Newsletter No. 436
4 No. 436, 19.4.2014 簽署儀式進行前,兩院合辦「我們所知道的中國鄉郊災害準備和抗逆能力」講座,講者包 括中大CCOUC災害與人道救援研究所所長兼全球衞生中心總監陳英凝教授、哈佛FXB衞 生及人權中心總監Jennifer Leaning教授,以及哈佛人道救援計劃總監Michael VanRooyen 教授。 這是中大與哈佛首次簽訂的合作備忘錄。兩校的公共衞生學院將透過互相學習、鑽研和溝 通,加強雙方的學術交流和合作,致力提升公共衞生領域的教研水平,並推動知識轉移及交 流,促進人類健康福祉。 Prof. Francis Chan ( left ), Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, CUHK and Prof. Julio Frenk ( right ), Dean of the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for collaboration between the two institutions. The signing ceremony for this three-year agreement was witnessed by Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; Prof. E.K. Yeoh, director of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK; as well as over 100 CUHK members and delegates from HSPH. In conjunction with the MOU signing ceremony, a joint lecture on ‘What Have We Learnt Regarding Disaster Preparedness and Resilience Building in Health Emergency in Rural China?’ was given by Prof. Emily Chan, director of the Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response and the Centre for Global Health of CUHK; Prof. Jennifer Leaning, director of the François-Xavier Bagnoud Centre for Health and Human Rights; and Prof. Michael VanRooyen, director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative of Harvard University. This MOU is the first one signed between the two internationally renowned universities. Both institutions are committed to protecting and improving public health with the highest professional standards on education and research, and advancing the public’s health through learning, discovery, communication, and knowledge transfer. 中大醫學院院長陳家亮教授( 左 )及哈佛公共衞生學院院長JulioFrenk教授( 右 ), 在中大副校長張妙清教授、賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院院長楊永強教授, 以及百多名中大成員和哈佛公共衞生學院訪問團見證下,簽署為期三年的合作備 忘錄。 中大與哈佛合作推動公共衞生教學及研究 CUHK Collaborates with Harvard on Research and Education in Public Health 黃聿教授(前)與劉潤皇教授 Prof. Huang Yu (front) and Prof. James Lau international studies in determining the adjunctive role of interventional radiology to endoscopic treatment. It is hoped that his current research will achieve the aim of ’zero’ re-bleeding in patients with acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The Croucher Senior Research Fellowships scheme was first introduced in 1997. A total of 23 scholars from CUHK have been awarded the Croucher Senior Research Fellowships since its inception. James Y.W. Lau, Professor of Surgery and director of the Endoscopy Centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital, was awarded the Senior Medical Research Fellowship. Prof. Huang Yu is recognized as one of the leading scientists in vascular biology research. In recent years, Professor Huang and his team have been trying to elucidate cellular and molecular events involved in the initiation and progression of endothelial cell dysfunction in hypertension, obesity, diabetes, estrogen deficiency and ageing, to uncover novel relevant biomarkers for vascular pathogenesis. They are currently attempting to reveal novel molecular mechanisms and signaling crosstalk that collectively mediate physical exercise-induced vascular benefits in obese and diabetic animals, aiming at exploring new therapeutic strategies for vascular diseases. Prof. James Y.W. Lau is known internationally for his clinical research in the management of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding from non-variceal causes. His research has led to significant reductions in further bleeding (less than 5%), requirement for surgery and deaths (less than 1%) in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Professor Lau is currently leading multicenter 兩位中大學者在4月3日獲頒授裘槎基金會2014至15年 度「優秀科研者獎」。生物醫學學院教授兼心腦血管醫 學研究所所長黃聿教授獲授「優秀科研者獎」,外科講 座教授兼威爾斯親王醫院內鏡中心榮譽總監劉潤皇教 授則獲「優秀醫學科研者獎」。 黃聿教授是血管生物學研究領域的頂尖學者。近年來, 他帶領研究團隊致力闡明在高血壓、肥胖、糖尿病、雌 激素缺乏和衰老等過程中,導致內皮細胞功能障礙的機 制,尋找更多與血管病變有關的生物標誌物。黃教授的 團隊目前正努力揭示運動對保護肥胖和患糖尿病動物血 管的分子機制,以及相關的信號交互調節,以探索治療 血管疾病的新策略。 劉潤皇教授在治療急性上消化道出血(非靜脈曲張)的 臨床研究成就國際知名。他的研究成果大大減低了消 化道出血患者再出血的風險(低於5%)、手術需求和死 亡率(低於1%)。劉教授現正領導有關介入放射治療對 內視鏡治療的輔助作用的國際多中心研究,希望將急性 上消化道出血患者的再出血風險減至零。 裘槎基金會於1997年設立「優秀科研者獎」,特別頒予 在科研工作上有卓越表現的學者。中大至今已有二十三 名學者獲頒裘槎基金會「優秀科研者獎」。 Two top research academics from CUHK were presented the prestigious Senior Research Fellowships of The Croucher Foundation on 3 April. Prof. Huang Yu, professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences and director of the Institute of Vascular Medicine, received the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship, while Prof. 本校兩學者獲裘槎獎 Two CUHK Scholars Named Croucher Senior Research Fellows
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