Newsletter No. 442
這個夏天我在馬來西亞和中國大陸部分城市 舉辦招生說明會。圖中的我正在向吉隆坡中華 獨立中學介紹中大。我向這些大馬學生解釋, 香港中文大學並非只教中文的大學,而是全面 的研究型大學,也是香港唯一採取兩文三語制 的大學。教學語言多元化,與大馬社會十分相 似。 — 入學及學生資助處處長王淑英教授 I was in Malaysia and some parts of China for student recruitment activities. In this photo I was introducing students of Chong Hwa Independent High School, Kuala Lumpur to CUHK. I told them the Chinese University is much more than what its name implies. It is a comprehensive research university, and the only university in Hong Kong that adopts the ‘biliterate and trilingual’ policy. The diversity of languages of instruction resembles that of the Malaysian society. — Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid 我參加了歐洲核子研究組織CERN的暑期學生計劃,其間出席高能物理講座,參觀粒子探測 器,並參與研究項目。我認識了來自不同文化的朋輩,大家就各種話題分享想法。 — 物理系學生譚博浩 I took part in the Summer Student Programme at CERN. I attended high energy physics lectures, visited particle detectors and participated in research project. I also met students from different cultures and we shared our ideas on a lot of issues. — Mr. Benny Tam, physics student 我在納米比亞自駕遊兩週,某天早上去跟拍美洲豹,很不容易,因為美洲 豹愛穿行於茂密的灌木叢。很慶幸能拍到這隻美洲豹的倩影,特別在她 外出物色早餐之際。這種機會可一不可再。— 生物醫學學院慧凱倫教授 During a self-drive holiday for two weeks in Namibia, we went leopard tracking on a morning. This was very difficult, as leopards like to walk among thicker bush. We were so lucky to get a good view of this leopard when she was out looking for her breakfast. No second chances here. — Prof. Helen Wise, School of Biomedical Sciences 4 442 • 4.9.2014 這個夏天,我乘着熱氣球升上土耳其加柏都斯亞奇石林的高空,觀賞壯麗日出,那裏 的自然景觀與人文歷史融合得天衣無縫。此圖由我的寶貝女兒清揚拍攝。 — 聯合書院院務主任李雷寶玲女士 I flew in a hot air balloon to watch the sensational sunrise in Cappadocia, Turkey, where nature and history come together beautifully. The photograph is taken by my beloved daughter, Katherine. — Mrs. Christina Li, College Secretary of United College
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