Newsletter No. 436

No. 436, 19.4.2014 7 左起:林勇、劉文彥、路翰娜及林嘉俊 From left: Lin Yong, Liu Wenyan, Hanna Lu and Lam Ka-chun 大學圖書館於2月28日舉辦了第一次「研究茶座」,主題為「腦與頭腦」,精 神科學系的林勇與路翰娜、內科及藥物治療學系腦神經科的劉文彥,以及 數學系的林嘉俊四位博士生就各自的研究專題作了十五分鐘簡報。活動吸引 了多位不同學科的研究生出席,並積極參與討論。 研究茶座是大學圖書館主辦的新服務,其設計以「科學咖啡館」的概念為根 據,旨在提供一系列輕鬆的交流活動,令研究式課程研究生可以聚首,報告 自己的研究,藉此促進跨學科交流,並磨練簡報技巧。 The first Research Café was held on 28 February at the Cafe Area of the University Library with the theme ‘Brain and Mind’. It featured four 15-minute presentations made by four PhD students on their research projects. They were Lin Yong and Hanna Lu from the Department of Psychiatry, Liu Wenyan from the Division of Neurology, the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and Lam Ka-chun from the Department of Mathematics. The event attracted a good number of postgraduates from a variety of disciplines who actively engaged in the discussion. Based on the Café Scientifique concept, the Research Café is a new service organized by the University Library to provide a series of informal and engaging events where research postgraduate students can get together and present their research. It is aimed at facilitating interdisciplinary research ideas exchange among them, and providing them with opportunities to hone their presentation skills. 研究茶座 Research Café 中大在2014無障礙網頁嘉許計劃中獲得三大殊榮—網站組別金獎、流動應用程式組別金獎,以及 獲選為最喜愛網站。頒獎典禮於4月14日假政府總部舉行,常務副校長華雲生教授代表中大領獎。 華教授表示︰「中大去年首度獲得網站組別金獎,此後一直致力保持網站的無障礙設計元素,並精 益求精,今年獲得三項最高榮譽,令人鼓舞。」 該計劃由政府資訊科技總監辦公室和平等機會委員會合辦,旨在鼓勵各行各業採用方便各界人士 使用的無障礙網頁設計,並表揚致力這方面的機構。 CUHK receives three top honours in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2014, including a gold award each in the Website Stream and the Mobile Application Stream, and being voted one of the ‘My Favourite Websites’. The University was represented by Provost Prof. Benjamin W. Wah in the award presentation ceremony which took place at the Central Government Offices on 14 April. Commenting on the award, Professor Wah said, ‘The Chinese University has made every effort in maintaining and enhancing our website accessibility since we received the Gold Award for the first time last year. We are happy to have received three top recognitions this year.’ The recognition scheme was organized jointly by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Equal Opportunities Commission to encourage website accessibility among organizations in various industries and sectors, and to showcase corporations that have demonstrated outstanding efforts in facilitating access to their websites. 中大獲「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」三大殊榮 Triple Recognition for Web Accessibility 副校長續任 Reappointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellor 程伯中教授再度獲委任為副校長,由2014年8月1日起至12月31日止。 Prof. Ching Pak-chung has been re-appointed as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University for a further period from 1 August to 31 December 2014. 暑期運動訓練班招生 Summer Sports Programme 體育部將於5至8月開辦多項暑期運動訓練班供教職員及學生參加,另組織四項教職員 球拍類比賽,藉以鼓勵校內各人培養運動習慣。暑期運動訓練班網頁( www.peu.cuhk. ) 已於4月16日推出,4月23日上午9時起接受報名, 先到先得,額滿即止。 如有查詢,請聯絡吳國輝先生(3943 6092)。 To arouse staff and students’ interest in physical exercise, the Physical Education Unit will organize summer sports courses from May to August. In addition, four racquet sport tournaments will be organized for staff. The Summer Sports Programme webpage ( www. ) was launched on 16 April. Enrolment starts at 9:00 am, 23 April, on a first-come first-served basis. For enquiries, please contact Mr. Tony Ng at 3943 6092. 校長續任 Reappointment of Vice-Chancellor 中大校董會在4月8日舉行的會議上,一致通過續聘沈祖堯教授為中大校長,任期為三年, 由2015年7月1日至2018年6月30日。 At its meeting on 8 April 2014, the Council of CUHK resolved, unanimously, that Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung be re-appointed as Vice-Chancellor of the University for a further period of three years with effect from 1 July 2015 until 30 June 2018. 左起:資訊科技服務處處長梁光漢先生、常務副校長華雲生教授、資訊處處長曹永強先生 From left: Mr. Philip Leung, Director of Information Technology Services; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost; Mr. Tommy Cho, Director of Information Services