Newsletter No. 436

6 No. 436, 19.4.2014 法律學士課程二年級生 李思上在3月24日於北 京舉行之第十九屆中國 日報社「21世紀 ‧ 可口 可樂盃」全國英語演講 比賽總決賽中,擊敗另 外十九名參賽者獲得 冠軍。比賽於1996年創 辦,為中國學界一年一 度盛事。比賽形式包括 已備演講、即席演講和 現場問答三部份。贏得 冠軍的李思上還將擔任 文化交流大使,在2014 年世界盃足球賽期間, 到巴西參與交流活動。 Paul Benedict Lee (Year 2, laws) beat 19 contestants of the 19th ‘21st Century Coca-Cola Cup’ National English Speaking Competition Finals held on 24 March in Beijing, becoming the champion of the competition. Founded by the China Daily in 1996, the competition is a reputable event in China’s academic arena and is held annually nationwide. The competition consists of prepared speeches, impromptu speeches and Q&A. Paul was awarded the chance to travel to Brazil during the World Cup 2014 period as the Coca-Cola Ambassador of Cultural Communication. 法律學生奪全國英語演講冠軍 Law Student Wins National English Speaking Contest 本年度的大專盃女子籃球決賽於 3月30日在灣仔修頓室內體育館 舉行,由中大與香港浸會大學對 壘。中大球員憑着出色防守和多 元化的進攻模式,最後以六十四 比五十四擊敗對手,連續三年奪 得冠軍。隊員體育運動科學系 盧曉芳和隊長卓婷都有雙位數 的得分。 The CUHK team played against Baptist University in the USFHK (University Sports Federation of Hong Kong) Women’s Basketball Competition Finals held at Southorn Stadium on 30 March. With their strong defence and diversified offence, the CUHK team won the game 64–54, becoming champion of the competition for the third consecutive year. Both Lo Hiu- fong, student of Sports Science and Physical Education, and Cheuk Ting, captain of the team, scored more than 10 points in the match. 中大女籃蟬聯三屆大專盃冠軍 Women’s Basketball Team Bags USFHK Championship for Three Consecutive Years 照片由英國文化協會提供 Courtesy of British Council Hong Kong 衆選手、評判及理學院院長黃乃正教授(後排左二)於決賽後合照 Finalists, judges, and Prof. Henry N.C. Wong (Dean of Science; second left, back row) at the completion of the FameLab 2014 Hong Kong Grand Finals FameLab is an international science communication competition and held for the first time in Hong Kong back in 2009 as part of the annual Science Alive programme of the British Council. The competition aims to encourage young scientists (20 to 35 years old) to inspire and excite public imagination with a vision of science in the 21st century. Among the four CUHK finalists, three received awards. They were 1st runner-up Lo Lok-man (PhD student, Biomedical Sciences), 2nd runner-up Luk Sui-man (Year 2, Physics), and Video Favourite Award recipient Wong Siu-shing (Year 2, Biochemistry). CUHK took home the Best Institution Award 2014 for having the most number of participants among all local institutions. 英國文化協會舉辦的「科學一叮」2014香港區決賽於3月 15日假香港科學館舉行,十位來自香港各大專院校的選 手施展渾身解數,於限時三分鐘內,就自選的科學題目發 表演說,博取評判及現場觀眾青睞。他們的課題包羅萬 有,例如重力協助加速、面部表情回饋理論及情感背後 的科學等。 今屆共有四位中大學生晉身決賽,其中生物醫學院博士 研究生盧樂民奪得亞軍,物理系二年級生陸萃雯獲季 軍,生物化學課程二年級生王兆成獲得網民心水大獎, 而中大亦派出共十一位同學參加比賽,為眾參與院校之 首,獲頒最佳院校獎。 「科學一叮」是英國文化協會「活的科學」計劃之一,自 2009年開始在香港舉辦,目的是鼓勵年齡介乎二十至三 十五歲的年輕科學家運用才智及創意,將二十一世紀的 科學活現於大眾面前,令他們從中得到啟發,並領略科 學的趣味。 Scientific knowledge proved to be sensational at the Hong Kong Grand Finals of FameLab Hong Kong 2014 organized by the British Council. Held on 15 March at the Hong Kong Science Museum, 10 finalists, including four students from CUHK, battled to impress the judges and the audience with their engaging presentations. Contestants delivered a series of captivating talks lasting three minutes each, with topics ranging from gravity- assisted propulsion, facial feedback theory, to the science behind love. 中大生「科學一叮」獲獎 CUHK Students Get Prizes at FameLab Hong Kong