Newsletter No. 412

2 No. 412, 4.2.2013 電 影《捉鬼敢死隊》裏有令人莞爾的圖書館一幕: 主角彼得大着膽子向在書架前專心閱讀的幽靈 打招呼,幽靈回過頭來,不是露出青面獠牙,而是豎起 食指,撮唇給他一聲「噓-」。圖書館就是書海浩瀚、 安靜嚴肅的學術殿堂,用者各自埋首書本追求知識。這 形象根深蒂固,無怪乎幽靈也恪守這陽間的規矩。 然而,學習模式經歷範式轉移,除了面對面傳授知識, 同儕之間討論協作、透過互動而激發新意念,變得愈加 重要。求知的媒界不再局限於書本,而擴展至五花八門 的圖書館電子資源,由此亦導致手提電腦或平板電腦作 為學習工具的普及。圖書館的建設模式和服務當然也得 隨着時代步伐,相應調適。 踏進2012至13學年,大學圖書館地庫的「進學園」呈現 了圖書館的新形象:寬敞愜意、光線充足,舉目是從惠 園水池下透的粼粼波光,還有色彩奪目的椅子,學生三 五成群,討論自習,悠然自得。 面積二千平方米的「進學園」和專予教研人員和研究生 使用的「研究共享空間」,是圖書館擴建工程計劃中的 兩個新增區域,連同由圖書館和資訊科技服務處共同 管理、設於下校園伍何曼原樓的「學習共享空間」,中大 校園共多了三處學生研習的理想場地。 以上三處的設計配合現今主要的學習模式,共通特點 是桌椅可自由組合,方便不同人數的小組討論,設有 LED屏幕的研討室供學生借用,又提供大量充電插座, 讓學生自攜的流動電子產品能持續上網,與外界連繫。 大學圖書館高級助理館長 劉麗芝 稱,乘着書籍電子化這 世界大趨勢,圖書館方能騰出更多的溫習空間,再加上 另一有利條件—因應「3+3+4」新學制而要擴建圖書 館,不啻創造了引入嶄新概念和設計的契機,讓圖書館 得以新姿態實踐「配合大學課程,為師生提供教學、研 究及發展所需的資源及服務」的使命。建築師花了不少 心思,將新構思滲進擴建工程的整體設計中。 進學園和學習共享空間去年11月起二十四小時開放,數 據顯示在考試高峰期,半夜時分最多有近四百人使用進 學園;至於學習共享空間,午夜時甚至有同學需要席地 而坐。 進學 博文 The Chinese Names 「進學園」、「博文徑」意義雋永,是圖書館同事參考古 籍的力作。 進學園—進學,取自《禮記  • 學記》,記載了「進學之  道」,即增進學問的方法;而韓愈的〈進學解〉則論到求學 乃「業精於勤,荒於嬉。」 博文徑—在屈原的〈離騷〉中,提到「路漫漫其修遠兮, 吾將上下而求索」,指追尋真理的路很漫長;長桌綿延前 進,仿如一條求真之徑,而博文則是取自中大校訓「博文 約禮」。 The Chinese names of the Learning Garden (進學園) and the Learning Path (博文徑) are drawn from Chinese ancient canons which denote the attitude to study of ancient Chinese scholars. Part of the Chinese name of the Learning Path comes from the motto of CUHK. The University Library staff are credited with creating these meaningful and memorable names. 新學習空間資料: Information on New Study Commons 進學園 Learning Garden 地點 Location: 大學圖書館地庫 Lower Ground Floor, University Library 聯絡和網址 Contact and Website: 3943 9730 ShowPage.jsp?Cid=921&Pid=19&Version=0&page=0 研究共享空間 Research Commons 地點 Location: 大學圖書館一樓 1/F, University Library 聯絡和網址 Contact and Website: 3943 7305 學習共享空間 Learning Commons 地點 Location: 伍何曼原樓六樓 6/F, Wu Ho Man Yuen Building 聯絡和網址 Contact and Website: 3943 3840 新意念 新功能 新學習空間 A Revolutionary Study Commons I n a scene from the movie Ghostbusters , Dr. Peter Venkman summoned up his courage to greet the ghost who was always immersed in a book by the library bookshelf. However, she only replied, ‘Shhh….’, gesturing for the parapsychologist to keep quiet. A library in many people’s minds, is an academic place of quiet and solemnity with an abundance of books, where people go to read alone. Even a ghost would know this and if she be of a benign disposition, follow worldly rules. In contrast to this, the mode of study is undergoing a paradigm shift. In addition to face-to-face teaching, collaborative learning through discussion among peers to generate ideas is increasingly important. Moreover, learning materials are no longer limited to books but library e-resources accessible via tablets and notebooks. To stay abreast of the latest technological developments, a library needs to be adaptive in design and services provided. In 2012–13, the Learning Garden on the lower ground floor of the University Library presents a new image of a library: spacious, cosy and bright. Skylight penetrates to the subterranean environment through a sheet of water as a glass ceiling is installed under the fountain of The Forum. Chairs in vibrant colours are available for students having small group discussions or studying alone. The 2,000 sq. m. Learning Garden and the Research Commons, an area specifically designed for postgraduate students, researchers and faculty, are the two new zones established in the University Library Extension project. Together with the Learning Commons located at the Wu Ho Man Yuen Building on lower campus which is jointly managed by the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) and the University Library System, they make up three new ideal places for students to study on campus. The revolutionary design of the three areas meets the needs of today’s learning modes. Common features include providing moveable tables and chairs for flexible seating, group study rooms with LED screens, and electric sockets to power up students’ portable electronic devices so they can stay connected to the Internet. 學習共享空間 Learning Commons 位於伍何曼原樓六樓的「學習共享空間」,擁有無拘 無束的舒適環境,是學生聚腳的好地方。資訊科技服 務處電算師 陳妙嫦 表示,伍何曼原樓及康本國際學術 園有多間課室和講堂,是下校園主要上課之處,大學 特意在伍何曼原樓劃出整層為共享空間,提供一系列 電腦設備、多用途場地、專業資訊科技及圖書館諮詢 服務,以支援個人學習及小組討論。 The Learning Commons is located on the sixth floor of the Wu Ho Man Yuen Building. Ms. Wendy Chan , computer officer of ITSC, said the building and the Yasumoto International Academic Park, with many classrooms and lecture theatres inside, are the main teaching blocks on lower campus. The Learning Commons was established there for students to study and take a rest after class. It is equipped with a range of computing facilities, functional spaces and professional IT and library consultation services. Ms. Maria Lau , senior sub-librarian of the University Library System, said, in view of the global trend of digitization of publications, the library is able to offer more space for turning into study areas. The University Library also underwent expansion to cope with the new ‘3+3+4’ curriculum. All these factors opened up an opportunity for introducing new spatial concepts and allowed the library to carry out its mission of supporting the University’s academic programmes in a brand new way. Beginning from last November, the Learning Garden and Learning Commons are open 24 hours a day. Statistics show that during examination time, some 400 users stayed in the Garden till late at night. As for the Learning Commons, many students sat on the floor studying till midnight. 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 在 博爾赫斯 的著名短篇故事〈巴別圖書館〉中,宇宙是由無 數六角形房間組成的圖書館,每間房都收藏着相同而無法 看懂的書。這個宇宙由書籍統治,人類可有可無。在中大校 園,隨着大學圖書館的進學園和伍何曼原樓的學習共享空 間出現,治學的宇宙已大大擴張,而在這些學習共享空間 裏,書本反而是可有可無的。 這些空間是由學生來進駐,讓渴求知識的靈魂互相聯繫, 他們不但涵泳於已出版問世的意念,還有正在醞釀的思 想。因此,他們可以坐,可以臥;可以在iPad上書寫,也可以 在牆上動筆;可以與同學辯論,質疑普遍接受的觀念。開啟 給訪客和使用者的是學習的新天地。 中大是中國與西方交會的地方。這個特點也可見於像 梁秉中 教授的個人身上,他的中藥知識與西方臨床治療方 法出色地結合,拯救病人的生命和肢體。他怎樣辦到?本期 「洞明集」揭曉箇中奧妙。 情人節很快就到,在這段甘美如蜜的日子裏瀰漫的味道只 有一種─甜味。中大酒店及旅遊課程的教學餐廳供應五 彩繽紛的法國美食馬卡龍,不但能撩動你的味蕾,還會融 化你的心。看過本期「舌尖上的中大」後,不妨在Tweeter上 發文告訴你的朋友,並請你的甜心來品嚐幸福的滋味。 In one of Borges’ famous short stories, ‘The Library of Babel’, the universe is a library of infinite number of hexagonal rooms housing identical but incomprehensible books. It is a universe inhabited and governed by tomes, and human beings are conspicuous by their absence. On CUHK campus, the universe for learning has been expanded by a number of learning commons, most notably the Library’s Learning Garden and that in the Wu Ho Man Yuen Building. Here, it is the books which are conspicuous by their absence. The spaces are for students to fill in, connect with other intellectually curious souls, and to envelop themselves not with published ideas but with fermenting thoughts. Thus, they can sit, even sprawl; write in their iPads, or on the wall; debate with classmates, and challenge accepted views. New vistas are opened up for visitors and users. CUHK has always been the place where China meets the West. In the person of Professor Leung Ping-chung , his knowledge of Chinese herbs has been admirably combined with Western clinical methods to help save lives and limbs. How? It will be made plain in ‘In Plain View’. There is only one taste permeating the marshmallow days counting down to St. Valentine’s—sweetness. The French delicacy of macaron offered by the teaching diner of CUHK’s hospitality programme, in colourful assortments, will sooth your palate and melt some hearts. After reading ‘Mouth-watering Morsels’ in this issue, tweet your friends and treat your valentines. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 新意念 新功能 新學習空間 2 A Revolutionary Study Commons 洞明集 In Plain View 4 校園消息 Campus News 6 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 7 昔與今 Then vs Now 8 宣布事項 Announcements 9 人事動態 Ins and Outs 10 舌尖上的中大 Mouth-watering Morsels 11 鄭竹文如是說 Thus Spake Eddie Tay 12