Newsletter No. 416

2 No. 416, 19.4.2013 ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ Campaign In line with hiking day, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ Campaign was organized. CUHK members were invited to take snapshots of the campus which impressed them the most and upload them to Facebook. Here are some of them. For more, please visit the Lecture on Civility Facebook Page. 一人有一個 景點 為配合登高日,事 前 舉辦了「一人有一個景 點」徵集活動,廣邀中 大人拍下讓他印象難 忘的校園一角,放上臉 書專頁,與眾分享。這 是其中一些照片,如欲 看看其他人眼中的中 大,請瀏覽臉書博群大 講堂專頁。 • 楊照:文學、歷史和 社會正義─我的人生路 Yang Zhao: Literature, History and Social Justice—My Way 楊照 是台灣著名文學人,作品包括詩、小說、散文及文化評論。跟 中大同年的楊照說自己已走過人生的約三分之二,而以一間大學而 言,中大才剛剛開始。 楊照十二歲時,他的二姐說她過了三十歲就不要活了。她的想法是 超過三十歲的人都那麼功利,沒有追求,沒有一個是好人。楊照說, 大概在那個時候他做了人生當中的一個決定:不管活到多少歲,都 要一直記得自己十五六歲的時候最看不起的大人是哪一種人,那些 失去了理想、熱情、浪漫、衝勁的人,而希望自己到五六十歲還對得 起十七歲的自己,沒有變成當時自己看不起的人。 「他就坐着,用他平靜的聲調,談他的人生五十年,談詩談文學談 電影談死亡對少年的他意味着什麼,談歷史對他意味着什麼,談新 聞作為第四權對他意味着甚麼,談生命本身對他意味着什麼。…… 他其實是在說一種境界,一種值得我們追求嚮往和堅持的境界。 但這種境界,因着時代的變遷和人心的轉變,變得愈來愈難想像了 ─遑論實踐。他用他的人生路,為今天的年輕人,呈現出一種好 好活着的可能性。」─ 周保松 教授 哈囉未來! 露天工地音樂會 Hello Future! An ‘Under Construction’ Concert! 臉書專頁 Facebook Page: 哈囉人生! 回看來時路 Hello Life! A Journey in Retrospect While it rained more than usual this March, everyone was happy traveling on campus. That’s because ‘road’ was the concept linking up I • CARE March 2013 activities. Roads not only connect different parts of the campus, but also past, present and future, as well as different generations of CUHK members. The March activities had names starting with ‘Hello’. Hit the Road, Everyone! Hello! I • CARE March 2013 路是這樣行出來的 哈囉!博群三月 3月異常多雨,卻無損師生在校園 穿梭往來的興致,皆因今年的博群三月是以 「路」來貫穿,路不但連接校園,也接通昨日今日明日, 以及代代的中大人。這次的活動名稱用了「哈囉」為題,分別 有「哈囉人生!回看來時路」三場博群大講堂、「哈囉中大! 千里之行在足下」登高日,以及「哈囉未來!露天工地音樂會」。 Yang Zhao writes poems, novels, prose, and cultural commentaries. Yang and CUHK were born in the same year. He said he had lived through two-thirds of his life, whereas the Chinese University was still young as a university. When Yang was 12, his elder sister said she would stop living after 30. What she meant was everyone past 30 that she knew were materialistic and without passion and ideals. Yang said it was about that time that he made the major decision that no matter how old he would live to, he must remember the kind of adults he most despised as a teenager—those who have lost their ideals, enthusiasm, romanticism and guts. He hoped that he would not have to face the 17-year-old Yang Zhao with shame and guilt when he reached 50 or 60 years of age, and would not turn into someone he despised. ‘He just sat there talking about the 50 years of his life, peacefully and at ease. He talked about what poems, literature, movies and death meant to him when he was an adolescent, about what history, news media as the fourth estate, and life meant to him. He was in fact describing a vision worthy of our pursuit, aspiration and persistence, one which has become increasingly hard to imagine as times change and we change with them. Looking back at the road he had trodden, Yang showed young people in the lecture theatre the possibility of living a good life.’ —Prof. Chow Po-chung 壓軸節目是為中大人度身訂造的音樂會,原在港鐵 大學站前工地舉行,不過,連日春雨綿綿,當日中午 更是傾盆而下,結果轉到崇基禮拜堂舉行。 雨再大,卻阻擋不了中大人的熱情,近一千五百人 興高采烈欣賞中大學生演繹經典校園歌曲, 校友6號( 繆浩昌 )重組大學時代的樂隊, 回到前RubberBand的熱血年華。特邀嘉賓樂隊 Supper Moment和 林二汶 ,唱出流行音樂的視野。 Marking the finale of the activities is a tailor-made concert for CUHK members. It was supposed to be held at the piazza outside University MTR Station, but the venue was changed to the Chung Chi College Chapel due to rain. Some 1,500 enthusiastic members of the audience enjoyed classic university songs performed by CUHK students. Mau Hou-cheong , an alumnus and vocalist of RubberBand, reunited with his former university band friends and revisited their college years. The Supper Moment band and Eman Lam , singer-song writer, performed some of their hits. Photo by Ducky Tse Chi-tak Photo by Cheung Chi-wai A picture is worth a thousand words. What about two? What if the two pictures were about the same landscape but separated in time by decades? What terms can be used to describe the thoughts and sentiments given rise by such juxtaposition of photographs? Marcel Proust , author of Remembrance of Things Past , has said, ‘The new voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.’ The photographs we pair in ‘Then vs Now’ do more than just highlighting the changing faces of our beloved campus. They are testimony to our sentimental journey from one familiar corner of our campus to another, a voyage that has taken us from monochrome to multi, from material privation to cultural diversity, from the nostalgic four years of university to the pragmatic three and back to an ambitious four. Some stones are turned. Goal and resolve remain unwavered. In this issue’s ‘In Plain View’, Prof. Irwin King talks about big data and social computing. In this digital age where large torrents of data come into being every day, data are described in terms of Terabyte (TB) 1 or even Petabyte (PB) 2 . A photograph normally takes up a few Megabytes (MB) 3 in storage. But the two photographs presented in ‘Then vs Now’ have between them the compressed memories and lives of successive CUHK generations. The TB and PB may come in handy in their digital processing. Some plastic water bottles can be crumpled to help save the environment. At CUHK, no effort is spared in preserving our precious natural resources. Hence, we bid farewell to disposable plastic bottled waters and bring our own drinking utensils. A different landscape, to be sure, and a better one. 1 1 TB =10 12 bytes 2 1 PB =10 15 bytes 3 1 MB =10 6 bytes ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 路是這樣行出來的 Hit the Road, Everyone! 2 洞明集 In Plain View 4 舌尖上的中大 Mouth-watering Morsels 5 校園消息 Campus News 6 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 9 昔與今 Then vs Now 10 宣布事項 Announcements 11 人事動態 Ins and Outs 11 沈旭暉如是說 Thus Spake Shen Xu Hui Simon 12 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 常言道,一張照片勝過千言萬語。那麼兩張照片,而且是同 一風景但前後相隔數十年的照片,所引起的聯想和感懷,又 會是以甚麼來比喻、量度才最合適呢? 《追逝似水流年》的作者 普魯斯特 說過:「新的發現旅程並 不是要尋找新的風景,而是要提出一個新的看法。」 我們每一期選一舊一新校園照,也並不是純為了重塑那些 久遠的風景人事,而是和讀者在校園各處溜溜,從黑白溜到 彩色,從困乏走出多元,四年走進三年,三年又回到四年,朝 露夕照不改,教研理念如一。 今期「洞明集」介紹 金國慶 教授專長的社會計算學,這個 數碼年代每天湧現大量數據,單位動輒以Terabyte(TB) 1 甚至Petabyte(PB) 2 計。普通一張照片不論是新的或是舊 的,數據儲存值充其量幾個Megabyte(MB) 3 而已,但壓 縮在「昔與今」的照片中的吐露港歲月,釋放出來的浮想聯 翩,如果真要以科學方法整理的話,相信還得借助那些TB 和PB了。 聽說是出於環保,於是有了可以扭壓的 膠水瓶。但愛護大自然、珍惜地球 資源的中大同人覺得並不足夠, 決定告別塑膠瓶裝水。有些 風景,不留住也不會太可惜。