Newsletter No. 412

8 No. 412, 4.2.2013 1977 T rains have been the major means of transportation connecting CUHK to other places. Many may have fond and vivid memories of passengers on the old diesel trains closing the windows to prevent diesel soot from floating into the compartments when the trains passed through tunnels. That was before the advent of electric trains, i.e., 1983. Now the railway is more comfortable and efficient, and the platforms of the University MTR Station are wider. A new northern entrance opened recently to cope with the University’s growth and development. 火 車一直是連接中大與其他地方的主要交通工具,在1983年 鐵路全面電氣化之前,每當柴油火車過山進隧道,乘客都自 動自覺把窗關上,以防柴油煙屑飄進車廂,此情此景,相信不少人仍 歷歷在目。相比以前,現在的列車更舒適快捷,大學車站月台變得闊 落了,配合校園發展,2012年更增設北面出口。 2012