Newsletter No. 410

No. 410, 4.1.2013 3 體驗式學習活動紀錄樣本 Specimen of Experimental Learning Activities Report 哪些活動可臚列於「學生發展組合」平台? What activities can be included in SDP? 活動須符合以下六項條件: The activities have to fulfil the following six criteria: 由大學單位(書院、學系、學生事務處等)舉辦 Organized by a unit of the University (e.g., College, Department, Office of Student Affairs) 不包含學分 Not a formal credit-bearing course 累積參與時間不少於二十四小時 Aggregate time should be at least 24 hours 至少屬於I、C、A、R、E其中一個範疇 Reflects at least one of the attributes/qualities as contained in the I • CARE framework 舉辦單位必須重視活動素質,確保其能達到舉辦的宗旨 Organizer should ensure that quality assurance mechanism is in place as a measurement of student learning outcome 舉辦單位必須保存學生參與有關活動的紀錄 Organizer should be able to produce proof of the student’s involvement when necessary 中 文大學着重全人發展,學生除了課堂學習外,參與 交流實習、各類成長課程、領袖培訓、服務社會等 體驗式學習,也是重要的一環。這些學習經歷是個人履歷 的一部分,校方與學生如何將之系統化整理紀錄和展示? 學生事務處最近推出網上平台—「學生發展組合」系統 ( ) ,提供了妥善方案。 學生事務處處長 梁汝照 先生( 圖 )表示,數年前教資會質 素保證局發表的《質素核證報告》,讚揚大學「為學生提 供範疇廣泛而又多元化的體驗學習機會」,同時建議加強 各學生關顧單位之間的協調,使整體服務更能照顧學生的 均衡發展;加上在三、四年制並行的數年內,學生增加,大 學需因應舉行更多活動,於是成立專責小組跟進,經過研 究和諮詢,發展出這多功能的「學生發展組合」系統。 舉辦學生活動的部門,可在「學生發展組合」平台開設戶 口,按活動所屬主要範疇(即I、C、A、R、E其中一項),輸 入所舉辦並符合要求的學生活動,學生便可透過平台報 名;完成活動後,經主辦部門確認,學生參與的資料將滙 入個人戶口以資紀錄。如學生參加校外或學生團體所辦的 活動,亦可在平台上呈報,把資料加入戶口。 日後學生如有需要,例如求職或升學,只要按一 按鈕,便可隨時自行提取資訊,過去曾參與的活動 一覽無遺,更可輸出一份巨細無遺的「體驗式學 習活動紀錄」,供僱主或升學機構參考。 網上平台可幫助學生簡易地整理其體驗式學習活動 資料,從而均衡安排課外活動,避免偏廢;此外各舉 辦學生活動的部門也可總覽全校為學生籌辦的活動 性質,以便適當安排資源,調適增減,協助學生多樣 發展。 梁汝照稱各舉辦學生活動的部門可自由決定是否使 用平台,現時已有五十個部門承諾參與,包括九所書 院,學院和學系,以及行政部門,反應甚理想。學生 事務處早前為各部門及學生舉辦了多次工作坊及簡 介環節,大部分有關部門均有派員出席。 C UHK sets great store by its students’ whole- person development. Along with classroom learning, non-formal education which includes overseas exchange, personal growth activities, leadership training and voluntary services, is a vital component in a student’s resumé. But, how can the University and students keep track of such information and present it systematically? The new Student Development Portfolio (SDP) ( ) , a web-based system established by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), is a solution. Mr. Raymond Leung ( photo ), Director of Student Affairs, related the birth of the system, ‘Several years ago, the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Committee released its Report of a Quality Audit of CUHK , which commended the University for, among other things, the “variety and extent of experiential learning opportunities available to students”. It also recommended the University to strengthen the coordination of different pastoral student support agencies so as to ensure that there is a concerted institution-wide effort to facilitate our students’ all-round development.’ In addition, more extracurricular activities should be provided to meet the needs of the increased student population under the new 3+3+4 curriculum reform. A task force was then set up to look into the issue. After comprehensive study and consultations, the multi-purposed SDP was developed. University units can create their own accounts in the SDP system, and input activity details when they hold student activities eligible for registration. They will be asked to put their activities into one of the five pre- established categories (i.e., I, C, A, R, E). When that is done, students can register for those activities online. After the completion of a particular activity has been verified by the organizer, the system will enter that into the participating students’ records. If students have taken part in activities held by student bodies or parties outside the University, they can report them through the system and add them to their personal records. By simply pressing a button, students can access their records of experiential learning and generate a report when they need it for further study or employment. The system makes it easy for students to manage their experiential learning opportunities. It also gives different University units a broad picture of the natures of the activities organized for students on campus, thus helping them to better allocate their resources to facilitate students’ holistic development. It is optional for units to use the system. But the OSA has received encouraging response. Raymond said that so far a total of 50 student support units had pledged to use the SDP system, including the nine Colleges, various Faculties, departments and administrative units. And the training workshops and briefing sessions organized by the OSA on SDP for staff members and students have been attended by representatives from most of the relevant University units. C 「創造與知性」,例如領袖培訓計劃、工作實習計劃  Creativity and Intellectual Development, e.g., leadership training or internship A 「生活藝術與美學」,例如學生文化大使計劃  Appreciation of Life and Aesthetics Development, e.g., Student Cultural Ambassador Scheme R 「人際關係與群育」,例如外展訓練課程、師友計劃  Relationships and Social Development, e.g., Outward Bound training or mentorship programme E 「活力與身心健康」,例如運動校隊、朋輩輔導計劃  Energy and Wellness, e.g., University sports team, peer counselling programme 讓非形式學習一目了然 A Systematic Presentation of Non-formal Education I 「人格與德育」,例如個人成長課程、義務工作計劃  Integrity and Moral Development, e.g., personal growth training or voluntary services