Newsletter No. 412

No. 412, 4.2.2013 3 研究共享空間 Research Commons 由於研究生和研究人員人數日增,圖書館特別照顧他們的需要,擴建後 增設了「研究共享空間」,當中「集思閣」的家具可按需要而移動,並設 有大型白板供學生集思廣益,營造輕鬆交流氣氛。李麗芳指:「研究生 往往專注於自己鑽研的範疇,集思閣提供鼓勵大家交流的環境,使他們 在研究的路上不會感到孤單。」此外,圖書館現有四十多間研讀室以支 援教研人員和博士生做研究,這服務廣受歡迎,輪候名冊不短呢﹗ 隨着跨學科研究、協作研究和數碼化學術報告出版的增長,研究生和教 研人員的支援需求不斷變化和湧現,研究共享空間配合無間,應用最新 的科技,提供嶄新的資訊設備,並由專業館員給予多樣化的參考輔助。 Due to a rise in the number of postgraduate students and researchers, the Library set up the Research Commons. Among other facilities, the Idea Exchange which contains movable furniture, is a relaxing zone for students to exchange ideas. Ms. Li said, ‘The zone provides a pleasant environment for researchers to exchange ideas so they won’t feel they are alone in their academic journey.’ To support teaching staff, researchers and doctoral students, there are now over 40 Doctoral Study Rooms and Faculty Study Rooms for booking. This service is very popular and has a long waiting list. New and changing needs are emerging with the growth of interdisciplinary studies, collaborative research and digital scholarship. The Research Commons is innovatively designed and specifically zoned into a variety of technology-rich spaces with built-in flexibility and providing a suite of resources, facilities and professional help. 進學園 Learning Garden 大學圖書館系統主任 陳世斌 介紹「進學園」時說,呈S形的桌子長 約五十米,相信是全港最長的桌子。這桌取名為「博文徑」,沿桌而 行,會發現高度和闊度變化有致,矮的一端,讀者可棄椅坐在地上, 或索性以桌代椅,坐在桌上;寬的位置,可三五人對坐討論。學生可 按需要自行找一個舒適位置落腳,或躺、或自習、或與同學切磋,各 自修行,設計風格配合年輕人的率性。 博文徑旁的空間,讀者可自行拼湊桌椅,大學圖書館助理館長 李麗芳 表示:「我們選取較輕巧的家具,方便自由組合。」無論是二人細商, 以至十多人的協作,總能夠將桌椅拼出適合的模式。牆上一幅延至 天花板的白板滿布學生寫下的數學方程式、議題重點、意見、詩歌、 甚至各類塗鴉,是自由分享的園地。 另一端的梯級型座位,可容納七十多人隨意坐卧,也可用作舉辦活 動,甚至上課,把學習帶出班房,途經者若有興趣還可駐足參與, 造就知識傳播。進學園又設有多間圓型的小組研討室,容納四至八 人開會或研習,他們可將資料投射在房內的LED屏幕上共同討論, 又或作模擬小組報告。 Mr. Ivan Chan , assistant librarian, talked about the design of the Learning Garden. The S-shaped table, named the Learning Path, is about 50-metre long and it is believed to be the longest such table in Hong Kong. The table features different heights and widths along its length. At the lower end, students can sit on the floor and use the table or even sit on the table as it is the height of a low- stool. In the wider part, they can sit at the two sides of the table to carry out small group discussions. Whether lying down, having individual study or doing group projects, the students will be able to find a part of the table that will suit their needs. In the area besides the Path, readers can move the tables and chairs around and combine them in whatever ways they like. Ms. Li Lai-fong , sub-librarian, said, ‘We selected furniture that is light in weight to increase the flexibility.’ On the wall, there is a white board extending to the ceiling with student’s writings, such as mathematical formulae, meeting agendas, opinion statements, poetry, even drawings. It is a place for free expression and sharing. Opposite to the white board is a stair-seat with multiple seating levels which can accommodate about 70 persons. It is an ideal venue for holding activities or having lessons, the contents of which can be shared with passers-by. Also available are bubble study rooms accommodating four to eight persons each. Users can project their work onto the LED screen for ease of discussion or to rehearse for presentations.