Newsletter No. 423

4 No. 423, 19.9.2013 冼為堅博士捐款二千萬支持文史哲學及書院發展 Dr. David Sin Donates $20 Million to CUHK 大學獲冼為堅基金有限公司主席冼為堅博士( 中 )慨捐二千萬港元成立「冼為堅中大 金禧文史哲獎學基金」,並支持新亞書院及敬文書院的發展。為答謝冼博士的隆情美 意,沈祖堯校長( 左三 )及夫人( 左二 )於漢園設宴款待冼博士和夫人( 右三 )、其家人 冼雅恩伉儷( 右一及二 )及冼雅寧女士( 左一 ),並送上親筆書法《四為句》以答謝冼博士 多年來對中大的襄助。 To commemorate the Golden Jubilee of CUHK, Dr. Sin Wai-kin David ( centre ), chairman of the Sin Wai Kin Foundation has made a generous donation of $20 million to the University. The donation will be used to set up the Sin Wai Kin CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarships in Arts, History and Philosophy, and to support the development of New Asia College and C.W. Chu College. To show our appreciation to Dr. Sin’s longstanding support to the University, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK ( 3rd left ) and Mrs. Rebecca Sung ( 2nd left ) hosted a dinner in honour of Dr. and Mrs. Sin ( 3rd right ), and their family members, Mr. and Mrs. Sin Nga-yan Benedict, ( 1st and 2nd right ), and Ms. Alice Sin ( 1st left ) at the Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge. Professor Sung presented his Chinese calligraphy to Dr. Sin as a token of gratitude. 亞洲特大城巿研討會 Conference on Asian Urbanism and Beyond 由社會科學院、地 理與資源管理學 系及城市研究課 程合辦的第十八屆 「亞洲特大城市 校際研討會:都 市主義 ‧ 亞洲與世 界」國際會議,於 8月15至17日在中 大舉行,慶祝城市 研究課程成立一周年及中大創校五十周年。 會議開幕典禮由張妙清副校長及規劃署署長凌嘉 勤先生( 圖 )主禮,凌先生並以「香港城市規劃的基 因」為題演講。 為期三天的會議共設五個主題演講、二十多個專 題小組討論及三個會後考察,探討了亞洲大型城市 及其都市化過程的性質、演變及獨特性,共吸引了 一百五十多位來自十五個國家的學者參加。 The international conference entitled ‘Inter- University Seminar on Asian Megacities: Asian Urbanism and Beyond’ was held on campus from 15 to 17 August. Jointly organized by the Urban Studies Programme (URSP), the Department of Geography and Resource Management and the Faculty of Social Science, the conference was one of the celebratory events of the 50th anniversary of CUHK and marked the first anniversary of the launch of the URSP. Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, and Mr. Ling Kar-kan ( photo ), Director of Planning of the HKSAR Government, officiated at the opening ceremony. Mr. Ling also delivered opening remarks entitled ‘DNA of Hong Kong Urbanism’. Aiming to explore the nature, evolution and uniqueness of urbanization issues and processes in Asian megacities, the three-day conference featured five keynote presentations, some 20 thematic breakout sessions and three post- conference technical tours, attracting more than 150 scholars from 15 countries to participate. 理學院金禧院慶 Science Faculty’s Golden Jubilee 理學院於1963年香港中文大學創校 時同時成立,為誌慶金禧盛典,學院 於6月1日假善衡書院何善衡館舉行 「中大理學院五十周年院慶晚宴」。 霍泰輝副校長及理學院院黃乃正教授致辭後,出席晚宴的數百師生好友一同分享珍貴照片及故事,見證學院五十年來的轉 變。每位來賓亦獲贈於同日面世的《理學院五十周年紀念特刊》乙本。該刊記載了學院的歷史,以及教職員、校友和學生的 有趣故事。此外,特刊更獲香港傳藝節2013「大中華傑出設計大獎(平面)」。 The Science Faculty was established in 1963, the same year as the University. On 1 June, the Faculty held its 50th anniversary banquet at Ho Sin Hang Hall, S.H. Ho College. Welcome speeches were given by Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, Dean of Science. Hundreds of teachers, staff, students, alumni, and friends attended the event and witnessed the Faculty’s development in the last five decades through the sharing of precious photos and cherished stories. Each guest received a copy of the Science Faculty 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication , unveiled on the same occasion, which encapsulated the history of the Faculty from establishment to the present, as well as stories of years gone by from teachers, colleagues, alumni and students. The publication was also selected as one of the ‘Outstanding Greater China Designs (Graphic Design)’ projects at the Hong Kong Art and Design Festival 2013. 趙慧君教授榮膺美國臨床化學協會傑出青年研究員 Rossa Chiu Receives AACC Young Investigator Award 化學病理學系趙慧君教授憑藉其在無創性產前診斷研究及應用的傑出 成就,獲選為本年度美國臨床化學協會(AACC)傑出青年研究員,是歷 年來首位來自亞洲學府的得獎者。 趙教授表示:「美國臨床化學協會是化學病理學界中最著名的專業組織 之一,能夠獲協會的嘉許及認同,與眾多出色的歷年獲獎者齊名,我感 到十分榮幸。」AACC的成員包括逾九千名臨床化學、病理學、醫療科 技及相關範疇的專家。該會於1976年設立傑出青年研究員獎,每年嘉許 一位四十歲以下、對臨床醫學有重要貢獻的科學家。 趙教授研發的孕婦的血液樣本DNA測序技術,能安全準確地檢測胎兒 是否患有唐氏綜合症,在全球已獲廣泛採用為常規臨床檢測方法,免除 入侵性檢測而流產的風險。 Prof. Rossa Chiu, professor in the Department of Chemical Pathology, has received the Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievements by a Young Investigator from the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) for her work in non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. Professor Chiu is the first ever scientist from an Asian institution to receive the honour. Professor Chiu said, ‘It is my deep honour to receive an award from the AACC, one of the most internationally reputable organizations in my profession. I am humbled to join the many highly acclaimed past awardees whom I have always looked up to.’ With a membership of more than 9,000 clinical chemists, pathologists, medical technologists, and others in related fields, the AACC set up the award in 1976 to recognize the professional development of a young investigator under the age of 40 who has contributed significantly to clinical medicine. It is given to one scientist each year. The applications of the DNA testing of maternal plasma for Down syndrome developed by Professor Chiu has been adopted for clinical use worldwide, making prenatal testing safer and less stressful for pregnant women and their families. 美國臨床化學協會主席Robert Christenson博士(左) 頒發獎項予趙慧君教授 Dr. Robert Christenson (left), president of the AACC, presenting the award plaque to Prof. Rossa Chiu