Newsletter No. 411

第四一一期 二零一三年一月十九日  No. 411 19 January 2013 P2 「學生懂得思索人生,這是通 識科老師最感欣慰的。」 ‘General education teachers are glad to see students starting to reflect on their own lives.’ P4 「植入式擾流器是  對付腦動脈瘤幾近完美 的療法。」 ‘The technology of flow diverter is almost a perfect solution for aneurysms.’ P10 「外國人初到像香港這 種說粵語的地區,需要 相當多支援。」 ‘Substantial support is needed for foreigners who first come to a Cantonese- speaking region like Hong Kong.’ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 跑出中大精神 由逾一千八百位中大教職員、學生、校友和友好組成的中大金禧馬 拉松隊,正積極備戰二月舉行的渣打香港馬拉松。過去兩個月,大 學為隊友提供一系列講座和培訓,由體育運動科學系教員指導,裝 備大家一起跑出中大創校半世紀以來團結不屈的精神。 Run for CUHK Over 1,800 CUHK staff, students, alumni and friends joined the University Golden Jubilee Marathon Team to take part in the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon held in February. Over the last two months, the University held seminars and field trainings conducted by professionals from the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education for team members.