Newsletter No. 432

4 No. 432, 19.2.2014 新紀元全球華文青年文學獎 Global Youth Chinese Literary Award for the New Century 文學院創辦的文壇盛事「新紀元全球華文青年文學獎」,去年底舉辦第五屆,參賽者來自世界各地二百二十多所大專 院校及不同學科背景,作品各具創意,展現華文創作的多元文化風貌。 頒獎典禮於2013年12月14日假香港中央圖書館舉行,由常務副校長華雲生教授、文學院院長梁元生教授、翻譯系 榮休講座教授金聖華教授、中國語言及文學系講座教授陳平原教授,以及「華文獎」籌備委員會主席何杏楓教授 主禮。 The Faculty of Arts organized the Fifth Global Youth Chinese Literary Award of 2013, which attracted entrants from very diverse disciplines from over 220 higher education institutions across the world. Their works represent a vast spectrum of contemporary Chinese literature. On 14 December 2013, Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost of CUHK; Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, Dean of Arts; Prof. Serena Jin, Emeritus Professor of Translation; Prof. Chen Pingyuan, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature; and Prof. Hoyan Hang-fung, chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the Award were invited to officiate at the award presentation ceremony at the Hong Kong Central Library. 楊明標室內體育館命名典禮 Naming Ceremony of Yeung Ming Biu Indoor Sports Centre 為答謝東方表行集團有限公司創辦人及主席楊明標博士持 續支持中大,大學於2013年12月21日在大學體育中心舉行 楊明標室內體育館命名典禮,由楊明標博士( 左三 )及夫人 區寶琪女士( 右三 )、沈祖堯校長( 右二 )、副校長霍泰輝教 授( 左二 )、協理副校長暨大學輔導長吳基培教授( 左一 ) 及大學教務長及秘書長吳樹培先生( 右一 )主禮。楊博士之 親友,以及近百名受惠於楊博士伉儷設立的獎助學金的學 生,亦一同出席慶賀。 楊博士多年來鼎力資助本校各項發展,包括成立獎助學金 嘉惠中大精英運動員及其他學生,又多次捐資改善中大之 體育設施及支持各類體育活動。 In appreciation of the staunch support from Dr. Yeung Ming-biu, founder and chairman of Oriental Watch Holdings Ltd., the naming ceremony of the Yeung Ming Biu Indoor Sports Centre was held at the University Sports Centre on 21 December 2013. Officiating at the ceremony were Dr. Yeung Ming-biu ( 3rd left ) and Mrs. Yeung Au Po- kee ( 3rd right ); Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 2nd right ), CUHK Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Fok Tai-fai ( 2nd left ), Pro-Vice- Chancellor; Prof. Ng Kee-pui Dennis ( 1st left ), Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor and University Dean of Students; Mr. Ng Shu-pui Eric ( 1st right ), University Registrar and Secretary. Dr. Yeung’s family members, friends, and close to 100 recipients of scholarships and bursaries supported by Dr. and Mrs. Yeung attended the ceremony. Over the years, Dr. Yeung has established a number of scholarships and bursaries for elite athletes and other students, enhanced sports facilities and supported numerous sports events at the University. 盧煜明奪費薩爾國王國際醫學獎 Dennis Lo Awarded King Faisal International Prize for Medicine 李嘉誠醫學講座教 授兼化學病理學系 系主任盧煜明教授 榮獲本年度費薩爾國 王國際醫學獎,表揚 他在無創性產前診 斷研究的傑出成就。 盧教授是繼諾貝爾 物理學獎得主、中大 博文講座教授楊振 寧後,第二位獲費薩 爾國王國際學術獎的中大學者。 費薩爾國王國際學術獎是由沙特阿拉伯費薩爾國王國際 基金於1977年成立,現設有伊斯蘭服務獎、伊斯蘭研究 獎、醫學獎、科學獎和阿拉伯文學獎五個獎項,每年頒授 予對相關範疇及人類有重要貢獻的人。 Prof. Lo Yuk-ming Dennis, Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine and chairman of the Department of Chemical Pathology, has won the 2014 King Faisal International Prize for Medicine for his outstanding achievements in the research on non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. Professor Lo is the second CUHK scholar to have been awarded the prestigious award after Prof. Yang Chen-ning, Nobel laureate in physics and Distinguished Professor-at-Large of CUHK. King Faisal International Prize was established in 1977 by the King Faisal Foundation to reward dedicated persons who have significant contributions to their respective areas of expertise, namely, service to Islam, Islamic studies, medicine, science, and Arabic literature.