Newsletter No. 426

6 No. 426, 4.11.2013 AXA安盛教授席劉雅章就職 Gabriel Lau Assumes AXA Professorship 左起:AXA 安盛行政總裁兼AXA安盛地理與資源管理學教授席贊助人夏偉信先生、沈祖堯校長、AXA集團  董事長兼行政總裁亨利  ‧ 德  ‧ 卡斯特先生和劉雅章教授 From left: Mr. Stuart Harrison, CEO of AXA Hong Kong and sponsor of the AXA Professorship of Geography and Resource Management; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Mr. Henri de Castries, chairman & CEO of the AXA Group; and Prof. Lau Ngar-cheung Gabriel 中大獲AXA安盛科研基金撥款一百萬歐元,設立AXA安盛地理與資源管理學教授席,推動中大在環 境學範疇的跨學科教育及研究工作,為期六年。獲該教席的教授為國際知名氣候學者,新任環境、能 源及可持續發展研究所所長劉雅章教授。劉教授將致力研究氣候在不同時間和地域的變異及具體 變化,以及領導研究所推進各項與環境有關的教育、科研及知識轉移工作。 在10月21的就職演說中,劉教授表示:「了解氣候系統於未來數十年的變化,以便及早籌謀及適應環 境轉變,是刻不容緩的。」他並回顧過去四十年有關風暴路徑及厄爾尼諾現象的研究成果,以及探 討氣候變化研究對世界的重要性及影響。 CUHK received a generous donation of one million euros from the AXA Research Fund to establish a professorship of Geography and Resource Management to advance the University’s cross- disciplinary educational and research agendas in the environmental field for six years. The position is held by internationally renowned climate scientist, Prof. Lau Ngar-cheung Gabriel. Professor Lau is the new director of the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES) at CUHK. He will launch scientific investigations into climate variability and change on different time and space scales, and lead the IEES in promoting environment-related education, research and knowledge transfer. In his inaugural lecture held on 21 October, Professor Lau said, ‘It is very important that we understand how the climate system will behave in the coming decades, so as to make advance planning to adapt to our changing environment.’ He also reviewed his work on storm tracks and the El Nino phenomenon over the past four decades and discussed the importance and impact of climate change study on the world and the next generation. 中印文明學術論壇 Sino-Indian Relations Forum 香港亞太研究所國際事務研究中心與新和平文化企業有限公司(新 和平)合辦的「中國與印度:讓文明擦出火花」學術論壇,於9月28日 假祖堯堂舉行,吸引了七十多位學者和研究人員參加。中心聯席主 任邱林川教授( 後排右三 )和沈旭暉教授( 前排左三 ),新和平董事長  唐潮先生( 前排右二 )出席會議。活動發起人之一、鳳凰衛視評論員 杜平先生( 前排左五 )致歡迎辭。 二十多年來,中印雙邊貿易屢創記錄,交流轉趨頻繁,可惜邊境爭端 不息。此學術會議為研究人員和學者提供了跨學科平台,就有關課 題交換意見,分享學術成果。 The IARC Academic Conference & SingPeace Forum 2013, ‘China and India: Splash of Civilizations’, was held at Cho Yiu Hall on 28 September. Over 70 scholars and researchers were in attendance. The event was jointly organized by the International Affairs Research Centre (IARC), the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK; and SingPeace Culture Hong Kong Limited (SingPeace). Prof. Qiu Linchuan Jack ( 3rd right, back row ) and Prof. Shen Xu-hui Simon ( 3rd left, front row ), co-directors of IARC; and Mr. Michael Tong ( 2nd right, front row ), chairman of SingPeace, attended the conference. Mr. Du Ping ( 5th left, front row ), commentator from Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd, gave an inspiring opening speech as one of the initiators. During the past two decades, Sino-Indian trade relations have increased to record level, and interactions between the people of the two nations have grown significantly. However, border incursions remain a problem. This conference provided a multi- disciplinary platform for academics from different nations to exchange ideas, and share their insights with the audience. 六萬五千人參加入學資訊日 Orientation Day Draws 65,000 本科入學資訊日於10月12日舉行,吸引六萬五千人參加,包括中學生、家長 和教師。大學於林蔭大道設置展示區,介紹建校五十年以來的發展。中大 副校長霍泰輝教授在首場聯招申請入學講座中致歡迎辭,為資訊日揭開  序幕。 全校八個學院及各學系舉辦了二百多場入學講座和諮詢會,介紹入學資 料。部分學系設有小組分享會,由在讀學生介紹在中大多姿多采的學習生 活。多個教研設施,包括實驗室、圖書館、模擬法庭和中醫博物館,都開放 予公眾。九所書院設有講座或展覽攤位,並引領訪客參觀宿舍、多媒體中 心、體育及文娛設施,以感受中大獨有的書院文化和特色。 CUHK held its Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions on 12 October, drawing 65,000 visitors to the campus, most of them secondary school students, parents and teachers. Special exhibition panels were displayed at the Mall to showcase the University’s development in the past 50 years. Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, delivered a welcoming speech at the first session of the JUPAS admission talk. Over 200 admission talks and Q&A sessions were held by eight Faculties and various departments to familiarize members of the public with the University’s admission requirements. Some departments arranged sharing sessions hosted by current CUHK students to brief visitors about their experiences. Visits to laboratories, libraries, moot court, Chinese Medicine Museum and other facilities were also organized. The nine Colleges of the University hosted open houses, information sessions and set up booths to give visitors a better understanding of the unique characteristics of our Colleges.