Newsletter No. 415

乒乓男女子隊稱王 Table Tennis Teams Win Championships 中大男女子乒乓球隊於3月3日在嶺南大學舉行的決賽中,勇奪2012 至13年度香港大專盃乒乓球男子和女子團體賽冠軍。隊員憑着高昂的 士氣,巧妙的排陣,進取的打法及穩定的發揮,摘下冠軍寶座。教練 何國泰先生悉心教導,並給予心理輔導及支援,隊員衷心感謝。 The CUHK men’s and women’s table tennis teams clinched the championships in the 2012–13 Inter-university Men’s and Women’s Table Tennis Competitions held on 3 March at the Lingnan University. The CUHK teams won thanks to better strategies, aggressive skill, consistent performance and high morale. The team members thanked Mr. Ho Kwok-tai, coach of the team, for his professional guidance and taking care of their psychological needs. 社會科學院表揚優異師生 Faculty of Social Science Honours Outstanding Teachers and Students 社會科學院於3月9日舉行2012年模範教學獎暨院長榮譽錄頒獎典禮,頒授模範教學獎予新聞與傳播 學院黃懿慧教授( 前排右二 )及社會工作學系陳智豪教授( 前排右一 )。典禮於李兆基樓七號演講廳舉行, 由《信報》總編輯陳景祥先生( 前排右三 )主禮,同場並頒發院長榮譽錄證書予學術成績優異的學生。 Two teachers in the Faculty of Social Science were honoured with the Faculty’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2012 on 9 March. They were Prof. Christine Huang ( 2nd right, front row ) of the School of Journalism and Communication and Prof. Wallace Chan ( 1st right, front row ) of the Department of Social Work. The award presentation ceremony took place in Lecture Theatre 7 of Lee Shau Kee Building, with Mr. Chan King-cheung ( 3rd right, front row ), chief editor of the Hong Kong Economic Journal , as the guest of honour. On the same occasion, certificates were presented to students of the Faculty who made the Dean’s List for excellent academic achievements. 有機漢堡包 The Healthy Burger 漢堡包是再也尋常不過的速食,大街小巷的快餐店、茶餐廳、飯堂都有出售,味道大同小異。普羅大眾一般只以 之填飽肚子,不多理會賣相和用料。偏偏蘭苑的漢堡包卻有不一樣的內涵和滋味。 主廚關少貞認為「速食也可以食得健康,講究味道。」因着這份堅持,漢堡包用上的都是有機蔬菜。碎牛肉餅混 以黑椒、蘑菇和洋蔥煎香,上添生菜、番茄、青瓜、切達乳酪和番茄汁。青瓜早於一個月前醃製,番茄汁則是以意 大利番茄加入百里香、蒔蘿和迷迭香等香草,烹煮四小時而成。吃時配上烤熱的麵包,肉味濃厚,餡料鮮甜,汁 微酸且香,相得益彰。 味道和健康為前提以外,亦顧及了年輕人的食量。漢堡包份量不少,還另加薯條、紅生菜、意大利九芽菜及紫椰 菜伴碟。有機之餘,也實在飽肚。這份來自廚師的心意,也是牛肉漢堡包廣受學生歡迎的原因。 The hamburger is commonly available in fast food shops, local tea cafes, and canteens. Apart from the gourmet variety found at fancier places, the taste of this sandwich is similar everywhere. At the Orchid Lodge on campus, the familiar burger is given a healthy twist. Ms. Frances Kwan, head chef of Orchid Lodge, believes that ‘fast food can be healthy and tasty’. She insists on using organic salad greens to dress her burger. The patty, a mixture of ground beef, black pepper and mushrooms, is pan-fried and served with lettuce, tomato, pickle, cheddar and ketchup. The cucumber is pickled a month ahead of time. These are drizzled with the restaurant’s homemade sauce—a tangy concoction of Italian tomatoes, thyme, dill and rosemary that has been simmered for four hours. The bun is grilled before being served. Besides taste and health, the appetite of young people is also considered. The hamburger is not only larger than usual, but also served with French fries, red cabbage, and endive. 6 No. 415, 4.4.2013