Newsletter No. 435

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 圓形廣場上的棒球魂 新亞圓形廣場在3月18日晚上放映《KANO》,為博群電影節掀開序 幕。近千名師生觀看這部關於台灣棒球隊打進日本甲子園的電影。 放映結束後,影評人馮家明主持映後座談會,《KANO》監製魏德聖 與觀眾暢談電影與人生。(見第2頁) Play Ball! KANO , the opening film of the I·Care Film Festival, was screened on 18 March at the New Asia Amphitheatre. Around 1,000 teachers and students watched this movie about a ragtag baseball team from southern Taiwan making it to the finals of Japan’s high school baseball championship. Wei Te-sheng, producer of the film, attended the post-screening discussion hosted by film critic Fung Ka-ming to share his views on life and movies with the audience. (Please read p. 2) P4 「大部分人都知道保存地球的生物多 樣性很重要和迫切,但極少人看到我們 同樣須保存文化和語言的多樣性。」 ‘Most of us realize the importance as well as the urgency of maintaining the biodiversity of the globe we live in, but few of us see that the same applies to our cultural and linguistic diversity.’ 第四三五期 二零一四年四月四日 No. 435 4 April 2014 P12 「教育和其他社會制度 一樣,必須與時俱進,有 所變化和改革。」 ‘Like every other social institution, education must change, progress and reform itself with the times.’ P3 「禤永明樓多功能學習中心令走讀 生和宿生均有落腳處,加強對書院 的歸屬感。」 ‘The Huen Wing Ming Building Multi-Purpose Learning Centre offers students a cosy resting spot on the College campus which can enhance a sense of belonging.’