Newsletter No. 432

No. 432, 19.2.2014 9 1963年11月2日,香港政府接納校長選聘委員會 的建議,聘請李卓敏博士( 左二 )出任中大首任校 長。11月7日晚,崇基、新亞、聯合三所成員書院假 九龍新雅酒樓舉行聚餐,筵開十六席。約二百名三 院教職員出席慶祝中大成立,並歡迎新校長。 在這幅錦緞上題名的嘉賓,除了李卓敏校長外,還 有逾百位教職員,如崇基學院院長容啟東博士( 右 二 )、新亞書院院長錢穆博士( 左一 )、聯合書院院長 鄭棟材先生( 右一 )等。錦緞現於大學展覽廳展出,讀 者不妨看看能辨認出多少個親筆簽名。 On the advice of the Vice-Chancellor Selection Committee, the Hong Kong Government appointed Dr. Li Choh-ming ( 2nd left ) as the first Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University on 2 November 1963. On 7 November, members of the three founding Colleges jointly held a welcome dinner at Sun Ya Restaurant, Kowloon. About 200 members of staff attended the dinner party celebrating the establishment of the University and welcoming its new Vice-Chancellor. On this satin scroll bearing the signatures of guests, you can find signatures of Dr. Li Choh-ming, Dr. C.T. Yung ( 2nd right ), President of Chung Chi College; Dr. Ch’ien Mu ( 1st left ), President of New Asia College; and Mr. T.C. Cheng ( 1st right ), President of United College. The scroll is now on display at the University Gallery. 記憶的溫度 中國人懂吃,喜熱食,認為可以「滅腥去臊除膻」 (《呂氏春秋.本味》)。未見其形先聞其聲的鐵板 「鋸扒」可謂中西合璧的港式經典。以熾熱鐵板盛 載肉塊,澆上濃醬,一百二十度的熱力令醬汁沸騰, 一股白煙噴薄而出,用餐者依足規矩,抖開餐巾,阻 擋四濺的醬汁,是許多香港人童年記憶中快樂滿足 的「西餐」儀式。 肉汁遇上鐵板發出的誘人聲響,最近能在逸夫書院 教職員餐廳聽到。據說,鐵板餐選材講究,以肉質 取勝,無須過分醃製調味。伴碟蔬菜也絕不馬虎, 隨時令變化。扒類有五款,以最經典的紐西蘭西冷 牛扒最受歡迎。 雖然吃鐵板餐總要眼前蒸氣繚繞、耳邊滋滋作響 方才圓滿,但店方給了個貼士:最能嚐到食材原味 的方法,是不在肉塊直接淋上醬汁,而在鐵板外 蘸醬。 由於預熱鐵板須佔用爐具,所以這道港式美食暫時 只在晚餐時段供應。 Sizzling Memory The Chinese, who are well-versed in the art of eating, serve food hot to remove the undesirable gamey taste from meat. Steak served on a sizzling plate is a fusion dish in Hong Kong, combining western food with Chinese eating habits. Served on a piping hot plate, the steak meets gravy at 120°C when the liquid begins to boil and jets of steam rise. Diners ritualistically shake their napkins open to prevent the gravy from splattering on their clothes. This is a fond memory shared by many Hong Kong people. Now this appetizing sizzle can be heard in the Shaw College Staff Dining Room. The operator chooses quality cuts of meat instead of resorting to seasoning mediocre cuts with excessive spices. Side dishes are seasonal vegetables. There are five varieties of dishes on offer, including the classic New Zealand sirloin steak which is most popular. Many diners may think that the essence of consuming this dish is the sizzling and vaporizing. But if you are a real gourmet, try listening to the operator’s tip: don’t overwhelm the flavour of the meat by drowning it in sauce. Instead, dip the meat into sauce that is served separately. Since sizzle plates must be preheated and for that reason a number of stoves will be occupied, the dish is served during dinner hours only.