Newsletter No. 413

8 No. 413, 4.3.2013 中大頒榮譽博士銜予耶魯大學校長 CUHK presents Honorary Degree to Yale President 中大沈祖堯校長( 右 )率代表團於1月15日出訪美國耶魯大學,加強 雙方合作關係。沈校長亦藉是次出訪,頒授榮譽法學博士證書予耶 魯大學校長Richard Charles Levin教授( 左 ),表揚他對高等教育 界的重要貢獻,典禮於耶魯大學校長府邸舉行。Levin教授因事未 能出席去年12月舉行的榮譽博士學位頒授典禮。 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( right ), CUHK Vice-Chancellor, led a delegation to visit Yale University to enhance academic collaborations between the two institutions on 15 January. Professor Sung took the opportunity to present in person to Prof. Richard Charles Levin ( left ), President of Yale University, the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws conferred upon in absentia at CUHK’s 72nd Congregation in December last year, in recognition of Professor Levin’s outstanding contributions to higher education. The ceremony was held at the President’s Lodge of Yale University. 牽動人心之旅 A Journey to the Heart 教育心理學系劉兆瑛教授於1月 19日主講「四川行:一個牽動人心 的旅程」,為教育學院慶祝大學 五十周年公開講座的首講。劉教 授十次四川行的緣起,是2008年 5月12日四川汶川發生八級大地震 後,他看到一幕幕震懾人心的報 道,故於同月底毅然遠赴成都,希 望協助災民。回程後,他反覆思量 如何長遠服務災民,最終認為根本 之法是培訓當地人才,由他們延續 服務。由此,劉教授續九赴成都, 為四川師範大學碩士生舉辦自我探 索小組、「全方位學校輔導計劃」 講座和工作坊。 劉教授總結經驗:「四川行由情感的觸動而起,以自身專業訓練來貢獻當地居民,並須不斷堅持。過程中,牽 動了接受培訓學生的心,更牽動了我的心,我更希望可以牽動在座者的心。未來,我會繼續四川之行。」 Prof. Lau Siu-ying Patrick, professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, hosted the first Public Lecture for CUHK 50th Anniversary by the Faculty of Education on 19 January. In his lecture entitled ‘A Passage to Sichuan: A Journey to the Heart’, Professor Lau recalled how he was shaken by news of the devastating earthquake in Sichuan on 12 May 2008. By the end of the same month, he flew to Chengdu, hoping to do his bit for disaster survivors. Upon his return, Professor Lau contemplated how to sustain his counselling service and came out with the idea of providing training for local people who could serve the community in the long run. Since then, he has visited Chengdu nine times conducting self-exploration groups, seminars and workshops of the Comprehensive Guidance Programme for the master’s students of Sichuan Normal University. Professor Lau said about his visit, ‘My trip to Sichuan originated from passion. I contributed my professional expertise to local society and I kept doing it. It’s also a personal journey for me and my students, and I hope the audience as well. I’ll keep going to Sichuan.’ 康本國際學術園開幕 Grand Opening of Yasumoto International Academic Park 中大校園之重要新地標康本國際學術園於2月26日舉行開幕典禮,由康本健守博士伉儷( 左一和左二 )、中大校董會主 席鄭海泉博士( 右二 )和校長沈祖堯教授( 右一 )主持。日籍企業家及慈善家康本健守博士於2005年惠捐港幣一億元 支持大學的國際學術交流活動,大學成立康本國際學術園,以示謝忱。 樓高十四層的學術園位於下校園的車站路,由教學大樓及文化廣場組成,建造和設計符合環保原則,教學大樓內設大 小演講廳、課室、書店、咖啡店及辦公室;文化廣場提供文化交流、表演和展覽的空間,園內外設有多個休憩處,為國 際及本地學生提供聚會和聯繫之場所。 學術園毗鄰港鐵大學站,信步可達。貫穿其中的一條步道,兩旁滿布綠樹,以樓梯及扶手電梯連繫文化廣場與地勢較 高的宿舍群和體育中心等地點,促進校園步行文化。 The Yasumoto International Academic Park, a new significant landmark of CUHK, celebrated its grand opening on 26 February. Officiating guests included Dr. and Mrs. Alex K. Yasumoto ( 1st and 2nd left ); Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng ( 2nd right ), Chairman of the Council, CUHK; and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 1st right ), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK. Dr. Yasumoto, a Japanese entrepreneur and philanthropist, made a magnificent donation of HK$100 million to CUHK in 2005 to support international academic exchange activities of the University. The University decided to establish the Yasumoto International Academic Park, as a token of appreciation to Dr. Yasumoto. Located at the Station Road of lower campus and adjacent to the University MTR station, the 14-storey high Academic Park comprises an environmentally friendly academic building and a cultural plaza, housing lecture theatres, classrooms, a bookstore, a cafe and offices. The cultural plaza provides ample space for cultural exchanges, performances and exhibitions and also serves as a cradle for students of all races to bond and share their aspirations. A central sculptural pedestrian circulation route comprising stairs and escalators is provided in the Park to link the cultural plaza, the Sports Centre and the hostel cluster nearby. The design assures pedestrian friendliness and makes walking an easy and attractive option for commuting students and staff.