Newsletter No. 434

No. 434, 19.3.2014 5 人權律師論新聞資訊自由 Human Rights Lawyer on Press Freedom 御用大律師羅伯森(Geoffrey Robertson)是世界知名 的人權律師,他於2月28日應人文價值研究中心之邀演 講。他稱新聞自由為自由社會最重要的支柱,籲請政府加 以保障。 這位曾代表阿桑奇和前烏克蘭總理季莫申科的律師,在 法律學院位於中區的研究生部以「國家機密:曼寧、阿桑 奇與斯諾登」為題演講。講座由中心與法律學院和香港 人文學院合辦,吸引一百五十多位公眾人士和貴賓出席, 包括常務副校長華雲生教授。 在兩小時長的講座中,羅伯森提到香港「極度缺乏」任 何「文明和準民主國家不可或缺的」資訊自由法。他並 譴責最近《明報》前總編劉進圖遇襲的事件說:「殺害 傳訊者,或好像這宗案件般殘戕傳訊者,是自由社會所 絕不能容的。」他促請有關方面當機立斷,採取行動, 「政府當前急務是傾盡全力緝拿兇徒,繩之於法。」 中心主任Simon Haines教授說:「適值本港新聞資訊自由 的關鍵時刻,邀得羅伯森律師作主講嘉賓,實至為感奮。」 World-renowned Human Rights lawyer, Geoffrey Robertson QC, spoke as a guest of the Research Centre for Human Values on 28 February, urging the government to protect press freedom, which he said is ‘a most important sinew of a free society’. The lawyer, who has represented Julian Assange and former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, delivered a lecture titled ‘State Secrecy: Manning, Assange and Snowden’ to a full capacity audience at the CUHK Faculty of Law Graduate Centre in Central. The event, which was held in partnership with the Faculty of Law and the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities, attracted over 150 members of the public and VIPs, including the University Provost Prof. Benjamin W. Wah. During the two hour event, Robertson noted that Hong Kong ‘desperately lacks’ a Freedom of Information Law, which is something ‘any civilized and quasi- democratic society must have’. He also condemned the recent attack on former Ming Pao editor Lau Chun-to Kevin. ‘Killing the messenger, or maiming the messenger in this case, is something that a free society simply cannot tolerate’, said Robertson, and urged decisive action. ‘The government must throw every resource at first of all finding and prosecuting his assailants’, he said. Prof. Simon Haines, director of the Centre, said, ‘We are thrilled to have hosted Geoffrey Robertson QC in Hong Kong at the most important time for freedom of the press and information in the region.’ 馬悅然談唐詩 Malmqvist on Tang Poetry 中大首屆饒宗頤訪問學人講座於3月3日舉行,邀得瑞典籍 漢學家、諾貝爾文學獎評選委員馬悅然教授主講「略談唐 代的通俗詩歌」,吸引近二百人出席。 馬悅然教授首先講述1969年發現的《十二月三臺詞》唐代卜 天壽抄本,指出這可能是中國文學史上第一首六言律詩。 他朗讀數首唐代非主流詩人的六言詩,帶領出席者欣賞這文 體的美,其中兩句為「古木,寒鴉,山徑;小橋,流水,人家」。 他續稱「六言詩每句由三組雙音步構成,每雙音步是一個完 整的語法單位。每句的停頓落在第二個和第四個音節之後, 有人認為節奏顯得太單調和呆板,缺乏音樂美,不適合朗 誦。我卻認為這種詩另有一番繪畫美、建築美。」 饒宗頤教授在《敦煌曲》的引論裏指出唐代詩詞的界限尚 未分明,馬悅然教授亦發現三臺詞和六言詩在宋元時代漸 發展成為詞調和散曲,與饒教授說法吻合。 「饒宗頤訪問學人計劃」每年邀請一名在中國文化研究上有傑出表現的世界級學者到訪中大,於中國文化研究所從事 學術研究、交流及教學等活動,以促進中西方學術交流及互動,開拓學術的新視野,並啟發年青後學,傳承國學。 The first Jao Tsung-I Visiting Professor Public Lecture was held on 3 March. Prof. Nils Göran David Malmqvist, a leading Swedish sinologist and a member of the selection committee for the Nobel Prize in Literature, was invited to deliver a lecture entitled ‘On Popular Poetry of the Tang Period’, attracting an audience of around 200. Professor Malmqvist began his lecture by discussing a Tang dynasty manuscript discovered in 1969, the Shieryue santaici , ( santaici on twelve months) which could probably be the first six-syllable lüshi (regulated verse) in the history of Chinese literature.   He also introduced a few six-syllable shi by non-mainstream poets of the Tang dynasty to the participants and showed them how to appreciate this genre. One stanza of a poem he read was, ‘Old trees, frozen crows, mountain path. Small bridge, flowing water, human dwelling’. He said, ‘Each verse in a six-syllable shi is composed of three two-syllable phrases, and each phrase is a complete unit in syntax. A momentary pause followed each two-syllable phrase. Some may think that this kind of poetry is monotonous and dull, lacking rhythm and not fit for recitation. However, I find the poetic quality lies in its architectural structure and the luxuriant imagery, which creates a lingering charm.’ According to Prof. Jao Tsung-I in his introduction to Airs de Touen-Houang , the distinction between shi and ci was not very obvious during the Tang dynasty. Professor Malmqvist also found that santaici and six-syllable shi were further developed into different genres in the later dynasties, which agreed with the findings of Professor Jao. Through the Jao Tsung-I Visiting Professorship Scheme, a world-class scholar on Chinese cultural research is invited for academic research and scholarly exchange at the Institute of Chinese Studies of CUHK every year.  It is hoped that the guest professor will be able to inspire the young generation and help to promote Chinese culture.  侯傑泰膺美國教育研究協會院士 Hau Kit-tai Selected AERA Fellow 副校長兼卓敏教育心理學講座教授侯傑泰獲美國教育 研究協會評選為2014年度院士,和其餘二十一位國際傑 出學者共享本年度院士殊榮,4月將正式加入現有五百五 十七位院士的行列。 美國教育研究協會創立於1916年,是美國最大規模的教 育研究專業機構。該會院士均是在教育研究貢獻重大的 學者,他們成就超卓,研究品質優秀,臻達最高專業水 準,並致力培養新一輩學者。院士候選人由同行學者提 名,再經院士委員會評選產生。 Prof. Hau Kit-tai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Educational Psychology, has been selected Fellow of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), joining 21 outstanding international scholars in the class of 2014 and 557 current AERA Fellows. The AERA, founded in 1916, is the largest professional organization of the US devoted to the scientific study of education. AERA Fellows, who exemplify the best of research in terms of accomplishment, quality, mentoring, and the highest professional standards, are nominated by their peers and selected by the AERA Fellows Committee.