Newsletter No. 422

10 No. 422, 4.9.2013 請掃描QR碼閱讀全文版 Scan the QR code for the full version 怎樣開始與音樂結緣? 大概是三歲多左右,我愛玩家中的電子琴,樂曲聽上一遍, 即能把調子重奏出來。父母看我這樣喜歡音樂,便讓我習 琴,家中的電子琴也因而換上鋼琴。 除鋼琴外,你又會拉小提琴、打鼓、彈結他,還有甚麼? 何以學習不同樂器? 那是因為我喜歡作曲和編曲,小提琴和鼓分屬弦樂和敲擊 樂,結他則是流行音樂常用的,認識各種樂器的特性和限 制,才能善用於樂曲中。我在中大時亦學拉二胡。 為何偏愛作曲和編曲? 起初是練琴練得有點悶,於是找點樂子自娛,玩票地開始 作曲和編曲。中四時和同學參加了一個音樂比賽,我作曲 她主唱,結果獲獎,亦因而獲 伍樂城 先生賞識,提供獎學 金在他開設的音樂學校修讀「音樂製作文憑課程」,並跟 我簽約,參與製作流行曲,更有三數首作品成功賣出,為流 行歌手採用。 自小學的是古典音樂,但又涉足流行音樂,是否想走 跨界路線?你覺得這方面的作曲家或表演家有誰是成 功的? 凡是與音樂有關的,我都不會錯過,像彈琴以外,又會參加 合唱團、玩管弦樂。古典和流行音樂並無衝突,若能令大 眾更易於接觸古典或嚴肅音樂,或令更多人欣賞不同種類 的音樂,樂壇會更多元化。 伍卓賢 先生是我最欣賞的本地音樂人之一。他是中大音樂 系校友,曾在系內開課,我也有修讀。這位全職的音樂創作 人,是新融合音樂組合「SIU2」發起人和音樂總監,作品包 括管弦樂、室樂、合唱音樂、中國器樂音樂、劇場音樂、舞 蹈音樂、音樂劇和流行曲等。 何時決定以音樂為終身路向? 一直以來我都肯定生活不可沒有音樂,實際參與了流行 音樂的製作後,我發覺原來可把興趣轉為職業,但我還 不能確定該怎樣走,所以決定入讀中大音樂系,為的是 認識音樂的不同範疇,才決定往哪個方向發展。 在中大唸書,對你的音樂及其他發展,有甚麼影響? 系內的老師皆為良師,我很享受學習過程,特別是 韋新達 (Victor A. Vicente)教授,我曾跟他修讀寶萊塢電影音 樂、音樂與政治等課程,亦跟隨他做過監獄音樂教育的研 究。是他讓我對民族音樂學產生興趣,並決定繼續深造。 要不是入讀中大,未必踏上研究之路。 是甚麼促使你到壁屋懲教所教授在囚青少年樂器? 我的鋼琴老師 羅乃新 在壁屋教音樂已十年多了,她知道我 也熟悉流行音樂,便問我有否興趣教,我一口答應,也沒 有想過懼怕。我大概每星期去一次,每次約兩三小時。這 些青少年開始時有點害羞,不過卻很感激有人願意專程到 來教他們,所以非常用心學習,而且進步神速!此外,他們 的自信和溝通能力亦提升了,原認為前路茫茫的,也找到 了目標。由此,我看到音樂的力量,它是實在的、可以幫助 人的,也讓我定下目標,就是以音樂來幫助弱勢社群,改善 社會。 負笈牛津在即,可有預期?畢業後有甚麼打算? 我曾到耶魯大學及哥倫比亞大學交流,接觸到的人各有主 見,心裏都有一團火,無悔所做的事。期望在牛津碰到同樣 出色的人,向他們學習借鏡。畢業後計劃朝學術研究方面 發展。不過,我有點多心,希望能繼續參與流行曲的製作。 音樂以外,還有甚麼嗜好? 打羽毛球、看電影、看書。 黃靖文 利黃瑤璧千禧獎學金得主、 音樂系應屆畢業生 Jamie Wong Recipient of the Esther Yewpick Lee Millennium Scholarship; Music, 2013 How did you become interested in music? When I was about three, I liked to play the electronic keyboard. I was able to reproduce on it melodies that I had heard only once. My parents let me take piano lessons and bought me a piano to replace the keyboard. Other than the piano, you also learnt to play the violin, the guitar and drums. Were there others? Why did you learn different kinds of musical instruments? I love music composition and arrangement. The violin is a string instrument, drums are percussion, and guitars are commonly used in pop music. I wanted to learn about the features and limitations of different instruments so as to use the most suitable ones in my music. I learnt erhu too while studying in CUHK. Why do you like music composition and arrangement? I felt a bit bored with constant piano practice. I looked for something to amuse myself. That’s how I started composing and arranging music. In Secondary 4, I composed a song for my classmate to sing in a music competition. We won a prize and the appreciation of Mr. Ronald Ng who gave me a scholarship to study for a Diploma in Music Composition and Production at his music school. He also offered me a contract to participate in the production of cantopop. Several of my works were sold to pop singers. You’re classically trained but now involved in pop music. Are you interested in crossing genres? Who is your favourite crossover composer or performer? I don’t want to miss anything when it comes to music. In addition to playing the piano, I am also a member of a choir and I play orchestral music. I don’t think there is any conflict between classical and pop music. There will be more diversity in the music circle if classical or serious music is more accessible to the general public, or if more people could appreciate different types of music. Mr. Ng Cheuk-yin is one of the local musicians I admire. He is an alumnus of the Department of Music and my teacher. This full-time composer was the founder and music director of ‘SIU2’, a fusion band. His compositions have included orchestral, chamber, choral, Chinese instrumental, music for the theatre and dance, musical, and pop. When did you decide that music would be your lifelong career? I have known for a long time ago that music is something I would never want to live without. Having been involved in pop music production, I realized this interest could also be a career. But I’m not sure how I should develop it, so I have decided to study at the Department of Music to learn more about different aspects of music before making a decision. How was your musical and other developments influenced by studying in CUHK? I had some very good teachers in the department and I enjoyed my studies thoroughly. Prof. Victor A. Vicente impressed me the most. I took his courses on Bollywood film score, music and politics, etc., and participated in his studies on musical education in prisons. It is Professor Vicente who inspired my interest in ethnomusicology and led me to pursue further studies in this area. If I did not study at CUHK, I would not have taken the path of research. What made you want to teach young inmates at the Pik Uk Correctional Institution? Ms. Nancy Loo , my piano teacher, has been teaching music at Pik Uk for over 10 years. She knew that I was familiar with pop music, so she asked me if I was interested in taking up the job. I agreed at once. I went there about once a week for two or three hours. Though these young inmates were shy when we first met, they show great diligence in learning because they are grateful for someone who comes all the way to teach them. Their progress has been astonishing! Moreover, their self- confidence and communication skills have improved. Some felt lost about the future but have now identified targets. The experience has shown me the power of music. It’s grounded and it helps people. My target is to use music to help the socially disadvantaged and as a vehicle for social advancement. What do you expect to gain from Oxford where you will pursue Master’s studies. Any plans upon graduation? I went on exchange to Yale and Columbia where I met people with distinct opinions, who were passionate and had no regrets. I hope to meet outstanding people at Oxford so that I can learn from them. I’ll continue with research after completing my studies. And, I would like to keep on composing pop songs, if possible. What are your hobbies except music? Playing badminton, watching movies and reading.