Newsletter No. 418

No. 418, 19.5.2013 5 盧煜明教授膺選美國國家科學院院士 Prof. Dennis Lo Elected to US National Academy of Science 五十六名員工獲頒長期服務獎 Fifty-six Staff Members Receive Long Service Awards 大學於5月9日舉行2012年度長期服務獎頒獎典禮,表揚五十六名任職滿二十五和三十五年的員工多年來的忠誠 服務,由沈祖堯校長主禮。今年,共有四十九名員工獲頒二十五年長期服務獎,另有七名員工獲頒三十五年長期 服務獎。 The University presented the 2012 Long Service Awards to 56 staff members who have been with the University for 25 and 35 years. At the awards ceremony held on 9 May, which was officiated by Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, 49 received the award for having worked at CUHK for 25 years and seven for 35 years. 中大與英屬哥大合組護理領導中心 CUHK and UBC Set Up Centre on Nursing Leadership 中大那打素護理學院與加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學護理學院 攜手成立「香港中文大學-英屬哥倫比亞大學國際護理領 導發展中心」,為本港與鄰近地區培育護理領導人才,開展 相關研究及成立網絡領導資源中心,以迎合對護理領袖的 需求。 成立典禮在4月17日舉行,那打素護理學院院長李子芬教 授( 前排左 )和英屬哥倫比亞大學護理學院院長 Suzanne Campbell 教授( 前排右 ),在全國政協教科文衞體委員會 副主任黃潔夫教授( 後排中 )、特區政府食物及衞生局局長 高永文醫生( 後排右 )和沈祖堯校長( 後排左 )的見證下,簽 署合作備忘錄,逾二百五十位本地及海外醫療護理領袖、政 府高層官員和決策人員出席。 The CUHK–University of British Columbia (UBC) International Centre on Nursing Leadership held its inauguration ceremony on 17 April. The centre is an initiative pioneered by the nursing schools of both universities as a breeding ground for nurse leaders to address the need for effective nurse leaders in Hong Kong and the neighbouring region. An internet leadership resource centre will be established to foster networking and collaboration. Prof. Diana Lee ( left, front row ), director of the CUHK Nethersole School of Nursing, and Prof. Suzanne Campbell ( right, front row ), director of the UBC School of Nursing, signed a memorandum of understanding, witnessed by Prof. Huang Jiefu ( centre, back row ), vice-chairman, Subcommittee of Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports, the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; Dr. Ko Wing-man ( right, back row ), Secretary for Food and Health, HKSAR; and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( left, back row ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK. The event was attended by over 250 local and overseas health care and nursing leaders, senior government officials and policy-makers. 李嘉誠健康科學研究所所長盧煜明教授獲美國國家科 學院頒授外籍院士榮銜。盧教授獲選乃基於率先發現 孕婦的血漿內存有胎兒的DNA,並開創無創性產前診斷 (如診斷唐氏綜合症)的測試方法。該項測試自推出臨 床服務後,在短短一年半內,已在全球完成二十五萬次 測試,屬發展最快的分子測試之一。 盧教授表示:「美國國家科學院士銜乃科學界其中一項 最崇高的榮譽,我能獲此殊榮,深感榮幸和欣喜。」 美國國家科學院創立於1863年,頒發科學院院士銜以 表揚學者在研究上的傑出成就,以往獲此殊榮的中大 學者還包括:莫理斯教授、楊振寧教授、丘成桐教授和 姚期智教授。 Prof. Lo Yuk-ming Dennis, director of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, has been elected as a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of the US. Professor Lo’s election was based on his discovery of circulating fetal nucleic acids in the plasma of pregnant women and his pioneering work in translating this discovery into innovative non-invasive prenatal diagnostic tests, such as that for Down syndrome. In a relatively short period of one-and-a-half years since the clinical launch of such tests, over 250,000 have been performed globally, representing one of the most rapidly developing areas of molecular testing. Professor Lo says, ‘I am elated to receive this honour, which is one of the most treasured that a scientist can receive.’ Members are elected to the NAS, founded in 1863, in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Other professors of CUHK who are members of the NAS include Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Prof. Yang Chen-ning, Prof. Yau Shing-tung, and Prof. Yao Chi-chih Andrew. 校友傑出研究連獲嘉許 Awards for Alumnus’s Medical Research 現於史丹福大學醫學院任博士後研究員的校友黃永德博士( 圖 ),憑藉傑出的醫學研究,連續三年 獲獎。 黃博士是生物醫學學院黃聿教授的博士學生,他分別於今年4月、2012及2011年獲美國公共衞生署之心肺及血液 研究所NHLBI祖細胞生物學協會躍進獎,美國心臟協會營養、運動和代謝委員會新穎研究獎,以及美國心臟協會 動脈粥樣硬化、血栓和血管生物學委員會新晉科研人員獎。 對於連續獲獎,黃博士說:「我以身為中大人為榮,更高興能把創意展現於國際學術界。我十分感謝指導老師黃聿 教授的循循善誘,並多謝我的同事,以及中大提供上佳的環境以培養新一代的科研人員。」 黃聿教授則表示:「黃博士是一位明辨且富創意的青年科研學者。對於有這位優秀的學生、現在是我的研究夥伴, 我引以為傲。」 Dr. Wong Wing-Tak Jack ( photo ), alumnus of CUHK, and currently an American Heart Association (AHA) post- doctoral research fellow at Stanford University Medical School, received awards on his outstanding medical research for three consecutive years. Dr. Wong is a former PhD student of Prof. Huang Yu of the School of Biomedical Sciences. He received the NHLBI Progenitor Cell Biology Consortium Jump Start Award in April 2013, the New Investigator Award in 2012, and the Early Career Investigator Award in 2011, respectively from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institute of Health; the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; and the Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, AHA. Dr. Wong said, ‘I am proud to present the exciting works and innovations of CUHK to the world. I am thankful to my mentor, Professor Huang, for his guidance. Sincere thanks also to my colleagues, and CUHK for providing an ideal environment and platform for nurturing the next generation of scientists.’ Professor Huang remarked, ‘Jack has been a truly understanding and innovative young researcher. Indeed, I am proud of having had Jack as my student and now as a close collaborator.’