Newsletter No. 433
No. 433, 4.3.2014 7 溫家寶談中國發展 總部設在瑞士日內瓦的非營利組織「世界經濟論 壇」,每年冬季都會在瑞士滑雪勝地達沃斯舉辦 年會(俗稱達沃斯論壇)。該組織在2007年創辦 世界經濟論壇「新領軍者年會」,又稱夏季達沃斯 論壇,在中國天津和大連召開。當時的中國總理 溫家寶從2007至2012年,每年均為夏季達沃斯論 壇致開幕辭,並參加企業家座談會與出席者答問。 中文大學出版社剛出版的《應對挑戰:中國發展的 歷史紀錄》,把溫家寶歷年在該論壇的講話編集 成書。 由2007至2012年,中國和全世界經歷了雷曼兄弟 銀行倒閉和隨之而來的全球金融危機,中國為應 對這場危機實行經濟刺激計劃,全球經濟其後 重拾動力,開始復蘇。除了經濟問題外,還有汶川 地震和日本東北地震、海嘯和核泄漏,這些事件全 可見於溫總理發言之中。溫總理在2011年的座談會 上,還談到中國政治體制改革問題,提到維護司法公 正、選舉權、反貪腐等,至今仍然是香港和全體中國人十 分關注的議題。此外,從他的發言還可看到中國着重發展 經濟之餘,開始強調節約資源和保護生態環境。在中國城 市霾害不絕,PM2.5懸浮微粒一再超標的今天,這些都是 未竟的目標。 無論如何,這本書所收錄的溫家寶講話,可說反映了中國 乃至世界經濟發展起落的軌跡。本書有中英文兩種版本, 是研究有關課題的海內外學者重要的參考著作。 Wen Jiabao on China’s Development Based in Geneva, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is a Swiss nonprofit foundation best known for its annual winter meeting in Davos, a mountain resort in Switzerland. In 2007, the WEF established the Annual Meeting of the New Champions (also known as the ‘Summer Davos’) in China. The meeting is held alternately in Tianjin and Dalian. From 2007 to 2012, the then Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivered opening speeches at every Summer Davos Forum and answered questions at its Meeting with Entrepreneurs session. The Chinese University Press has published Meeting the Challenges: A Historical Record of China’s Development , a collection of speeches by Premier Wen at the WEF events. From 2007 to 2012, China and the world experienced the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the resulting upheaval in global markets, the impact of China’s wide-ranging stimulus package in response to the crisis, and the gradual recovery of world economy. In addition to economic issues, Premier Wen’s speeches also covered the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake in China, the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami and the resulting Fukushima nuclear crisis in Japan. He also talked about China’s political reform in 2011 in a discussion with a select group of participants, stressing the need to uphold judicial justice, the right to vote, the fight against corruption, etc. These issues are still the main concerns of many people in Hong Kong and China. His speeches also show China’s increasing emphasis on saving resources and protecting the eco-environment while pursuing economic development. These are unfulfilled commitments as reflected by the fact that smog-choked cities with alarming high levels of PM2.5 particulate matter have become commonplace in China. Nevertheless, these speeches can be seen as a lens through which readers may better understand the economic ups and downs in China and the world. With both Chinese and English versions, the book will prove valuable to researchers of relevant topics in China and elsewhere. 《應對挑戰:中國發展的歷史紀錄》 編著:世界經濟論壇 出版:中文大學出版社 年份:2014年 Meeting the Challenges: A Historical Record of China’s Development Editor: World Economic Forum Publisher: The Chinese University Press Year: 2014 1965年5月,中大與美國加州大學 簽署交換計劃協議書,並於同年9月 起實施。在此計劃下,獲選的中大學 生、畢業生、教職員可於加州大學任 何分校免費攻讀學位,而訪問加州 大學的教職員可使用研究設備及其 他一切設施。與此同時,加州大學於 1965至66年度自費派遣教師兩人、 研究生四人到中大,擔任教學及研 究工作;另有本科生五人來校修讀 歷史、藝術、社會學及數學。加州大 學交換計劃是中大最早簽訂的學生 交流協議,該協議書現於大學展覽 廳展出。 1965年8月26日,中大假座大會堂劇院舉行儀式,紀念中大與加州大學成立 學術合作協定,李卓敏校長於儀式上致辭 Dr. Li Choh-ming, CUHK Vice-Chancellor, speaks at a ceremony held on 26 August 1965 at the City Hall Theatre to mark the inauguration of the cooperative programme between CUHK and the University of California The Chinese University signed an exchange agreement with the University of California in May 1965. The agreement, which took effect in September, allowed recommended CUHK undergraduates, postgraduates and faculty members to attend any of the campuses of the University of California for degrees with waiver of the entire tuition. The University of California also made its research and office facilities available to visiting faculty members from CUHK. And in the academic year 1965–66, two professors and four graduates from the University of California visited CUHK to teach and supervise research. Besides, five undergraduates came to our campus to study history, fine arts, sociology and mathematics. The agreement of this very first student exchange programme of CUHK is now on display in the University Gallery.
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