Newsletter No. 410

4 No. 410, 4.1.2013 盧煜明談研究之路 Prof. Dennis Lo on his Research Journey 研究院院長黃永成教授(右)致送紀念品予盧煜明教授 Prof. Wong Wing-shing (right), Dean of the Graduate School, presenting a souvenir to Professor Lo 醫學院李嘉誠醫學講座教授兼化學病理學系系主任盧 煜明教授於11月14日在「研究院講座系列」主講,講題為 「無創性產前檢查:由無至有」,盧教授分享他投身學術 研究的心路歷程,並鼓勵學生與同袍要大膽思考,觀察 入微,打破常理,勇於創新。當天講座約有一百五十名研 究生及教職員出席。 Prof. Dennis Y.M. Lo, Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine and chairman of the Department of Chemical Pathology, CUHK, spoke to 150 CUHK staff and postgraduate students at the Graduate School Seminar Series titled ‘Non-invasive Prenatal Diagnosis: From Dream to Reality’ on 14 November. Professor Lo shared his experience in research with the audience and inspired them with his personal mottos on research: Do not rely on established wisdom; look into non-obvious details and take unconventional approaches. 論中國社工的國際合作研究 Seminar on Collaborative Research on Social Workers in China 社會工作學系於12月13日舉行「國際合作研究:兩項對中國新一代社會工作者之研究事例」學術研討會,邀得山東大 學社會工作系系主任高鑒國教授( 左 )、英屬哥倫比亞大學社會工作學院副教授殷妙仲( 中 ),以及中大社會工作學系 副教授林靜雯( 右 )主講。高教授簡介了中國社會工作的背景和 最新情況,殷教授提出在國際合作研究的顧慮和面對的問題,林 教授則發表她在山東和深圳兩個並行研究的成果。 Organized by the Department of Social Work, the research seminar on ‘International Collaborative Research: Case Example of Two Studies on New Social Workers in China’ was held on 13 December. In the seminar, Prof. Gao Jianguo ( left ), chairman, Department of Social Work, Shandong University, gave a brief account on the background and the latest developments of social work in China; Prof. Yan Miu-chung ( centre ), associate professor of the School of Social Work, the University of British Columbia, talked about the problems impacting international collaborations, and Prof. Lam Ching-man ( right ), associate professor of the Department of Social Work, CUHK, introduced the audience to the research results of her parallel studies in Shandong and Shenzhen. 王德峰教授論文獲表揚 Prof. Wang Defeng Receives Awards 醫學院影像及介入放射學 系助理教授王德峰憑自動 構建默認腦網絡模板的研 究,在2012年生物醫學工程 國際會議上獲優秀青年工 程師論文比賽季軍;他又以 其自動計算腦白質病變的 論文,獲得在韓國舉行的第 十七屆磁共振成像年會最 佳口頭報告獎,以及天壇國際腦血管病會議的海報交流 三等獎。 Prof. Wang Defeng, assistant professor in the Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, has received recognition for his research at international conferences. He was the second runner-up at the Best Young Engineers’ Paper Competition for his study on ‘Template Construction for Default Mode Network’ at the Biomedical Engineering International Conference 2012. Professor Wang also won the Scientific Oral Presentation Award at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and the third prize of the Excellent Poster Award at the Tiantan International Stroke Conference 2012 with his paper ‘Automatic Detection and Mapping of White Matter Lesions Validated by Visual Rating’. 大學全新網頁 New Look of the University Website 大學網頁已於2013年1月1日換新貌。新設計的網頁 仔細考慮不同用者的需要,方便用者更快捷地找到所 需資訊,並加設多項新欄目以報道校園內外的各種最 新消息,如「金禧年」、「CUTV」、「中大人」、「科研 貢獻」、「此時此地」和「世界比鄰」等。此外,網頁設 計亦參考無障礙網頁的要求。歡迎瀏覽 www.cuhk. 感 受全新體驗。如對網頁有任何建議,歡迎向 資訊處提出,以臻完善: comment.html 。 The University website has been revamped and launched on 1 January 2013. Contents of the website have been reorganized in a more accessible and user-friendly way, with careful consideration given to the needs of different groups of users. New sections—‘The Golden Jubilee’, ’CUTV’, ’People’, ‘Eureka!’, ‘Here & Now’, ’World Presence’—have been added to do greater justice to the variety of news and events on and off campus. The website has also been designed with strengthened web accessibility for the disabled. You can enjoy the new browsing experience at . Comments can be sent to the Information Services Office at english/comment.html . 葉劉淑儀談雙語能力對公僕的重要性 Regina Ip on Bilingual Communication in Civil Service 行政立法兩會議員葉劉淑儀女士應自學中心之邀請,於12月20日 來校與約一百位學生講述雙語能力於公務員的重要性。有近 三十年公務員工作經驗的葉太表示,當政務或行政主任要就某些 社會議題向上級呈交報告或建議時,撰寫文件必須準確和簡明 扼要;以往這些文件以英文為主,現時則中英同樣重要。會上她又 介紹政府內部報告的基本結構,並講述新入職政務主任要負責的 工作。 Mrs. Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, member of both the Executive and Legislative Councils, was invited by the Independent Learning Centre to deliver a talk on the importance of bilingual communication in civil service to about 100 CUHK students on 20 December. Mrs. Ip, who has nearly 30 years of experience as a civil servant, said that when an administrative or executive officer is requested to submit a report or a proposal concerning a social issue to his or her supervisor, it should be written in a succinct, accurate, precise and concise manner. In the past, these documents were mainly written in English but Chinese is increasingly important. She also introduced the basic format of an internal report in the government and a normal working day of an administrative officer at entry level.