Newsletter No. 413

No. 413, 4.3.2013 7 1978 2013 從 大埔道旁分支小徑蜿蜒而上的中大校長住宅漢園,於 1970年落成,園內前庭草地可遠眺大學。校園不斷發展,人 事亦歷經遞嬗。漢園主人由創校校長李卓敏博士(1963 – 1978), 更替至今天的第七任校長沈祖堯教授(2010 – ),前庭的小樹亦已 茁長成蔭。 N estled in serenity at the end of a winding lane that branches off from Tai Po Road is the Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge. Built in 1970, the lodge commands a panoramic view of the CUHK campus from the lawn on its front yard. The first occupant of the lodge was Dr. Li Choh-ming, the founding CUHK Vice-Chancellor (1963–1978), and now 30 years later, it is Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, the seventh CUHK Vice-Chancellor (2010– ). The saplings in the yard have grown into tall trees.