Newsletter No. 423

No. 423, 19.9.2013 5 每位新任校長都會在就職典禮上獲授校長鈐章。由於鈐章置於盒內,公眾難以一窺其真身。鈐章由已故 新亞書院兼任講師趙鶴琴先生所刻,文曰「香港中文大學校長之印」,印文為秦篆陽文,銅製,重約一點 六公斤,寬長各五點二厘米。鈕作鳳鳥形,高度連鈕共十點五厘米。事實上,鈐章只是作為校長的象徵信 物,自製成以來,從未蓋於任何公函或文件上。 At the official installation of a new Vice-Chancellor, an official seal is presented to the Vice-Chancellor. As the seal is encased, it has almost never been seen by members of the public. Designed and engraved by the late Mr. Chao Ho-chin, former part-time lecturer of New Asia College, the artifact bears the Chinese inscription ‘seal of the Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong’, written in the clerical style of the Qin Dynasty. The 1.6 kg seal cast in bronze has a knob carved in the shape of a feng , the mythical phoenix, and measures 5.2 x 5.2 x 10.5 cm. In fact, the seal is but an emblem of the Vice- Chancellor’s authority and as such, its imprint has never graced any official document of the University. 晨CUP咖啡 Morning Coffee 有些美國人視早上一杯咖啡為整天的能量來源。中文大學每天都有日出,位處校園東部的晨興書院更是晨光第一道驛站,但在晨興 書院的Caffé Liscio,任何時間都可以嘆上一杯咖啡,從容而不為任何功利目的。 這裏的咖啡總不會令你失望,它質量俱宜,溫度只有太高沒有太低,味道堪嚼,校園罕有對手,濃濃的餘韻,足夠喚醒渴睡的你,或是 修復你繃緊的神經。咖啡間環境優雅,適合個人獨處靜思,也合三數良朋共聚談天。它戶開正東,當然也適合一邊喝着咖啡一邊迎來 新的一天,不論你是在這裏工作還是求學。 噢!你想必已經知道,點單是要說英語的。但櫃檯後面那位女士,就是笑容滿面那位,她會很樂意幫你的。 To some Americans, their morning coffee works like energy booster. While the sun also rises at CUHK and Morningside College at its eastern end is one of the places on campus to receive its first rays, a Morning coffee can be consumed any time of the day at Caffé Liscio there, unhurriedly and to lesser utilitarian purposes. The coffee here never lets you down, in terms of quality and quantity. The temperature is always right, erring as it seldom does, only on the high side. The depth of its flavour is second to none on campus, and its robustness can either wake you up or calm you down. The décor makes room for a reflective moment with oneself or relaxed time in company. Needless to say, its setting makes it a perfect place to sip some coffee and welcome in a new day, be you a student or a member of the staff. Oh, be forewarned that you have to order your coffee or other snacks in English. But the lady behind the counter, the one with the sunny smile, is always very helpful and friendly. 正面:以隸書刻「香港中文大學校長之印」 Front elevation: Inscription in the clerical style of the Han Dynasty 印章底部及印文 Inscriptions and imprint 側面:作龍乘雲圖並刻「甲辰秋琴作」五字;甲辰年應指1964年,創校校長 李卓敏博士於該年9月9日的就職禮上獲港督戴麟趾爵士授予此印 Side elevation: Showing a dragon riding the clouds, the name of the engraver and the year the seal was made, 1964. On 9 September 1964, Dr. Choh-ming Li, founding Vice-Chancellor, was presented the seal by Sir David Trench, then Governor of Hong Kong 側面:以金文刻校訓「博文約禮」四字 Side elevation: The University motto, bowen yueli , in Chinese bronze inscription 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 2