Newsletter No. 434

4 No. 434, 19.3.2014 中央銀行家研討班 Advanced Programme for Central Bankers 全球經濟及金融研究所主辦之「第二屆中央銀行家研討班」,於2月20至22日在中大舉行。講者包括前中 國銀監會主席暨研究所BCT銀聯集團傑出研究員劉明康教授、前香港金融管理局總裁任志剛教授兼研究 所傑出研究員、前校長兼研究所藍饒富暨藍凱麗經濟學講座教授劉遵義教授、前香港證券及期貨事務監 察委員會主席方正博士、畢馬威全球主席米高.安德魯先生等。參加者包括二十九位來自亞美尼亞、亞塞 拜疆、孟加拉、柬埔寨、斐濟、香港、老撾、馬來西亞、蒙古、緬甸、尼泊爾、巴基斯坦、斯里蘭卡、台灣和越 南等國家及地區的中央銀行家及金融機構代表,討論氣氛熱烈。 是屆研討班旨在與G20以外國家及地區的中央銀行家交流有關金融機構監管的最新知識,藉此提高香港 在國際金融事務的參與度及影響力。 To promote the leading role of Hong Kong as an international financial and banking centre, the Institute of Global Economics and Finance (IGEF) hosted an advanced programme for central bankers from 20 to 22 February. The 29 participants of the programme included central bankers from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Vietnam, and others. Featured speakers of the programme included Prof. Liu Mingkang, former chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and BCT Distinguished Research Fellow of IGEF; Prof. Joseph Yam, former chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Distinguished Research Fellow of IGEF; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Claire Landau Professor of Economics of IGEF; Dr. Eddy Fong, former chairman of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission; Mr. Michael J. Andrew, global chairman of KPMG. The programme serves as an important platform for central bankers from non-G20 countries and regions to exchange and update their knowledge on banking policy and regulation. 洪蘭論大腦與人生 Daisy L. Hung on Brain and Life 2013至14年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人、台灣國立中央大學認知神 經科學研究所洪蘭教授,於2月26日親臨逸夫書院演講,題為「大 腦與人生」,分析人類大腦怎樣因應外界變化而改變神經迴路的連 接。神經科學家發現大腦中掌管記憶的海馬迴神經細胞可以再生, 證明人類有終身學習的能力,沒有「輸在起跑線」這回事。洪教授以 大量生動例子說明,情緒是認知對情境的解釋,改變心態,就能改 變生命。 Prof. Daisy L. Hung, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2013–14, from the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience of National Central University, Taiwan, visited Shaw College to speak on ‘Brain and Life’ on 26 February. She analysed how the connectivity of neural circuits in the human brain changes in response to changes in the outside world. Neuroscientists have observed the regeneration of the cells in the hippocampus, which plays an important role in the consolidation of information from short-term to long-term memory. The fact supports the crucial role of life-long learning and debunks the false belief in the importance of ‘winning at the starting line’. Using vivid and intriguing examples, Professor Hung illustrated that human emotions are cognitive interpretations of circumstances, meaning that the change in mentality can lead to changes in life. 教育學院頒獎典禮 Faculty of Education Award Presentation Ceremony 教育學院每年一度頒獎典禮於3月1日舉行。由院內四個學系及體育部 提名的楊秀珠教授、林嘉嘉博士、陸秀霞博士、沈劍威教授及梁鳳蓮 博士,獲得教育學院模範教學獎,而二十六名本科生及三十三名研究 生,因成績優異獲頒院長榮譽錄獎狀。常務副校長華雲生教授擔任主 禮嘉賓,頒授模範教學獎予五位老師,而教育學院院長梁湘明教授則 頒授院長榮譽錄獎狀予學生。 2012年中文大學校長模範教學獎得主之一蔡寶瓊教授,在典禮上與在 座師生及家長分享她的教學心得和經驗。 The Faculty of Education’s annual Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 1 March to recognize excellence in teaching and learning. Five teachers from its four departments and the Physical Education Unit, namely, Prof. Yeung Sau-chu Alison, Dr. Lam Ka-ka, Dr. Luk Sau-ha Sarah, Prof. Sum Kim-wai Raymond and Dr. Leung Fung- lin Elean received the Faculty Exemplary Teaching Awards and 26 undergraduate and 33 postgraduate students who attained outstanding academic achievements in 2012–2013 received the Dean’s Honours List Awards. Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost of the University, was the officiating guest of the ceremony, who presented the five teachers with the awards. Prof. Leung Seung-ming Alvin, Dean of Education, presented the certificates to students who made the Dean’s Honours List. On the same occasion, Prof. Choi Po-king Dora, a recipient of the CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2012, shared with teachers, students and parents her views on and experience in teaching.