Newsletter No. 439

6 No. 439, 4.6.2014 學童戴OK鏡可致角膜炎 Ortho-K Lens Can Cause Microbial Keratitis in Children 眼科及視覺科學學系最新研究發現,過去十年,十八歲或以下人士被確診為微生物致病 的感染性角膜炎個案中,近四成與使用控制近視的角膜塑形隱形眼鏡(俗稱OK鏡)直 接相關,而感染性角膜炎是致盲率很高的疾病,反映OK鏡的潛在風險。該系名譽臨床 副教授楊樂旼醫生( 右 )指出,戴OK鏡或會造成角膜上皮細胞損傷,令角膜變得脆弱。 「若角膜上皮細胞損傷加上患者清潔習慣不佳,便會造成角膜炎。」若沒及時處理,可 在角膜上造成不可逆轉的疤痕,導致眼內炎或角膜穿孔,嚴重影響視力。 該研究小組同時分析二十三個因戴OK鏡引起的嚴重感染性角膜炎個案,發現患者平均 年齡僅為十五歲,平均需接受十五日住院治療,所有患者經治療後均留有永久的角膜疤 痕,因而視力質素受到不同程度的損害。何善衡眼科及視覺科學講座教授譚智勇醫生( 左 )提醒家長:「為子女選擇控制近視的產品時,應尋求眼科醫生的意見,充分了解相關 風險和成效,謹慎選擇適合的方法。」 The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences has investigated cases in the past 10 years in which patients aged 18 or below were diagnosed with microbial keratitis, a corneal disease that can result in blindness. Results indicated that about 40% of the cases were directly related to the use of Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lens — corneal reshaping lenses that are used to control myopia — reflecting the potential risk of using such lenses. Dr. Alvin L. Young ( right ), clinical associate professor (honorary) in the department, pointed out that wearing Ortho-K lens might cause abrasions on the corneal epithelial layer, thus weakening the cornea. ‘Bacterial infection in the area of abrasion will occur if proper cleaning and hygiene procedures are not adhered to when using Ortho-K lens.’ Delayed treatment will lead to irreversible corneal scarring, endophthalmitis, or corneal perforation, resulting in devastating effects in the long run. The research team also analysed 23 cases with corneal infection caused by the use of Ortho-K lens. It was found that the patients were at a mean age of 15 and required 15 days of hospitalization on average. All patients suffered from permanent corneal scar leading to irreversible visual impairment. Prof. Clement Tham ( left ), S.H. Ho Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, said, ’Parents should consult an ophthalmologist on the treatment options for controlling myopia in their children, and should have a clear understanding of the efficacy and safety of each of these options before making a choice.’ 六百五十一中大生獲頒政府獎學金 651 CUHK Students Receive HKSAR Government Scholarships 2013至14年度,中大有一百六十八名本科及研究生獲頒香港特別行政區政府獎學金, 其中四位一年級生獲「特定地區獎學金」,此獎學金頒予來自東盟國家、印度和韓國的 非本地生,每年名額最多十個。得獎的中大生有:Kevin Jordy、胡婉琳( 右五 )、黃鴻森 ( 左四 )及卓周蝶( 左二 ),他們獲頒等同全年學費的金額。胡婉琳表示,中大的社群國 際化,提供優秀環境與世界各地人士交流,有助拓展視野。Kevin說:「獎學金讓我有機 會來中大接受一流的教育。」黃鴻森補充,獎學金使他有更多空間參加課外活動,享受 校園生活。修讀法學的卓周蝶畢業後打算留港就業,因為本地法律專業出眾。 另外,四百七十八位中大生獲頒「才藝發展獎學金」及「外展體驗獎」。前者頒予在體育 運動和競藝;音樂和表演藝術;美術、文化和設計或創新和科技領域上取得成就或展露 才華的學生,後者則資助優秀學生往海外學習、實習、服務計劃或比賽。 特區政府今年增設「展毅獎學金」,以表揚有特殊學習需要的學生迎難而上的學習毅 力,共有五名中大生獲獎。 In 2013–14, a total of 168 CUHK undergraduate and postgraduate students have received the HKSAR Government Scholarships. Among them, four freshmen have been offered the Targeted Scholarship, which is designated for non-local students from ASEAN countries, India and Korea and fully covers the annual tuition at a local university. Up to 10 awards are granted annually. The CUHK awardees were Mr. Kevin Jordy, Miss Oh Wan-lin Wendy ( 5th right ), Mr. Ooi Hon-son ( 4th left ) and Miss Toh Chew-day Edna ( 2nd left ). Wendy said the international community in CUHK has enabled students to mingle with people from all corners of the world, which helps to expand their perspectives. Kevin was grateful that he can receive world-class education at CUHK. Hon-son added that the scholarship allowed him to participate in extra-curricular activities and enjoy campus life. Pursuing a law degree, Edna hopes to develop her career here after graduation as Hong Kong’s legal system has a good reputation. In addition, 478 CUHK students have been bestowed the Talent Development Scholarship (TDS) and the Reaching Out Award (ROA). TDS is offered to students who demonstrated achievements or talent in sports and games, music and performing arts, culture, arts and design as well as innovation, science and technology, whereas the ROA supports students to participate in overseas learning, internship, service programmes or competitions. The HKSAR Government has also set up Endeavour Merit Award in 2013–14 to recognize the extra effort made by meritorious students with special educational needs in overcoming challenges in their post-secondary education. A total of five CUHK students received the awards.