Newsletter No. 422

P2 「中大給我滿載着回憶:美 好的、難忘的、艱難的……」 ‘CUHK is a place that filled me with memories—happy ones, unforgettable ones, difficult ones….’ P10 「 音樂是實在的、可以幫助人 的。 」 ‘ The power of music is grounded and it helps people. ’ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 樂得清閒 服務大學經年,財務長陳鎮榮先生(右)、校園發展處處長林泗維 先生(左)及署理人事處處長阮健驄先生卸下重責,這天輕裝上 陣,來一次桌球聯誼,互道退休後悠閒自在的生活。(見第2至3頁) A Time for Leisure Having served CUHK for decades, Mr. Terence Chan (right), Bursar; Mr. David Lim (left), Director of Campus Development; and Mr. K.C. Yuen, Acting Director of Personnel, retired recently. This day, they’re seen in casual wear, playing billiard and chatting about life after retirement. (Please read pp. 2–3) 第四二二期 二零一三年九月四日  No. 422 4 September 2013 P4 「 我深信,很多人包括在座中 許多發燒友仍有童真,想知 道我們的出處。 」 ‘I believe that, like me, many of you who came to this lecture today have this impish itch to know where we came from.’ Photo by Cheung Wai-lok