Newsletter No. 435
No. 435, 4.4.2014 7 國家教育部批准設立中大(深圳) Establishment of CUHK (Shenzhen) Approved 社會科學院表揚優異師生 Faculty of Social Science Honours Outstanding Teachers and Students 社會科學院於3月8日舉行2013年模範教學獎暨院長榮譽錄頒獎典禮,由香港特區政府 規劃署署長凌嘉勤先生( 前排左四 )主禮,頒授模範教學獎予社會工作學系陶兆銘教授 ( 前排右二 )、政治與行政學系李家翹博士( 前排右三 )及經濟學系莫啟聰教授( 前排右四 ), 同時頒發院長榮譽錄證書予學術成績優異的學生。 Three teachers in the Faculty of Social Science were honoured with the Faculty’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2013 on 8 March. They were Prof. To Siu-ming ( 2nd right, front row ) of the Department of Social Work, Dr. Nelson Lee ( 3rd right, front row ) of the Department of Government and Public Administration and Prof. Wallace Mok ( 4th right, front row ) of the Department of Economics. Mr. K.K. Ling ( 4th left, front row ), Director of Planning of the HKSAR Government, was the guest of honour of the ceremony. On the same occasion, certificates were presented to students of the Faculty who made the Dean’s List for excellent academic achievements. 中大─烏德勒支大學語言、認知及大腦聯合研究中心成立 CUHK–UU Joint Centre for Language, Mind and Brain Established 中大與荷蘭烏德勒支大學在3月13日於中大校園舉行「中 大─烏德勒支大學語言、認知及大腦聯合研究中心」成 立典禮。該中心旨在提供一個國際平台,促進語言、認知 及大腦的跨學科與多學科研究,並結合中大與烏德勒支 大學兩校的科研優勢與實力,共同推動語言學習和發展 的生物學基礎、認知神經科學,以及語言治療方面的創 新研究。 中大校長沈祖堯教授、荷蘭駐港澳總領事Wilfred Mohr 先生,以及歐盟駐港澳辦公室主任Vincent Piket先生為 聯合研究中心主持開幕典禮。兩校同時展開一連兩天的 首屆「語言與認知神經遺傳學研討會」,分別於中大校園 及中大深圳研究院舉行,以慶祝聯合研究中心成立。 CUHK and Utrecht University (UU) in the Netherlands held the opening ceremony of the CUHK–UU Joint Centre for Language, Mind and Brain at CUHK on 13 March. The Joint Centre provides an international platform to promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in language, mind and brain. It represents an innovative effort to synergize and combine the strengths of CUHK and UU in areas involving the biological basis of language learning and development, cognitive neuroscience, and speech- language therapy. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor; Mr. Wilfred Mohr, Consul-General, Netherlands Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao; and Mr. Vincent Piket, head of the European Union office to Hong Kong and Macau, officiated at the ceremony. The two universities also held the Symposium on the Neurogenetics of Language and Cognition on CUHK campus and at the Shenzhen Research Institute two days in a row to celebrate the launch of the Joint Centre. 國家教育部最近正式批准設立香港中文大學(深圳)(中 大〔深圳〕)。中大(深圳)下一步將積極推進各項重點工 作,包括全球延聘優秀教員、學科發展規劃,以及2014 年招生工作。 中大校長兼中大(深圳)理事會理事長沈祖堯教授表示, 中大(深圳)正式獲國家教育部批准設立,是中大發展的 重要里程碑。中大(深圳)將致力培養更多具有國際視 野、專業知識、高尚品格及對社會有承擔的人才。 中大(深圳)校長徐揚生院士說,創建中大(深圳),對吸 引和培養珠三角地區的高層次創新人才,研究和開發高 科技成果,加強與世界先進國家和地區在高等教育方面 的交流與合作,以及推進國家高等教育綜合改革試驗具 有重要意義。 中大(深圳)位於深圳市龍崗區,佔地約一百萬平方米, 將分期建設,其中校園內現有八幢建築樓宇的翻新改建 及內部裝修工程已完成,足以讓中大(深圳)辦學初年進 行教學、科研、行政等工作。校園第一期工程亦已展開, 包括興建主要教學大樓、圖書館、大學行政樓、會議中 心、學生中心、書院及教職員宿舍等,預計逐步於2016至 2017年落成。 The State Ministry of Education (MoE) has recently given its approval for the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK(SZ)). With the approval, CUHK(SZ) will further implement faculty recruitment, planning and development of academic curriculum, student admission in 2014 and other key strategic plans. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor and chairman of the Governing Board of CUHK(SZ), said that the approval of the establishment of CUHK(SZ) by the MoE marks an important milestone in the development of CUHK. CUHK(SZ) will endeavour to train future generations of university graduates who are international in outlook, learned in the disciplines they follow, upright in character, and committed to serving the needs of society. Prof. Xu Yangsheng, President of CUHK(SZ), said that the establishment of CUHK(SZ) is of great significance in attracting and nurturing high-calibre innovative professionals in the Pearl River Delta region, in research and the exploitation of high-end technology, in enhancing academic exchange and collaboration with higher-education institutions in developed countries and regions, as well as in helping to push forward the comprehensive reform of higher education in China. CUHK(SZ) is located in the Longgang District of Shenzhen, encompassing a campus area of around one million square metres, and will be constructed in phases. The renovation of the eight existing buildings on the site has been completed, which shall support the operational, teaching and learning activities of CUHK(SZ) in the initial years. Phase one campus development has also commenced, including the construction of major teaching blocks, the library, the university administration building, a conference centre, a student centre, colleges and staff quarters, and is expected to be completed in 2016 and 2017.
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