Newsletter No. 426
2 No. 426, 4.11.2013 李國寶 博士是東亞銀行主席兼行政總裁,多年來熱心服 務香港,曾出任行政會議及立法會成員、基本法起草委員 會副主任,並擔任多個慈善團體的顧問或贊助人。李博士 重視教育,他創立「菲臘親王獎學金計劃」,資助優秀學 生入讀劍橋大學。李博士及其家族一直慷慨支持中大發 展,他現為善衡書院院監會成員。大學授予榮譽社會科學 博士學位,以表彰李博士對教育及社會各方面的貢獻。 Dr. Li Kwok-po David is the chairman and chief executive of The Bank of East Asia, Ltd. Dedicated to serving the community, Dr. Li has served as a member of the Legislative Council and the Executive Council of Hong Kong, Vice-Chairman of the Basic Law Drafting Committee, as well as adviser to or patron of a number of charitable organizations. Dr. Li attaches great importance to education. He founded The Prince Philip Scholarship Scheme to enable talented students to study at Cambridge University. Dr. Li and the Li Family have been active and staunch supporters of CUHK and its Colleges. He is currently a member of the Committee of Overseers of S.H. Ho College. In recognition of his numerous contributions to education and the community at large, the University conferred upon Dr. Li the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa . Barry James Marshall 教授在2005年獲諾貝爾生理 醫學獎,現為西澳大學內科及藥理學院名譽臨床教 授、Marshall 傳染病研究及培訓中心聯席總監。他與 病理學家羅賓.華倫醫生於1982年發現幽門螺旋菌會 導致胃炎、胃潰瘍和十二指腸潰瘍,且是胃癌的主要成 因。Marshall教授對腸胃病學的貢獻贏得各界一致肯定。 中大授予他榮譽理學博士學位,以表彰他對全球人類健康 的重大貢獻。 Prof. Barry James Marshall is the 2005 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine. He is currently honorary clinical professor, School of Medicine and Pharmacology, and co-director of the Marshall Centre for Infectious Diseases Research and Training, University of Western Australia. In 1982, Professor Marshall and pathologist Dr. J. Robin Warren discovered the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) that affects half of the world’s population. They showed that H. pylori is the cause of gastritis, peptic ulcer and stomach cancer. Professor Marshall’s profound contributions to the world have been widely recognized. The University conferred upon Professor Marshall the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa , in recognition of his phenomenal contributions to human well-being. 杜葉錫恩 博士是著名社會運動家,大學畢業後從英國來 港生活超過半個世紀,從辦學到為社會基層爭取權益,服 務香港社會無時或歇,即使已屆高齡,仍堅持不懈。杜博 士曾任巿政局及立法局議員,在任期間致力為草根階層 爭取權益,促使政府正視貪污問題,促成香港廉政公署成 立。杜博士於1954年創立慕光英文書院,為基層市民子弟 提供教育機會,桃李滿門。她獲頒授榮譽社會科學博士學 位,以表揚她畢生對本港的無私奉獻。 Dr. Elsie Tu is a prominent social activist. After graduating from college in Britain, she came to Hong Kong where she stayed for over half a century. She has devoted her life to serving the Hong Kong community. Dr. Tu was a member of the Urban Council and the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. During her tenure, she fought hard against corruption. Her consistent effort to fight corrupt practices was regarded as one of the driving forces which ultimately led to the establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption in Hong Kong. Dr. Tu set up the Mu Kuang English School in 1954 to provide underprivileged children with learning opportunities. The University conferred upon Dr. Tu the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa , for her selfless devotion to the Hong Kong community. 黃仁龍 先生是資深大律師,曾擔任律政司司長,以及法 律界多項重要公職。他致力推動調解和仲裁,對發展香港 法律服務貢獻良多。黃先生除了提倡及成立青少年毒品問 題專責小組,亦積極參與義務工作,曾任香港施達基金會 副主席、香港基督教關懷無家者協會顧問。他的卓越成就 備受肯定,曾獲頒香港特區政府大紫荊勳章。他獲授予榮 譽法學博士學位,以表揚他對法律界的重要貢獻。 Mr. Wong Yan-lung is a Senior Counsel who has held many significant positions including the Secretary for Justice of the HKSAR government. Mr. Wong has contributed significantly to the promotion of mediation and arbitration, and pioneered and led the Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse. He has been actively involved in the volunteer work of the CEDAR Fund and the Hong Kong Christian Concern for the Homeless. Mr. Wong’s prominent success has earned him many awards and honours, including the Grand Bauhinia Medal from the HKSAR government. The University conferred upon Mr. Wong the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa , in recognition of his important contributions to the legal sector. 金禧校慶日學位頒授典禮 Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on Foundation Day 2 013年10月17日是香港中文大學創校五十周年 校慶日,大學假邵逸夫堂舉行第七十三屆 大會(頒授學位典禮),由校長沈祖堯教授頒授 榮譽博士學位予五位傑出人士︰李國寶博士、 Barry James Marshall教授、杜葉錫恩博士、 黃仁龍先生和鍾南山教授,以表彰他們對社會、 經濟、教育、醫療和法律發展的重要貢獻。 I n celebration of its 50th anniversary, CUHK held its 73rd Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on its Foundation Day on 17 October at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, presided over the congregation. Five distinguished persons were conferred honorary doctorates in recognition of their exceptional contributions in their respective areas of achievement to social, economic, educational, medical and legal progress. They were: Dr. Li Kwok-po David, Prof. Barry James Marshall, Dr. Elsie Tu, Mr. Wong Yan-lung and Prof. Zhong Nanshan. 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 榮譽學位的頒授,每每彰顯了大學所推崇的價值與意義。本 年校慶日獲授榮譽博士學位的五位人士,有熱心公益、推廣 慈善教育不遺餘力的銀行家,有風骨錚錚、終身為弱勢社群 爭取福利的社會運動家,有法情兼重、致力維護法治的香 港史上最年輕律政司司長,有革新胃潰瘍療法的諾貝爾獎 得主,也有堅守抗疫防線的呼吸病學專家。他們的故事,叫 人欣慰世事紛沓幸有中流砥柱在。 兩位專程來港接受榮銜的學者,馬不旋踵在校園主講了兩 場精彩講座。 Barry James Marshall 教授自幼調皮機敏, 敢於嘗新,從事研究亦另闢蹊徑,以身試藥,結果造福千萬 病人。 鍾南山 教授幼承庭訓,醉心醫學,教研嚴謹,夙夜匪 懈領導醫療人員奮戰疫潮。二人風格或殊,仁心無異。 四年級醫科生 高浩 亦懷抱一顆醫者仁心。如何為自己建立 臨床與科研兼備的穩扎基礎,日後更好的服務病人,他早 有盤算,就在本期〈如是說〉道來。 The Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees is a celebration of the values embraced by the University. The five persons conferred honorary doctorates this year included a banker famously committed to the promotion of charity and education, an upright social activist who spent her life fighting for the underprivileged of a culture different from her own, a valiant defender of the rule of law who’s also Hong Kong’s youngest Secretary for Justice, a Nobel laureate who revolutionized the treatment for gastritis and peptic ulcer, and a medical expert at the frontline of fights against widespread respiratory diseases. Their careers have been heartening stories of generosity and hope. The two recipients who came to Hong Kong for the occasion took the time to give fascinating talks on campus. Prof. Barry James Marshall was a naughty and quick-witted child, and a daring researcher who found proof for a groundbreaking cure by making himself the guinea pig. Prof. Zhong Nanshan , on the other hand, was the son of a medical science professor who craved medical knowledge since childhood, and one day grew up to lead healthcare professionals in the fight against an infamous pandemic. Their styles may be different but they share the same selfless devotion to medicine. Doctor-to-be, Year 4 medical student Ko Ho astutely reprioritized his medical studies in order to better serve his patients. He talks of his childhood, dreams and future in ‘Thus Spake …’. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 金禧校慶日學位頒授典禮 2 Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on Foundation Day 兩榮譽理學博士漫談醫道 4 Two Honorary Doctors of Science on Medicine 博文貫珍 The Galleria 5 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f&b 5 校園消息 Campus News 6 人事動態 Ins and Outs 7 宣布事項 Announcements 8 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 9 高浩如是說 Thus Spake Ko Ho 10
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