Newsletter No. 418

6 No. 418, 19.5.2013 英語在亞洲研討會 Conference on Future of English in Asia 由英文系舉辦的「英語在亞洲:語言及文學的前路」國際學術研討會於4月 19至21日舉行。會議為校慶五十周年活動之一,吸引了世界各地英語學術 專家出席。 國際知名英語界作家、學者、研究人員、詩人、教師、出版界代表、特區 政府教育局代表及公眾人士聚首一堂,討論英語在香港及亞洲的未來。 講者包括 Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World 作者 Nicolas Ostler博士、澳洲新南威爾斯大學教授及ARC院士Bill Ashcroft教授、澳洲格里菲斯大學語言學 教授Andy Kirkpatrick教授( 圖 )、香港城市大學校長郭位教授、香港城市大學比較文學及翻譯系講座 教授張隆溪教授、香港教育學院國際教育與終身學習系系主任鮑勃教授及香港詩人何少韻女士。探討 的課題廣涉英國文學、英語語言學及英語教學,如「透過文學看語言」、「世界英語」、「英語的過去與 未來—亞洲的又一個通用語」及「中國三語教育模式」等。 The international conference on ‘The Future of English in Asia: Perspectives on Language and Literature’, held from 19 to 21 April, attracted leading international experts on English. Organized by the Department of English, the event coincided with the 50th anniversary of CUHK. World-renowned writers, academics, and researchers on English were joined by poets, teachers, publishers, HKSAR Education Bureau representatives, and members of the public in discussing the future of English in Hong Kong and across Asia. Speakers included Dr. Nicholas Ostler, author of Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World ; Prof. Bill Ashcroft, professor and ARC Fellow, University of New South Wales, Australia; Prof. Andy Kirkpatrick ( photo ), professor in linguistics, Griffith University, Australia; Prof. Kuo Way, President, City University of Hong Kong; Prof. Zhang Longxi, chair professor of comparative literature and translation, City University of Hong Kong; Prof. Bob Adamson, head of International Education, the Hong Kong Institute of Education; and Ms. Louise Ho, a leading Hong Kong English-language poet. A wide variety of topics related to English literature, linguistics and education were covered, including ‘Language through Literature’, ‘World Englishes’, ‘English Past and Future—Just One More Asian Lingua Franca’, and ‘Models of Trilingual Education in China’. 香港–前海金融購物天堂研討會 Workshop on Collaboration Between Hong Kong and Qianhai 酒店及旅遊管理學院的酒店、旅遊及不動產研究中心於4月20日與 深圳前海管理局、香港中文大學深圳研究院合辦「香港–前海金融 購物天堂」研討會。來自前海管理局、中大、香港和內地金融監管部 門、國際金融組織,以及香港跨國金融機構的專家學者討論如何構建 香港–前海金融購物天堂,促進兩地合作融合,達致互惠共贏。 The Centre for Hospitality and Real Estate Research of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management held a workshop on ‘Hong Kong﹣ Qianhai Financial Shopping Paradise’ on 20 April. Jointly organized with the Authority of Qianhai, Shenzhen, and CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute, the workshop attracted participants from the Authority of Qianhai, CUHK, Hong Kong and mainland financial regulators, international financial organizations, and multinational financial institutions in Hong Kong. Discussion focused on how to develop a ‘Hong Kong﹣Qianhai Financial Shopping Paradise’ to foster the cooperation and integration of the two places. Five outstanding students of the Faculties of Medicine and Science ( see table ) have been awarded the Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2012–13, amounting to HK$150,000 each. These scholars will be given invaluable learning opportunities through overseas or mainland attachment, mentorship programmes, service projects and local internship programmes. The scholarship scheme, organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups with the support of the Innovation and Technology Commission and the sponsorship of HSBC, aims at providing promising students with the opportunity to increase international exposure, learn from professionals and renowned experts, and gain knowledge about the relevant industries. It is designed to encourage students to pursue science and technology as a lifelong career. One of the scholarship recipients Mr. Lau Kwok-ho Daniel, who will join an overseas exchange programme at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, hopes to learn more from the clinical attachment and contribute to the development of integrative medicine between traditional Chinese and western medicine. 獲獎學金學生(左三至左七)與沈祖堯校長(右七)及嘉賓 Scholarship recipients (3rd to 7th left) with Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor (7th right), and other guests 五名學生獲頒創新科技獎學金 Five Students Awarded Innovation and Technology Scholarship 五名醫學院及理學院學生( 見附表 )獲頒2012至 13年度創新科技獎學金,每項金額達十五萬港 元,資助他們參加海外或內地交流實習、導師計 劃、義工服務及本地實習,以獲取寶貴經驗。 是項獎學金計劃由香港青年協會主辦,創新 科技署支持及滙豐銀行贊助,旨在提供機會給 具潛質的學生擴闊國際視野,並從專家及專業 領袖身上學習,汲取相關行業經驗,藉此鼓勵 學生投身科學及科技行業。 今年其中一名獲獎學生劉國豪將赴美國馬里蘭 大學巴爾的摩分校參加交流計劃。他希望從臨 床實習中學到更多知識,為中西醫學結合發展 作出貢獻。 得獎學生名單 List of Scholarship Recipients 姓名 Name 主修/年級 Programme/Year of Study 陳嘉鴻 Chan Ka-hung 公共衞生三 Public Health, Year 3 洪思朗 Hung See-long Aaron 內外全科醫學一 MB ChB Programme, Year 1 葉耀文 Ip Yiu-man Geoffrey 物理二 Physics, Year 2 林雋鏘 Lam Chun-cheong 物理二 Physics, Year 2 劉國豪 Lau Kwok-ho Daniel 中醫二 Chinese Medicine, Year 2