Newsletter No. 409

No. 409, 19.12.2012 5 瑞典是發明家並諾貝爾獎創辦人諾貝爾的故鄉,其開放 自由的環境和優秀的教育,吸引不少學子。中大於2001 年起陸續與瑞典九所高等院校建立聯繫,展開學生交流 計劃,包括斯德哥爾摩大學、厄勒布魯大學、哥德堡大學 和隆德大學等。 去年,中大與瑞典學界的合作更進一步,與瑞典研究暨高 等教育國際合作基金會(簡稱STINT)簽訂傑出教學計劃 合作協議,每年選出一至兩位瑞典學者,邀請他們到中大 任訪問學人一學期,教授相關科目或進行研究。瑞典學者 有機會汲取海外課程管理和教學經驗,與中大學者觀摩 交流,中大學生亦可感受瑞典教學的特色。 厄勒布魯大學人文、教育和社會科學學院高級講師 Louise Berglund博士是首位獲STINT計劃選出的訪問學 者,駐訪中大歷史系,今學年上學期教授西洋上古、中古 史一科,並主持學系講座。 Berglund博士表示在厄勒布魯大學已任教十二年,很希 望看看其他地方的教育,遙遠的亞洲對她來說尤其吸引。 得知STINT與中大的協議提供這機會,於是立即申請並 獲選。 來到中大,Berglund博士感受到文化的不同,瑞典學生 勇於表達意見,香港學生就較含蓄內歛。她盛讚中大的教 學環境及設施,指由於行政很有效率,教研人員可專心工 作。硬件方面,課室的先進設施、圖書館的豐富典藏,均 使她印象深刻。 此外,首次在東南亞國家任教歐洲歷史科,拓展了她的眼界, 她發現東西方學者同樣對靈魂方面的研究有興趣,認識不 同地方學者的想法,有助她在將來的研究工作確立新觀點。 中大與STINT現已為下年度的計劃初步遴選出六位學者, 他們的專業涵蓋教育、機械工程、政治及公共行政和護理 學,結果將於明年2月公布。 Sweden, the home of renowned inventor Alfred Nobel after whom the Nobel Prize is named, is an open and free society, offering a high quality of education. As such, it is a popular country for students to go study. CUHK has established its connection with nine Swedish higher education institutions and has launched student exchange programmes with them since 2001. The partner institutions included Stockholm University, Örebro University, the University of Gothenburg and Lund University. Last year, the collaboration extended to a visiting fellows arrangement. CUHK signed an agreement with the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) to take part in the STINT’s Excellence in Teaching Programme. Under the programme, CUHK will each year host one or two Swedish faculty members selected by STINT who will spend a full term teaching or co-teaching a course in a discipline close to their own as well as engaging in research. The programme aims at allowing Swedish scholars to acquire experience in course management and teaching outside the country. At the same time, CUHK teachers get to exchange teaching experience with them, and CUHK students can be taught by Swedish scholars. Dr. Louise Berglund, senior lecturer in the School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences of Örebro University, was selected as the first STINT fellow. She taught ‘Ancient and Medieval Western History’ at the CUHK Department of History and delivered talks in the first term of the 2012 academic year. Having taught at Örebro University for 12 years, Dr. Berglund said she really wanted to go abroad to see how education works in other countries. She is especially interested in Asia, a region far away from home. She applied for the STINT fellow scheme and was selected. Dr. Berglund observed that Swedish students are more willing to express their opinion while those in Hong Kong tend to keep quiet. She praised the efficiency of the University administration which supports researchers and teachers to focus on their work. Dr. Berglund is also impressed by the advanced classroom equipment and the rich collection of the library. This is Dr. Berglund’s first time to teach western history in Southeast Asia. She said it has provided her with insight. She observed that the spiritual aspects of history, such as where the soul will go after death, are popular research topics for both eastern and western scholars, but the perspectives may be different. Dr. Berglund believes that learning about the different kinds of thinking will enrich her future research. For 2013–14, STINT and CUHK have shortlisted six candidates in the areas of education, mechanical engineering, government and public administration, and nursing. The selection results will be announced in February 2013. 瑞典學者在中大 A Swedish Scholar at CUHK 中大校友日於12月2日舉行,吸引逾五千五百名校友及其 親友出席。大學當日公布五十周年校慶標誌和主題─ 「傳承.開創」,意指中大人要回顧前輩學人及創校先 賢的功業,同時也瞻望未來,為未來灌注新動力,應對全 球化所帶來的挑戰。校慶標誌的設計靈感源自中大校徽 中的「鳳」,以鳳冠為「5」,彎角為「0」,以校色紫與金為 主,既有古樸的中國風格,亦不失現代感。 沈祖堯校長同時公布其中一項校 慶活動—「中大五十.關懷」,大 學將率領師生校友在2013年參與 五十項關懷社會行動;呼籲他們參 與義務工作五十小時和加入「中大 五十.關懷服務團」,與社會分享大 學發展的成果。 Over 5,500 alumni and their family and friends participated in the 2012 CUHK Alumni Home- coming on 2 December. On that day, the University announced the theme and logo of its 50th anniversary. The theme ‘Embrace our Culture, Empower our Future’ means that members of the CUHK community should respect the achievements of scholars who have gone before them and at the same time focus their vision on the future. They need to refresh and revitalize in order to face the challenges posed by globalization. The logo is inspired by the CUHK emblem which comprises the mythical Chinese bird—the phoenix or feng . In the logo, the crown of the feng stands for the numeral ‘5’ while its curved horn forms the numeral ‘0’. The colours of the University—purple and gold are adopted. The logo represents the combination of Chinese tradition and modernity. On the same occasion, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, made an announcement about a major anniversary activity—CU50  •  Care. CUHK will lead its members to offer voluntary services via 50 service programmes in 2013. He urged them to undertake 50 hours of volunteer service and to join the CU50  •  Care Service Team to share the fruit of the University’s growth with the public. 五十周年校慶主題及標誌公布 Theme and Logo of CUHK 50th Anniversary Announced Louise Berglund 博士是首位駐訪中大的STINT學人 Dr. Louise Berglund, the first STINT fellow visiting CUHK