Newsletter No. 426

No. 426, 4.11.2013 5 山中一隅咖啡閣 Coffee on the Corner 中大人為咖啡因着迷不是朝夕的事。即使一家以供應湯河粉、意大利麵和茶餐廳美食為主的 地方,都有精緻的咖啡奉客,與店名甚為匹配。 把范克廉樓咖啡閣與茶餐廳比較並無半點貶意。不管早晚,它都坐滿中大教職員和學生,咖啡 閣食品種類之多、質素之佳,以及其烹調效率,套用英國創作歌手吉伯特 ‧ 歐蘇利文的歌詞︰  「美食紛陳,總能滿足你的口腹。」 繁忙的水吧後有各式杯盤裝置,調製飲品的速度令人目眩,當中有一台不太起眼的濃縮咖啡 機。這台平實的小裝置所沖出來的咖啡堪稱完美,但價錢相宜。不妨來一客鮮磨香濃咖啡?不 加糖奶,外賣堂飲兩相宜。呈上你手中的是一杯濃稠恰到好處,透現着魅惑黑色,泡沫清香馥 郁,入口餘甘久久不散的極品。 CUHK’s addiction to caffeine is indeed deep-lying. Even at a place serving principally noodles, spaghetti and other delicacies commonly found in the local cha chan tan g, a sophisticated version of coffee is there ready to live up to the namesake of the establishment. To compare Coffee Corner in the Benjamin Franklin Centre to a cha chan tang means no disrespect. The place is swarmed with CUHK staff and students at practically all times and the variety and quality of the menu and the efficiency of service make it, to quote the lyrics of Gilbert O’Sullivan, a ‘delicatessen well-equipped to supply you with your every need.’ Amidst the utensils behind the bustling kitchen counter, where beverages are produced at a frantic pace, sits an inconspicuous expresso machine. It is this unassuming machina which produces coffee of the consummate kind, and at a very reasonable price too. Go for Coffee Supreme, without milk or sugar, to go or for here. You will be regaled with a balanced and alluring coffee of solemn black, aromatic crema, and a good aftertaste. 1969年8月26日香港郵政局為紀 念中文大學遷入沙田校址,發行 一款特別郵票,印上大學的紫金 兩色校徽,每張票額四角。大學 校本部辦事處於1969年3月遷入  范克廉樓,而研究院及大學圖書 館則於7、8月間遷入該樓辦公。 A special stamp, of 40-cent denomination and showing the crest of the University in purple and gold, was issued by the Post Office of Hong Kong on 26 August 1969 to commemorate the start of the University’s occupation of the site at Sha Tin. The Central Office of the University moved into the Benjamin Franklin Centre in March 1969, followed by the Graduate School and the University Library in July and August respectively.