping hot, so watch out you don’t scorch your tongue. Upon contact with your teeth, the crispy exterior collapses to reveal a white, tender and still-smoking interior. The taste is slightly salty and spicy, and infused with the clean fragrance of soy. Though named ‘Imperial Tofu’, the dish is simple and barely adorned. Thanks to the chef’s expert control of the fire and incredible patience, the common ingredients make a dish unbeatable by any palatial cuisine.