Newsletter No. 435

8 No. 435, 4.4.2014 中大隊於大專盃再奪三冠 CUHK Captures Three More Championships in Inter-universities Competitions On 9 March, CUHK athlete Miss Lui Lai-yiu (Sports Science and Physical Education, Year 1) captured the Overall Individual Champion title by winning three gold medals (100m hurdle, 200m and 4×100m relay) and one silver medal (4×400m relay) in the USFHK Annual Athletic Meet, helping the CUHK Women’s Athletic Team to obtain the second runner-up title. On 15 and 16 March, CUHK Men’s and Women’s Woodball Teams also strived to depend their champion titles. While the women’s team won with ease, the men’s Team was neck and neck with the Hong Kong City University (CityU) in the competition. Finally, the men’s team managed to outshine the CityU team and bagged the championship. 中大女子羽毛球隊在3月8日的大專女子羽毛球決賽中全 力衞冕,對手是實力極強的香港大學,在第一、二局單打 賽事中均先勝中大隊一比零,但中大兩名單打球員其後 均反超前以二比一勝出。第三局雙打賽事,中大隊以二比 零取勝,最終連勝三局衞冕。 另外,中大女子田徑隊於3月9日的大專田徑賽中獲得女 子組團體季軍,當中隊員呂麗瑤(體育運動科學系一年 級)更以三金一銀的成績(一百米欄、二百米和四乘一百 米接力冠軍、四乘四百米接力亞軍)勇奪本年度大專田徑 賽女子個人全場冠軍。 在大專活木球比賽中,上屆奪冠的中大男、女子活木球隊 於3月15日初賽均以首名成績打入16日的決賽,女子隊更 以大比數領前,最後輕鬆衞冕。男子隊雖然受香港城市 大學緊迫,終於也能凱旋。 On 8 March, CUHK Women’s Badminton Team, the depending champion, played against the University of Hong Kong in the final of the USFHK Women’s Badminton Competition. CUHK players were beaten by their opponents in the first sets during both the first and the second matches. But with persistence, they finally defeated their tough opponents and defended their championship by 3–0. 非洲文化節 African Week 學生事務處與CUHK Black International Community合辦非 洲文化節,在3月18日於文化廣場舉行開幕典禮,安哥拉駐港總 領事館副領事Augusta Bessa夫人( 左 )和尼日利亞駐港總領事 Danjuma Nanpon Sheni先生均有出席。 沈祖堯校長在致辭時說:「我們與世界其他地方有許多聯繫。但 過去我們說自己很全球化時,只把眼光放到北面的地界。我們有 許多歐洲的夥伴,有許多北美洲的夥伴,但似乎忘卻還有許多人 住在南半球,包括非洲和拉丁美洲。我們對於非洲的知識很貧 乏,所以我很高興本校學生事務處舉行這次活動,擴闊我們對世 界其他地方的眼界。」 嘉賓致辭後,學生表演歌唱和非洲時裝助慶。這次非洲文化節由3月18至21日舉行,活動包括講座、分享會和電影放 映會。 The Office of Student Affairs and the CUHK Black International Community jointly organized the African Week. Mrs. Augusta Bessa ( left in top photo ), Vice Consul, Consulate General of the Republic of Angola in Hong Kong, and Mr. Danjuma Nanpon Sheni, Consul General, Consulate General of Nigeria, attended the opening ceremony on 18 March. In his welcome speech, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice- Chancellor, said, ‘We have many connections with other parts of the world. But in the past when we say we are global, we actually only looked at the northern part of the globe. We have lots of partners from Europe, lots of partners from North America. But we seem to forget there are many people living in the South Hemisphere, including Africa and Latin America. We lack knowledge about our friends from Africa. I’m very glad that our Office of Student Affairs organizes this activity to widen our horizons to different parts of the world.’ The welcoming speeches by the officiating guests were followed by a singing performance and an African Fashion Show. The African Week ran from 18 to 21 March, featuring a talk, sharing sessions, and a movie screening. 伍宜孫學生展才華 Sunny Festival 伍宜孫書院在3月21日舉行第一屆Sunny Festival。院內 各學生團體設立攤位介紹其活動,還有學生才藝表演, 包括舞獅、歌唱、戲劇、嘻哈舞蹈和民族服裝表演。沈祖 堯校長、書院院長李沛良教授和書院院監會成員伍步昌 先生等出席支持。 Wu Yee Sun College held the first Sunny Festival on 21 March. Different student organizations set up booths at the event to showcase their achievements. The festival featured talent shows, including lion dance, singing, drama, hip-hop dance, and cultural fashion show. The event was attended by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, Master of the College; Mr. Albert P.C. Wu, member of the College’s Committee of Overseers, etc.